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Posts posted by homchz

  1. The Visage Hosting gradient, outlined, contoured, over a drop shadow is a but much for me.

    I am not abig fan of all the colors for each section, I think everything would look good as the. "Build your own plan" header.

    I like the way the curve fades behind the nav, but no how it reappears under it, in full again. I think it should fade behind and stay behind.

    It does not validate, 17 errors I think, but what does that mean?? Almost every "popular" site on the web does not validate, only us geeks seem to point that out all the time :lol: It is built with tables, which I am not a fan of but again..

    Express Yourself is hard to read, because of all the effect and the size.

    That's all I got.

    Not bad but, I see room for visual improvement
  2. can we see the HTML.

    You are not clearing your floats, the easiest way I know of around this is to creatre a new div called.


    Then place this line just above the closing </div> for your layer containing all the floats.

    <div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>

  3. I think that is an issue with using frontpage. I remember seeing an extention at the DW site for FrontPage import, so that FrontPage pages will work in DW.

    In DW you have to designate the folder you are using, in the Site Manager.

    I suggest looking in "Getting Started With Dreamwaever" in the help menu.

  4. Not sure if it is a bug but floats can be tricky. I actually think it is an IE bug, if you think about it a float is supposed to do just that, and have no borders, and must be cleared to work correctly. IE just sees it as an overlying div.

    This is how I clear all my floats if they need it.

    NP,man CSS issues can be fun to solve. Luckily I had the time tonight.

  5. create a class called clear or whatever you want

    give it a font size of 1 and clear: both;

    just above the div that is supposed to strech and put &nbsp; inside the div.

    it is a hack but should work.
  6. I did it a little differently with my blog.

    I placed all the category id's in one field, buy using check box form fields while posting

    Then when I want to get the category list I used this function

    function get_categories($tid)
                print "<div class='blog_cat'>";
                print "Categories:&nbsp; ";
                $this->table = "blog_posts";
                $this->query = mysql_query("SELECT categories from $this->table WHERE topic_id = $tid");
                while ($this->result = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->query))
                    global $cat;
                    $cat = $this->result['categories'];
                $c_id = explode(",", $cat);

                $number = count($c_id);
                foreach($c_id as $cid)
                    $table = "blog_category";
                    $query = mysql_query("SELECT cid, category FROM $table WHERE cid = $cid");
                    while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query))
                        $c_name = array($result['category'] => $result['cid']);
                        foreach($c_name as $cat_name => $id)
                            print "<a href='http://localhost/JoshuaJones/blog/index.php?page=archive&amp;archive=category&amp;cid=$id'>$cat_name</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  7. Have to agree with Ober on many points.

    The scrolling is hard to look at. Though I do kind of like the way the words in the logo scroll.

    The gradient menus are to harsh of a change and the text is very hard to read.

    In larger resoultions you have a lot of dead space where it looks like something should be. I am hoping you are planning on a right column to match the left. or making the footer and nav a bit shorter, to match the news boxes.

    The only things I would see as professional on this site is the logo, everything after that seems amaturish to me. Not really the image a business wants to display.

  8. Yeah, I had to chave it to this
    function pay_cron()
            $sql = mysql_query("SELECT uid, gold, salary FROM p_users WHERE occupation != '0'")or die(mysql_error());
            while($results = mysql_fetch_object($sql))
                $uid[]    = $results->uid;
                $gold[]   = $results->gold;
                $salary[] = $results->salary;
                $num      = count($uid);
                 for($i=0; $i<$num; $i++)
                    $pay = ($gold[$i]+$salary[$i]);
                    $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE p_users SET gold = '$pay' WHERE uid = '$uid[$i]'")or die(mysql_error());
                    $update = mysql_query($sql);
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