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  1. i am trying a search with levenshtein but m stuck with a serious problem.The field "topic" in the database is a string of more than one word which m not able to solve with the type of search i am doing here.had there been one word in the string it would be fine but for such case its a total failure. i also need to use the soundex() or some similar function as the entries in my database are no similar.and again one more problem php 4.4.2 that m using is case sensitive so levenshtein is not working fine. m totally stuck.please fix the code.here is the code ........................................................................... <?php // input misspelled word $trimmed=@$_GET['q']; $input=trim($trimmed); $arrWords=explode(" ",$input); if(sizeof($arrWords)==0||$input==""){ echo"enter keyword"; echo"<a href=\"lev.php\">click here</a>"; } $m=sizeof($arrWords); echo"nkdkf$m"; $shortest = -1; mysql_connect("localhost","root"); @mysql_select_db(test); //foreach ($arrWords as $trimm){ //$query1 = "SELECT topic FROM forum_question WHERE topic LIKE \"%$trimm%\" ORDER BY id DESC" ; $query1="select topic from forum_question"; $result1=mysql_query($query1); $i=0; $count=0; while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result1)){ $topic[$i]=$r["topic"]; //echo $topic,"\n"; //echo"<br>"; //$toopic=explode(" ",$topic); //$n=sizeof($toopic); //for($k=0;$k<$n;$k++){ //$toopic[$i][$k]=$toopic[$k]; //echo $toopic[$i][$k]; //} $i++; $count++; } //foreach ($topic as $word) { $i=0; for($i=0;$i<$m;$i++){ for($j=0;$j<9;$j++){ //for($k=0;$k<$n;$k++){ $lev = levenshtein($arrWords[$i], $topic[$j]); echo"$lev\n\n"; if ($lev == 0) { // closest word is this one (exact match) $closest = $topic[$j]; $shortest = 0; // break out of the loop; we've found an exact match break; } if ($lev <= $shortest || $shortest < 0) { // set the closest match, and shortest distance $closest = $topic[$j]; $shortest = $lev; } } echo "Input word: $arrWords[$i]\n"; if ($shortest == 0) { echo "Exact match found: $closest\n"; } else { echo "Did you mean: $closest?\n"; } $closest=""; $shortest=-1; } ?>
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