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  1. Thanks for the reply Mark Baker, It sets to how many products it will show, but for the same row, I was wondering, if I remove the table ( <table cellspacing="0" class="recently-list" id="recently-compared-list-table"> ) the products are displayed 1 per row, so from here I can implement another code, what do you think?
  2. Hi ppl, I'm a newbie here! I need some help from the gurus here, I know that this is possibly not very dificult, but I can't do it. this is the code: <?php if (($_products = $this->getProductCollection()) && $_products->getSize()): ?> <div class="box recently"> <h3><?php echo $this->__('New Products') ?></h3> <table cellspacing="0" class="recently-list" id="recently-compared-list-table"> <tr> <?php $i=0; foreach ($_products->getItems() as $_product): ?> <?php if ($i>9): continue; endif; ?> <td> </tr> <div> <a href="<?php echo $_product->getProductUrl() ?>" title="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getName()) ?>"> <img class="product-image" src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'small_image')->resize(80, 77) ?>" width="80" height="77" alt="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getName()) ?>" /> </a> </div> <p><a class="product-name" href="<?php echo $_product->getProductUrl() ?>" title="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getName()) ?>)"><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getName()) ?></a></p> <?php echo $this->getReviewsSummaryHtml($_product, 'short') ?> <?php echo $this->getPriceHtml($_product) ?> <?php if($_product->isSaleable()): ?> <button class="form-comprar" onclick="setLocation('<?php echo $this->getAddToCartUrl($_product) ?>')"><span><img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinURL('images/comprar.png')?>" /></span></button> <?php else: ?> <div class="out-of-stock"><?php echo $this->__('Out of stock') ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="clear"></div> <p class="add-to"> <?php if ($this->helper('wishlist')->isAllow()) : ?> <a href="<?php echo $this->getAddToWishlistUrl($_product) ?>" class="link-cart"><?php echo $this->__('Add to Wishlist') ?></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($_compareUrl=$this->getAddToCompareUrl($_product)): ?><br /> <a href="<?php echo $_compareUrl ?>"><?php echo $this->__('Add to Compare') ?></a> <?php endif; ?> </p> </td> <?php $i++; endforeach; ?> <?php for($i;$i%9!=0;$i++): ?> <td> </td> <?php endfor ?> </table> </div> <?php endif; ?> Its limiting it to display 10 products, but the products are only displayed in the same rows. So I wan't to add 2 more rows, 4 per row. Can anyone help me implementing this? Thanks in advance, Best regards L. Nunes
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