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  1. hi everyone i have this problem which i cannot get the right link to download it seems encoded when i use the curl when i click on the website link to go in i can download the file can anyone slove this ? is this something to do with the useragent ? And can i know how do i make it download manually into the serverit self ? from tube8 ? please advise thanks in advanced $userAgent ='# IE 6 - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)'; $url = "http://removed/"; $ch = curl_init(); // initialize curl handle curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); // set url to post to curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $userAgent); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);// allow redirects //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // return into a variable curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); // times out after 4s //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // set POST method //curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "url=index%3Dbooks&field-keywords=PHP+MYSQL"); // add POST fields $result = curl_exec($ch); // run the whole process curl_close($ch); echo $result;
  2. Hi i have made a website which is holding alot of videos lets say i am targeting a porn site which have updates everyday. for example [LINK REMOVED] how do i use a curl to read the latest fields in the website and do a auto login to then to the specific web page to download the file then after that use my ffmpeg code to convert it and upload to my website after the conversion? can anyone please advise ?
  3. err no basically no errors but i need it to like pop up and say hey your times up please proceed to your marked questions and you can see a sample here http://www.baddot.com/quiz/index.php username admin password admin when u logged in it will show a test paper when i clicked on set a i will then go to the page where by it says Description for set A and time limit and etc so when i start the quiz it goes to the quiz page and the time limit: 2 seconds just stucked there and it wont move at all
  4. hi can i know why is my timer script not working where went wrong ? can anyone help me ? heres the javascript part <script language="javascript"> var timerDown = new Number(); var timerDown = <?=$qset['timeset']?>; var timeremaining; alert("<?=getlang("questionstarttest",1)?>"); setTimeout("startCountdown()",1000); function startCountdown(){ if(timerDown==0){ numberCountdown.innerText = "<?=getlang("questionendtest",1)?>"; timerDown = -1; document.forms[0].reset(); document.forms[0].submit(); } if((timerDown - 1) >= 0){ timerDown = timerDown - 1; timeremaining = "Time Remaining: "+timerDown+" seconds"; numberCountdown.innerText = timeremaining; window.status = timeremaining; setTimeout("startCountdown()",999); } } </script> and heres my code with my php <?php include_once('extension.inc'); include_once('lib/constants' . PHPEX); include_once('lib/database' . PHPEX); include_once('lib/login' . PHPEX); include_once('lib/output' . PHPEX); createHead("Questions"); openDB(); //Define Constants if( getCfgVal("inline_images") == 1 ){ DEFINE ('INLINE_IMAGES', TRUE); } else{ DEFINE ('INLINE_IMAGES', FALSE); } if( getCfgVal("javascript_checking") == 1){ DEFINE ('JAVASCRIPT_CHECKING', TRUE); } else{ DEFINE ('JAVASCRIPT_CHECKING', FALSE); } if( !isset($_GET['id']) || $_GET['id'] == ""){ $getSets = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sets ORDER BY id"); ?> <div class="pagehead big">Questions</div> <form name="getquestions" action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="get"> <div class="pagehead"><?=getlang("questionselectquestionset",1)?