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Posts posted by PravinS
try openiviter
might this will help you
yes it can be done, try this functions
function loadsite(e) { if (!e) e = window.event; if (e.keyCode) { if (e.keyCode == "27") { setTimeout('openurl()',10000); } } } function openurl() { window.location.href = 'SITE_URL'; }
first function is to check key code and if key is ESC key, then after some time interval(10000 = 10 seconds) it will call openurl() function, which is given next function
now write below given code at the end of the page, it will check the key event and will call the loadsite() function
document.onkeydown = loadsite;
also you can check setTimout function reference here
may this will help you
verify your SELECT query by executiig it in phpmyadmin
Use FROM_UNIXTIME() MySQL function
try using like this
$serial->sendMessage("The big Brown Fox jumped over the cold lazey dog <br>");
explained with examples
you can check other function too
@dweb, the function given by Psycho should work now
@Psycho, thanks for noticing the issue of "0" at first and last position
you can also set memory limit using ini_set function on that page like this
use javascript replace function
var elm = document.getElementById('fieldx').value; elm.replace("0","");
after replacing "0" from string it will give output as "1,,23,,99", now replace ",," to blank
try this
<td style="font-size: 100%;"><b>Weather History for' echo date("D M jS"); '</b></td>
above line should be like this
<td style="font-size: 100%;"><b>Weather History for '.date("D M jS").'</b></td>
You can disable notice error through php.ini file or you need to declare every variable at top.
And regarding warning errors (line 161,162), you need to give read, write permission to folder "/home/venzo/public_html/admin/files/"
may this will help you
You need to call slideit() after callnow() function where ever you want to use the slide show or else u can call slideit() function in callnow() function, then u don't need to call slideit() function after callnow() function.
may this will help you.
you can use image tag instead of input tag and can submit using javascript
<img src="img/progress.png" onclick="document.FORMNAME.submit();">
give 100% percent width to table tag and use align="right" in td tag
i think it will not work through phpmyadmin, you can use sqlyog (MySQL GUI Tools), download it from here
now when you will execute multiple queries in sqlyog query editor, it will give you multiple result in different tabs below the editor, now you will need to export this result one by one in which ever format you want (i.e. csv,sql etc.)
may this will help you
try using DATABASENAME.TABLENAME in you select query like this
SELECT `NickName`,`FirstName`,`LastName`,`Email` FROM DATABASENAME.Profiles;
replace tilt(`) character with quote (") in the line
return trim( "file -bi $f" );
first check ftp_connect, is connection working properly with given details
replace this line
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server);
with and check the connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Couldn't connect to $ftp_server");
so to avoid reloading a page you should use AJAX
refer this url:
First option is that you can submit the form to search.php page on onchange event of textbox
And second you can use AJAX
issue with manual connection to database
in PHP Coding Help
you need web server (APACHE server) to execute PHP code, you can install WAMP or XAMPP on your local machine and can execute PHP script