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Posts posted by contra10

  1. i'm tryin to delete messages sent to an inbox... my code is


    	echo "<tr>";
    	echo"<td><Input type = 'Checkbox' Name ='checkbox' value ='$msgid'></td>";
     echo "<td align='left' width='10%' height='50'>";
    echo"<a href ='http://localhost/profile/index.php?user=$friendid' ><img src='http://localhost/image/imagereplace.php?id=$friendid'></a>";
      echo "</td>";
    	if ($bgcc == $colorvalue){
    	echo"<td width= '90%' align='center' bgcolor='#DEDAD7'><a style='text-decoration:none' href ='http://localhost/inbox/message.php?msg=$msgid' >";
    		echo"<td width= '90%' align='center' bgcolor='black'><a style='text-decoration:none' href ='http://localhost/inbox/message.php?msg=$msgid' >";
    	echo"<FONT FACE='ariel' SIZE='3' color='#0094f7'><b>$title<br><br></font></td></tr>";
    	echo "<tr><td></td><td></td>";
    	echo "<td align='right' bgcolor='#DEDAD7'><FONT FACE='ariel' SIZE='2' color='#0094f7'>Sent by <b>$sendingusername</b> on $date</font></a></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    <input type="submit" name="delete" value="delete">
    if (isset($_POST['checkbox']) and ($_POST['delete'])) { 
    $checkboxid = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['checkbox']);	
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM inbox WHERE iid='$checkboxid'");

  2. ok that worked and i want to add an extra dropdown menu in


    <script type="text/javascript">
    // country lists
    var country = new Array();
    country['NorthAmerica'] = ['Canada'];
    country['Europe'] = ['Swiss'];
    country['Asia'] = ['China'];
    // State lists
    var states = new Array();
    states['NorthAmerica'] = new Array();
    states['NorthAmerica']['Canada'] = ['Alberta','British Columbia','Ontario'];
    states['Europe'] = new Array();
    states['Europe']['Swiss'] = ['Test'];
    states['Asia'] = new Array();
    states['Asia']['China'] = ['ChineseProvince1'];
    // City lists
    var cities = new Array();
    cities['NorthAmerica'] = new Array();
    cities['NorthAmerica']['Canada']['Alberta']          = ['Edmonton','Calgary'];
    cities['NorthAmerica']['Canada']['British Columbia'] = ['Victoria','Vancouver'];
    cities['NorthAmerica']['Canada']['Ontario']          = ['Toronto','Hamilton'];
    cities['Europe'] = new Array();
    cities['Europe']['Swiss']['Test'] = ['Zurich'];
    cities['Asia'] = new Array();
    cities['Asia']['China']['ChineseProvince1'] = ['Los Angeles','San Francisco'];
    function setCountry(){
    contSel = document.getElementById('continent');
      cntrySel = document.getElementById('country');
      stateList = states[cntrySel.value];
      changeSelect(stateSel, stateList);
    function setStates(){
    contSel = document.getElementById('continent');
      cntrySel = document.getElementById('country');
      stateSel = document.getElementById('state');
      stateList = states[contSel.value][cntrySel.value];
      changeSelect(stateSel, stateList);
    function setCities(){
    	contSel = document.getElementById('continent');
      cntrySel = document.getElementById('country');
      stateSel = document.getElementById('state');
      citySel  = document.getElementById('city');
      cityList = cities[contSel.value][cntrySel.value][stateSel.value];
      changeSelect(citySel, cityList);
    function changeSelect(fieldObj, valuesAry, optTextAry, selectedValue) {
      //Clear the select list
      fieldObj.options.length = 0;
      //Set the option text to the values if not passed
      optTextAry = (optTextAry)?optTextAry:valuesAry;
      //Itterate through the list and create the options
      for (var i=0; i<valuesAry.length; i++) {
        selectFlag = (selectedValue && selectedValue==valuesAry[i])?true:false;
        fieldObj.options[fieldObj.length] = new Option(optTextAry[i], valuesAry[i], false, selectFlag);
    <body onload="setStates();">
    <form name="test" method="POST" action="processingpage.php">
    <select name="continent" id="continent" onchange="setCountry();">
      <option value="NorthAmerica">North America</option>
      <option value="Europe">Europe</option>
      <option value="Asia">Asia</option>
    <select name="country" id="country" onchange="setStates();">
      <option value="">Please select a country</option>
    <select name="state" id="state" onchange="setCities();">
      <option value="">Please select a State/Province</option>
    <select name="city"  id="city">
      <option value="">Please select a City</option>
    that doesn't seem to transfer any values

  3. I have a dropdown menue that populates when option one is selected...how can I create a thrid option ...dropdown one output dropdown two and dropdown 2 outputs dropdown 3... I also want to use php to enter it into mysql if that is possible


    <script type="text/javascript">
    function setOptions(chosen) {
    var selbox = document.myform.opttwo;
    selbox.options.length = 0;
    if (chosen == " ") {
      selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('Please select one of the options above first',' ');
    if (chosen == "1") {
      selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('first choice - option one','oneone');
      selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('first choice - option two','onetwo');
    if (chosen == "2") {
      selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('second choice - option one','twoone');
      selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('second choice - option two','twotwo');
    if (chosen == "3") {
      selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('third choice - option one','threeone');
      selbox.options[selbox.options.length] = new Option('third choice - option two','threetwo');

  4. i can't see my images

    <style type= "text/css">
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    this is in a php file

  5. i have a code on one of my profile.php page and the css code is

    <center><div class="bl" align="center" ><div class="br"><div class="tl"><div class="tr">
    .bl {background: url(bl.png) 0 100% no-repeat #0094f7; width: 25em; height:5em; margin-center: 60px}
    .br {background: url(br.png) 100% 100% no-repeat; height: 5em;}
    .tl {background: url(tl.png) 0 0 no-repeat}
    .tr {background: url(tr.png) 100% 0 no-repeat} 


    when i include my header the border which is supposed to be


    <div class="bl" align="center" ><div class="br">
    .bl {background: url("C:\wamp\www\bl.png") 0 100% no-repeat black; width: 60em; height:2em; margin-center: 0px}
    .br {background: url("C:\wamp\www\br.png") 100% 100% no-repeat; height: 5em;}


    takes on the shape of the border on profile.php page...i checked to see if all my tags were closed and they are


  6. well i guess this is a css problem im doing a mouseover on my page and i just want a particular section to be mouse mouse over highlighted... instead my whole page has a background color ...i know i closed my tages heres my code


    <style type="text/css">
    <img src="C:\wamp\www\event.png" width="80" height="20" alt="klematis"
    onmouseout="this.style.opacity=0.4;this.filters.alpha.opacity=40" />


    everything after this code should be regular colors

  7. ok the common field is coming up... is there a way to have all the common fields echoed...i thought the while statment would do that...


    this worked for me

    $query2 = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM friends WHERE `username` ='$username' OR `username` = '$userq' ORDER BY friendname ASC";
          $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
          while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)){
          $bld = "{$row2['friendname']}";

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