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Everything posted by 28rain

  1. No ascio dont seem to own my domain though!!! I cant login to there website (mainly because there is nowhere to login) and its in denmark, and when i email them it gets sent back saying 'cant be sent because might be spam! Any other ideas people pleeeaassee!!?? Thanks
  2. So my website is www.thepunchbowl.co.uk I have just inherited this site, and given the task of making it better. So I made the site, and now need to change web hosts so I can use my PHP. Could somebody please tell me who owns my domain so I can change the DNS. Whois is being useless, see for your self, it wont point me to the correct owner. If anybody does find me the owner, could they point me to the place where i have to login, I have username & password I think Is there any other way af changing the DNS without using the owner??? Thanks Will
  3. How?? Ive been looking around (briefly I admit) but it didnt seem possible?
  4. I accidently set the vale of my price column to be a tinytext, but i want sql to be able to order the values by price when I display them. How can I order by int value? Thanks
  5. LOL soo basic, but thanks for the help, I never would have got there without you! Thanks
  6. I have a list of names in a javascript file, and I want the names to be inputted by PHP... This is the javascript: function StateSuggestions() { this.states = [ "Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas", "California", "Colorado", "Connecticut", "Delaware", "Florida", "Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois", "Indiana", "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky", "Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland", "Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota", "Mississippi", "Missouri", "Montana", "Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire", "New Mexico", "New York", "North Carolina", "North Dakota", "Ohio", "Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania", "Rhode Island", "South Carolina", "South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas", "Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia", "Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin", "Wyoming" ]; } And I want to make a list of names similar using: while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $name=stripslashes($row['name']); $display_block.="\"$name\", "; } Excetra excetra and i want $display_block to be echo'd into that javascript file... Any help please (Oh and i have never used javascript before!) Thanks
  7. For example I have a table (page_count) with fields;Page_name, date, value. And I want to extract the value from a specific Page_name and Date Ok no sense... This is what i think it might look like: $sql = "SELECT value FROM page_count WHERE date='$date' && page_name='$pagename'"; The && bit, is that possible? THanks
  8. So where's the id going to be added to? Is it adding to the session? And what about all the ? e.g cart.php?action
  9. Basically im newish to php and im having a go at making a cart, and i have already made the infastructure of the other tables. The cart tutorials are really unclear to me so does anybody know a decent tuorial or explanation to this line of code... <a href="cart.php?action=add_item&id=<?php echo $row["itemId"]; ?>&qty=1">Add Item</a> Thanks ???
  10. oh ok yeah i though it was characters not being displayed right i just dont know where they are coming from.... i think maybe from another column in the table that would explain... oh well i'll work round it!
  11. its returning 15��������� when i query this while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { // My edited version, Using sel_byid $id = stripslashes($row['id']); and then echo $id Thanks
  12. OMG such an idiot i took those off whilst i was testing! Musta fixed the error some other way and not put the wildcads back on. Sorry and Thanks
  13. There is definetly data in the table with the word jack in it. // Connect to MySQL mysql_connect("******", "*****", "*****") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("shop") or die(mysql_error()); $metod=$_POST['search']; // Insert a row of information into the table "example" $result = mysql_query ("(SELECT * FROM f_watch WHERE notes LIKE 'jack') UNION (SELECT * FROM m_watch WHERE notes LIKE 'solo') UNION (SELECT * FROM cufflinks WHERE notes LIKE 'jack')") or die(mysql_error()); // keeps getting the next row until there are no more to get while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { When it searches for like '%' all the results are returned Thanks
  14. Thankyou very much sasa worked awesome! Is there a site with all the symbol functions? Thanks!
  15. Erm well im adding it all to a variable... Heres the script; $display_block .= "<table width=800 columns=4 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=3 border=\"5\" bordercolor=\"orange\"> <tr> <td rowspan=\"2\"><img src=\"images/$picture\" width=\"10\" height=\"10\" align = \"center\"></td> <td Valign=\"top\" halign=\"left\"><a href = \"$id.html\"><strong> <font color=black size=5> $title</font> </strong></a></td><td valign=bottom> Gender: $sex </td> <td width=110 align= \"center\">$price</td> </tr> <tr> <td halign = \"left\">$brand</td> <td halign = \"center\">$notes</td> <td halign = \"right\" valign=\"bottom\"><font size=2> Ref number = $id</font></td> </tr> </table> <br> <br> ";
  16. I put the error back in my start post. No neither of those work it still says the £ symbol is illegal...
  17. I get this error when i change from this; <td valign=\"bottom\" halign=\"right\">$price</td> to; <td valign=\"bottom\" halign=\"right\">£$price</td> is there any way to surpass this or a solution? Thanks lots! Sorry special here forgot to say the error; Warning: Illegal or truncated character in input: offset 40
  18. Im using nearlyfreespeech.net and when i try and parse a .php file in my ftp url I dont think it parses This is the script; <? if((!$_POST['table_name']) || (!$_POST['num_fields'])) { header( "Location: show_createtable.html"); exit; } $form_block ="<FORM METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"do_createtable.php\"> <INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"table_name\" VALUE=\"$_POST[table_name]\"> <TABLE CELLSPACING=5 CELLPADDING=5> <TR> <TH>FIELD NAME</TH><TH>FIELD TYPE</TH><TH>FIELD LENGTH</TH></TR>"; for ($i = 0; $i <$_POST['num_fields']; $i++) { $form_block .= " <TR> <TD ALIGN=CENTER><INPUT TYPE =\"text\" NAME=\"field_name[]\" SIZE=\"30\"></TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER> <SELECT NAME =\"field_type[]\"> <OPTION VALUE =\"char\">char</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE =\"date\">date</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE = \"float\">float</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE = \"int\">int</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE =\"text\">text</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE =\"varchar\">varchar</OPTION> </SELECT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER><INPUT TYPE=\"text\" NAME=\"field_length[]\" SIZE=\"5\"></TD> </tr>"; } $form_block .= " <TR> <TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN =3><INPUT TYPE= \"submit\" VALUE =\"Create Table\"></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM>"; ?> <html> <head> <title>Create a database table:Step 2</title> </head> <body> <h1>Define fields for; <? echo "$_POST[table_name]"; ?></h1> <? echo "$form_block"; ?> </body> </html> and my outcome looks like this with just one set of input boxes showing; "; for ($i = 0; $i <$_POST['num_fields']; $i++) { $form_block .= " "; } $form_block .= " FIELD NAME FIELD TYPE FIELD LENGTH "; ?> Define fields for; The host uses apache cgi and php 5.0 and my mysql database has been set up
  19. So $price = 10 and i want $pounds = £$price is that all i do? (Basically create another variable with a previous variable + symbol)
  20. Jeje ok ill check it out my scripts are very basic i think i guess they wont have changed. And the book is; http://books.google.com/books?id=EehTqQ1BDzMC&printsec=frontcover&dq=php+6&ei=W02YSYLIHYTENv_-7IoP i dont really understand how they made it
  21. Im using php6 they have snaps and my tutorial book has a very clear guide of how to use it. It says the php6 binaries should be out very soon, I don know when it was released (over 6 months)
  22. Its hardly worth me going and learning php 5 is it? Whats the best option?
  23. Ahh man why's it never simple! Is it supported by any servers yet? If not whats reccomended?
  24. actually that site wont support php 6?! What is a good web-hosting site for this?
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