></div> <select name="id"> <option value=""><?=getlang("questionselectaset",1)?></option> <?php while($agetSets = mysql_fetch_array($getSets)){ echo "<option value=\"".$agetSets['id']."\">".$agetSets['id'].". ".$agetSets['name']."</option>"; } ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="<?=getlang("questionselect",1)?>" /> </form> <?php createTail(); exit; } $no = $_GET['id']; if( isset($_POST['rating']) && $_POST['rating'] != ""){ mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ratings WHERE userid='".user2id(USERNAME)."' AND setid='".$no."'"); if( mysql_affected_rows() >= 1){ geterror("questionratedbefore"); } mysql_query("INSERT INTO ratings SET userid='".user2id(USERNAME)."', setid='".$no."', rating='".$_POST['rating']."'"); getok("questionratingsubmitted"); exit; } $submitted = ""; $quesReport = getlang("questionmailanswers",1)."\n"; $quesRight = ""; $quesWrong = ""; if(isset($_POST['submitted'])){ $submitted = $_POST['submitted']; $points = 0; } //:: //::Error Checking //:: $qcheck = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as numfound FROM sets WHERE id='".$no."'")); $qncheck = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as numfound FROM questions WHERE setid='".$no."'")); $qnnos = $qncheck['numfound']; $setcheck = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sets WHERE id='".$no."'")); $userid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='".USERNAME."'")); $userid = $userid['id']; $tries = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as numfound FROM statistics WHERE setid='".$no."' AND userid='".$userid."'")); if($qcheck['numfound'] < 1){ geterror("questioninvalidset"); } if($qncheck['numfound'] < 1){ geterror("questionnoquestions"); } if($setcheck['isopen'] == 0){ geterror("questionsetclosed"); } if($setcheck['tries'] != 0){ if($tries['numfound'] >= $setcheck['tries']){ geterror("questionmaximumtries"); } } $qset = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sets WHERE id='".$no."'"); $qset = mysql_fetch_array($qset); if($setcheck['password'] != ""){ if( !isset($_POST['password']) || ($_POST['password'] != $setcheck['password']) ){ ?> <form name="pwCheck" action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?id=<?=$no?>" method="post"> <div class="pagehead"><span class="big"><b><?=getlang("questionpasswordheader",1)?></b></span></div> <b><?=getlang("questionpasswordrequest",1)?>.</b><br /> <?=getlang("questionpassword",1)?> <input type="password" name="password" /> <input type="submit" value="<?=getlang("questionpasswordsubmit",1)?>" /> </form> <?php exit; } } if($setcheck['description'] != ""){ if( !isset($_POST['description']) || $_POST['description'] != 1 ){ ?> <div class="pagehead"><span class="big"><b><?=getlang("questiondescription",1)?><?= $setcheck['name'] ?></b></span></div> <form name="descCheck" action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?id=<?=$no?>" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td class="ltext"><b><?=getlang("questioninstructions",1)?></b></td> <td class="rtext"><?= nl2br($setcheck['description']) ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ltext"><b><?=getlang("questiondisplayanswers",1)?></b></td> <td class="rtext"> <?php if($setcheck['answeron'] == 1){ echo "Yes"; } else{ echo "No"; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ltext"><b><?=getlang("questiontimelimit",1)?></b></td> <td class="rtext"> <?php if($qset['timeset'] != 0){ echo $setcheck['timeset']." seconds"; echo " (~".round($setcheck['timeset']/60)." minutes)"; } else{ echo getlang("questiontimeunlimited",1); } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="submit" colspan="2"> <input type="hidden" name="password" value="<?=$setcheck['password']?