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Nik Is Legend

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  1. I'm trying to build a membership directory that will allow users to query, and order the list of members. Before I start coding this, I'm curious to know if anyone has come across a read only phpmyadmin (but more user friendly) form of a db interface. Thanks, Nik
  2. Hey all- I need to be able to search my db table for values selected from a series of menus. My plan for building the query seems...crude. I plan to check the content of the submitted variables, based on these results I will join generic query strings together. Does this make sense, if no any recommendations?
  3. I'm relatively new to php and I've been having some problems trying to make a simple form. When submitted it takes me to form.php, but it doesn't look like its being processed by the server. It prints out the code, instead of the processed information. I've included both files I'm working with and my phpinfo(). Thanks. order.html <html><body> <h4>Tizag Art Supply Order Form</h4> <form action="form.php" method="post"> <select id="item"> <option>Paint</option> <option>Brushes</option> <option>Erasers</option> </select> Quantity: <input id="quantity" type="text" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> </body></html> form.php <html><body> <?php $quantity = $_POST['quantity']; $item = $_POST['item']; echo "You ordered ". $quantity . " " . $item . ".<br />"; echo "Thank you for ordering from Tizag Art Supplies!"; ?> </body></html> Version Apache/2.0.59 (Unix) PHP/5.2.6 DAV/2 allow_call_time_pass_reference On On allow_url_fopen On On allow_url_include Off Off always_populate_raw_post_data Off Off arg_separator.input & & arg_separator.output & & asp_tags Off Off auto_append_file no value no value auto_globals_jit On On auto_prepend_file no value no value browscap no value no value default_charset no value no value default_mimetype text/html text/html define_syslog_variables Off Off disable_classes no value no value disable_functions no value no value display_errors Off Off display_startup_errors Off Off doc_root no value no value docref_ext no value no value docref_root no value no value enable_dl On On error_append_string no value no value error_log /Applications/MAMP/logs/php_error.log /Applications/MAMP/logs/php_error.log error_prepend_string no value no value error_reporting 6143 6143 expose_php On On extension_dir /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20050922/ /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20050922/ file_uploads On On highlight.bg #FFFFFF #FFFFFF highlight.comment #FF8000 #FF8000 highlight.default #0000BB #0000BB highlight.html #000000 #000000 highlight.keyword #007700 #007700 highlight.string #DD0000 #DD0000 html_errors On On ignore_repeated_errors Off Off ignore_repeated_source Off Off ignore_user_abort Off Off implicit_flush Off Off include_path .:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/lib/php .:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/lib/php log_errors On On log_errors_max_len 1024 1024 magic_quotes_gpc On On magic_quotes_runtime Off Off magic_quotes_sybase Off Off mail.force_extra_parameters no value no value max_execution_time 30 30 max_input_nesting_level 64 64 max_input_time 60 60 memory_limit 8M 8M open_basedir no value no value output_buffering no value no value output_handler no value no value post_max_size 32M 32M precision 12 12 realpath_cache_size 16K 16K realpath_cache_ttl 120 120 register_argc_argv On On register_globals On On register_long_arrays On On report_memleaks On On report_zend_debug On On safe_mode Off Off safe_mode_exec_dir no value no value safe_mode_gid Off Off safe_mode_include_dir no value no value sendmail_from no value no value sendmail_path /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i serialize_precision 100 100 short_open_tag On On SMTP localhost localhost smtp_port 25 25 sql.safe_mode Off Off track_errors Off Off unserialize_callback_func no value no value upload_max_filesize 32M 32M upload_tmp_dir /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php /Applications/MAMP/tmp/php user_dir no value no value variables_order EGPCS EGPCS xmlrpc_error_number 0 0 xmlrpc_errors Off Off y2k_compliance On On zend.ze1_compatibility_mode Off Off
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