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="description" value="1" /> <input type="submit" value="<?=getlang("questionquizstart",1)?>" style="font-size: larger;" /></div> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php createTail(); exit; } } if( $qset['timeset'] != 0 && $submitted != 1){ ?> <script language="javascript"> var timerDown = new Number(); var timerDown = <?=$qset['timeset']?>; var timeremaining; alert("<?=getlang("questionstarttest",1)?>"); setTimeout("startCountdown()",1000); function startCountdown(){ if(timerDown==0){ numberCountdown.innerText = "<?=getlang("questionendtest",1)?>"; timerDown = -1; document.forms[0].reset(); document.forms[0].submit(); } if((timerDown - 1) >= 0){ timerDown = timerDown - 1; timeremaining = "Time Remaining: "+timerDown+" seconds"; numberCountdown.innerText = timeremaining; window.status = timeremaining; setTimeout("startCountdown()",999); } } </script> <?php } $phpself = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; $o_setname = $qset['name']; $o_setcreator = $qset['creator']; $o_description = $qset['description']; $o_answeron = ""; if($qset['answeron'] == 1){ $o_answeron = "<b>".getlang("questiondisplayanswers",1)."</b> On "; } else{ $o_answeron = "<b>".getlang("questiondisplayanswers",1)."</b> Off "; } $o_timeleft = ""; if($qset['timeset'] != 0){ $o_timeleft = "<b>".getlang("questiontimelimit",1)."</b> ".$qset['timeset']." seconds<br />"; } else{ $o_timeleft = "<b>".getlang("questiontimelimit",1)."</b> ".getlang("questiontimeunlimited",1)."<br />"; } //Output Questions Header eval("echo \"".stripslashes(getTemplate("question_header"))."\";"); //echo '<input type="hidden" name="password2" value="'.base64_encode($setcheck['password']).'" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="password" value="'.$setcheck['password'].'" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="description" value="1" />'; $ordering = ""; switch ( $qset['questionorder'] ){ case "1": break; case "2": $ordering = "ORDER BY id DESC"; break; case "3": $ordering = "ORDER BY question"; break; case "4": $ordering = "ORDER BY question DESC"; break; case "5": mysql_query("SELECT * FROM questions WHERE setid='".$no."'"); $order_limit = mysql_num_rows(); $ordering = "ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ".$order_limit; break; default: break; } if($qset['questionnumber'] != 0){ $ordering = "ORDER BY RAND()"; } $question = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM questions WHERE setid='".$no."' $ordering"); $submitvalue = ""; if($submitted == 1){ $submitvalue = "disabled=\"disabled\""; } $javascriptcheck = ""; $i = 0; $j = 1; while($aquestion = mysql_fetch_array($question) ){ if($qset['questionnumber'] != 0 && $j-1 == $qset['questionnumber']){ break; } $i = $aquestion['id']; $type = "N/A"; if( $aquestion['ismcq'] == 1 ){ if( $aquestion['ismultiple'] == 1 ){ $type = "Multiple Selection"; } else{ $type = "Single Selection"; } } else{ $type = "Short Answer"; } $o_question = nl2br($aquestion['question']); $o_image = ""; if($aquestion['image'] != "" && !INLINE_IMAGES){ $o_image = '<span class="indent">'; $o_image .= '<a href="viewimage'.PHPEX.'?id='.$aquestion['id'].'" target="_blank"><img src="img/image.png" alt="Image">'; $o_image .= '<img src="viewimage'.PHPEX.'?id='.$aquestion['id'].'" alt="'.getlang("questionimagenlarge",1).'" height="10" width="10"/>'; $o_image .= '</a>'; $o_image .= '</span>'; } eval("echo \"".getTemplate("question_bit_top")."\";"); if( $aquestion['image'] != "" && INLINE_IMAGES){ ?> <b>Image:</b><br /> <img src="viewimage<?=PHPEX?>?id=<?=$aquestion['id']?>" alt="Picture" /><br /> <?php } if( $aquestion['ismcq'] == 1 ){ if( $aquestion['ismultiple'] == 1 ){ $theFormat = 'checked="checked"'; $mcq1 = ""; $mcq2 = ""; $mcq3 = ""; $mcq4 = ""; $mcq5 = ""; if($_POST["qns1$i"] == 1){ $mcq1 = $theFormat; } if($_POST["qns2$i"] == 2){ $mcq2 = $theFormat; } if($_POST["qns3$i"] == 3){ $mcq3 = $theFormat; } if($_POST["qns4$i"] == 4){ $mcq4 = $theFormat; } if($_POST["qns5$i"] == 5){ $mcq5 = $theFormat; } //Output Questions if($aquestion['sol1'] != ""){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="qns1<?= $i ?>" value="1" <?= $mcq1 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>1. </b><?= $aquestion['sol1'] ?><br /> <?php } if($aquestion['sol2'] != ""){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="qns2<?= $i ?>" value="2" <?= $mcq2 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>2. </b><?= $aquestion['sol2'] ?><br /> <?php } if($aquestion['sol3'] != ""){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="qns3<?= $i ?>" value="3" <?= $mcq3 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>3. </b><?= $aquestion['sol3'] ?><br /> <?php } if($aquestion['sol4'] != ""){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="qns4<?= $i ?>" value="4" <?= $mcq4 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>4. </b><?= $aquestion['sol4'] ?><br /> <?php } if($aquestion['sol5'] != ""){ ?> <input type="checkbox" name="qns5<?= $i ?>" value="5" <?= $mcq5 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>5. </b><?= $aquestion['sol5'] ?><br /> <?php } if($submitted == 1){ //Get $mcqAns $mcqAns = ""; if($_POST["qns1$i"] == 1){ $mcqAns = $mcqAns."1"; } if($_POST["qns2$i"] == 2){ $mcqAns = $mcqAns."2"; } if($_POST["qns3$i"] == 3){ $mcqAns = $mcqAns."3"; } if($_POST["qns4$i"] == 4){ $mcqAns = $mcqAns."4"; } if($_POST["qns5$i"] == 5){ $mcqAns = $mcqAns."5"; } //Check $mcqAns if($mcqAns == $aquestion['solution']){ if($qset['answeron'] == 1){ q_right(); } $points++; $quesRight .= " $i"; } else{ if($qset['answeron'] == 1){ q_wrong(); $therightquestions = preg_split('//', $aquestion['solution'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); getlang("questionlookingfor",2); $rightcount = 0; while($rightcount < count($therightquestions)){ echo $therightquestions[$rightcount]." "; $rightcount++; } echo "<br />"; if($aquestion['solexp'] != ""){ echo '<br />'; echo '<span class="small">'.getlang("questionexplanation",1).$aquestion['solexp'].'</span>'; } $quesWrong .= " $i"; } } if(isset($_POST['emailResults']) && $_POST['emailResults'] == 1 && $qset['answeron'] == 1){ $quesReport .= "Question $i (".$aquestion['question']."), the answer was ".$aquestion['solution']." (".$aquestion['solexp'].")\n"; } } } else{ $theFormat = 'checked="checked"'; $mcq1 = ""; $mcq2 = ""; $mcq3 = ""; $mcq4 = ""; $mcq5 = ""; if( isset($_POST["qn$i"])){ switch ($_POST["qn$i"]){ case 1: $mcq1 = $theFormat; break; case 2: $mcq2 = $theFormat; break; case 3: $mcq3 = $theFormat; break; case 4: $mcq4 = $theFormat; break; case 5: $mcq5 = $theFormat; break; default: break; } } //Output Question if($aquestion['sol1'] != ""){ ?> <input type="radio" name="qn<?= $i ?>" value="1" <?= $mcq1 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>1. </b><?= $aquestion['sol1'] ?><br /> <?php } if($aquestion['sol2'] != ""){ ?> <input type="radio" name="qn<?= $i ?>" value="2" <?= $mcq2 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>2. </b><?= $aquestion['sol2'] ?><br /> <?php } if($aquestion['sol3'] != ""){ ?> <input type="radio" name="qn<?= $i ?>" value="3" <?= $mcq3 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>3. </b><?= $aquestion['sol3'] ?><br /> <?php } if($aquestion['sol4'] != ""){ ?> <input type="radio" name="qn<?= $i ?>" value="4" <?= $mcq4 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>4. </b><?= $aquestion['sol4'] ?><br /> <?php } if($aquestion['sol5'] != ""){ ?> <input type="radio" name="qn<?= $i ?>" value="5" <?= $mcq5 ?> <?= $submitvalue ?>><b>5. </b><?= $aquestion['sol5'] ?><br /> <?php } if($submitted == 1){ //Check Answer $mcqAns = substr($aquestion['solution'],0,1); if($_POST["qn$i"] == $mcqAns){ if($qset['answeron'] == 1){ q_right(); } $points++; $quesRight .= " $i"; } else{ if($qset['answeron'] == 1){ q_wrong(); echo getlang("questionlookingfor",1).$aquestion['solution']; if($aquestion['solexp'] != ""){ echo '<br />'; echo '<span class="small">'.getlang("questionexplanation",1).$aquestion['solexp'].'</span>'; } $quesWrong .= " $i"; } } if(isset($_POST['emailResults']) && $_POST['emailResults'] == 1 && $qset['answeron'] == 1){ $quesReport .= "Question $i (".$aquestion['question']."), the answer was ".$aquestion['solution']."(".$aquestion['solexp'].")\n"; } } } } else{ $sa = ""; if($_POST["qn$i"] != ""){ $sa = $_POST["qn$i"]; } ?> <input type="text" name="qn<?= $i ?>" value="<?= $sa ?>" size="60" maxlength="500" <?= $submitvalue ?>> <?php if($submitted == 1){ //Check Answer $saAns = strtoupper($_POST["qn$i"]); $check1 = 0; $check2 = 0; $check3 = 0; $check4 = 0; $check5 = 0; if($aquestion['sol1'] != "" && substr_count($saAns,$aquestion['sol1']) >= 1){ $check1 = 1; } if($aquestion['sol2'] != "" && substr_count($saAns,$aquestion['sol2']) >= 1){ $check2 = 1; } if($aquestion['sol3'] != "" && substr_count($saAns,$aquestion['sol3']) >= 1){ $check3 = 1; } if($aquestion['sol4'] != "" && substr_count($saAns,$aquestion['sol4']) >= 1){ $check4 = 1; } if($aquestion['sol5'] != "" && substr_count($saAns,$aquestion['sol5']) >= 1){ $check5 = 1; } if($aquestion['isoe'] == 1){ if($check1==1||$check2==1||$check3==1||$check4==1||$check5==1){ q_right(); $points++; $quesRight .= " $i"; } else if($qset['answeron'] == 1){ q_wrong(); $quesWrong .= " $i"; echo getlang("questionlookingfor",1).$aquestion['sol1'].' '.$aquestion['sol2'].' '.$aquestion['sol3'].' '.$aquestion['sol4'].' '.$aquestion['sol5']; if($aquestion['solexp'] != ""){ echo '<br />'; echo '<span class="small">'.getlang("questionexplanation",1).$aquestion['solexp'].'</span>'; } } } else{ $varChk = 1; if($aquestion['sol1'] != "" && $check1 != 1){ $varChk = 0; } if($aquestion['sol2'] != "" && $check2 != 1){ $varChk = 0; } if($aquestion['sol3'] != "" && $check3 != 1){ $varChk = 0; } if($aquestion['sol4'] != "" && $check4 != 1){ $varChk = 0; } if($aquestion['sol5'] != "" && $check5 != 1){ $varChk = 0; } if( $varChk == 1 ){ if($qset['answeron'] == 1){ q_right(); } $points++; $quesRight .= " $i"; } else if($qset['answeron'] == 1){ q_wrong(); $quesWrong .= " $i"; echo getlang("questionlookingfor",1).$aquestion['sol1'].' '.$aquestion['sol2'].' '.$aquestion['sol3'].' '.$aquestion['sol4'].' '.$aquestion['sol5']; if($aquestion['solexp'] != ""){ echo '<br />'; echo '<span class="small">'.getlang("questionexplanation",1).$aquestion['solexp'].'</span>'; } } } if(isset($_POST['emailResults']) && $_POST['emailResults'] == 1 && $qset['answeron'] == 1){ $quesReport .= "Question $i (".$aquestion['question']."), the answers were ".$aquestion['sol1']." ".$aquestion['sol2']." ".$aquestion['sol3']." ".$aquestion['sol4']." ".$aquestion['sol5']."(".$aquestion['solexp'].")\n"; } } elseif(JAVASCRIPT_CHECKING){ $javascriptcheck .= "if(document.forms[0].qn$i.value == \"\"){ alert(\"Question $i was not filled in\"); document.forms[0].qn$i.focus();}\n"; } } eval("echo \"".getTemplate("question_bit_footer")."\";"); $j++; } //Output Questions Footer $noblanks = ""; if(JAVASCRIPT_CHECKING){ $noblanks = "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\nfunction checkBlanks(){\n$javascriptcheck\nalert(\"Question Checking Done.\");\n}\n</script>\n<input type=\"button\" value=\"Check for Blanks\" onclick=\"checkBlanks()\" />"; } eval("echo \"".getTemplate("question_footer")."\";"); if($submitted == 1){ echo "<table style=\"background-color: #CCCCCC;\"><tr><td class=\"ltext\" style=\"border-right: 2pt solid black;\"><span class=\"big\"><b>"; echo "Total:"; if($points != ""){ echo $points; } else{ echo "0"; } echo "/"; echo $qnnos; $percentile = round($points/$qnnos*100); echo "(".$percentile."%)"; echo "</b></span>"; echo "</td><td class=\"rtext\" style=\"border-left: 2pt solid black;\">"; echo "<img src=\"scoregfx.php?ts=".base64_encode($qset['name'])."&nm=".base64_encode(USERNAME)."&px=".base64_encode($percentile)."\" alt=\"Right-Click To Save the Picture!\">"; echo "</td></tr></table>"; ?> <div class="small" style="border: 1px solid #EEEEEE; padding: 2px;"> <?php if( trim($qset['passpercent']) != "" ){ ?> <div class="medium" style="background-color: #EEEEEE;" align="center"><b><?=getlang("questionpassinformation",1)?></b></div> <?php if($percentile >= $qset['passpercent']){ echo getlang("questionpassed",1).$qset['passpercent'].".<br />"; echo $qset['passinfo']; echo "<br /><br />"; $quesReport .= getlang("questionpassed2")."\n"; $quesReport .= $qset['passinfo']."\n"; } else{ echo getlang("questionfailed",1).$qset['passpercent']; echo "<br /><br />"; $quesReport .= getlang("questionfailed2")."\n"; } } ?> <div class="medium" style="background-color: #EEEEEE;" align="center"><b><?=getlang("questionactions",1)?></b></div> <form name="rateQS" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>?id=<?=$no?>" method="post"> <b><?=getlang("questionrate")?></b> <select name="rating"> <option value="5">Excellent</option> <option value="4">Good</option> <option value="3">Average</option> <option value="2">Fair</option> <option value="1">Poor</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Rate!" /><br /> <a href="statistics.php?id=<?=$no?>"><?=getlang("questionstatisticsview",1)?></a><br /> <a href="comments.php?id=<?=$no?>"><?=getlang("questionscommentsview",1)?></a><br /> <a href="report<?= PHPEX ?>?type=qerror&id=<?= $no ?>"><?=getlang("questionsreporterror",1)?></a><br /> <a href="report<?= PHPEX ?>?type=qrecommend&id=<?= $no ?>"><?=getlang("questionsrecommend",1)?></a> </form> </div> <?php mysql_query("INSERT INTO statistics SET setid='".$no."', userid='".user2id(USERNAME)."', score='".$points."', totalscore='".$qnnos."', rquestions='".$quesRight."', wquestions='".$quesWrong."'"); getok("questionstatisticssubmitted"); } if(isset($_POST['emailResults']) && $_POST['emailResults'] == 1 && $user['e-mail'] != "@"){ $message = "To ".USERNAME.",\n"; $message .= "Thank You For Taking Part in the Quiz aforementioned in the subject header!\n"; $message .= $quesReport; $message .= "\nYour score was $qnnos and you got a percentile of $percentile.\n"; $message .= "Visit ".WPURL."/statistics".PHPEX."?id=".$no." to view the statistics for this quiz, or visit ".WPURL."/questions".PHPEX."?id=".$no." to try again!\n"; $message .= "Regards, the webmaster at $title"; $message .= "\nThis is a automatically generated message, and was sent at the request of ".USERNAME." at the IP Address ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].".\n"; $message .= "Date/Time: ".date("d F Y - h:i:s A"); $userEmail = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user='".USERNAME."'")); $userEmail = $userEmail['email']; mail($userEmail, $title." ".$qset['name']." Report", $message, "From: no-reply@".BASEURL."\r\n"."Reply-To: no-reply@".BASEURL."\r\n"."X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion()); getok("questionreportmailed"); } createTail(); ?> really hope that anyone could help me make this exam timer up
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