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Everything posted by phpian

  1. The code only pulls down one row of data from the database. I don't know what you mean when you say "it's showing all the data from a column"
  2. I dont think it's the radio button. The value of the radio buttons should be appened onto the end of an array.
  3. so each element of $csv should itself be an array... $csv => array ( 0 => array( "love1", "love2", "love3", "love4", "addtext" ) ); somehow you've got a boolean in there $csv => array ( 0 => true ); I don't know how this happened. The code should always populate $csv with arrays. Can you try to debug it and see where $csv[] is assigned a boolean instead?
  4. There isn't anything wrong with line 51 in the code you posted but I'm quite sure that this is because the formatting has been messed up. There are lots of extra line breaks in the code you posted. If you run that code, I would actually expect you to hit an error on line 12 the chat support button) . However, if this script is formatted correctly for you, I don't think you need to do anything to it - so revert any changes you have made. If you open up the config.php or _settings.php you may see some settings there for connecting to your database. There is already code there for getting the data out of the table and updating it with what the user enters.
  5. $row is an array representing the row of data from a table. $row['field3'] is the data stored in column 'field3' in that row.
  6. Can you post your source code?
  7. There aren't 51 lines in the code I posted. Please provide more information of your problem.
  8. You can get a good introduction to PHP and MySQL on W3Schools. There are many ways to do it but this should get you started. <?php //make a connection to your database server $con = mysql_connect("localhost","peter","abc123"); //if you weren't able to connect to the database then stop here if (!$con) die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); //otherwise select the database you want to use mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); //write a query $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table"); //loop through the results while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['field1']; } mysql_close($con); ?> Hope this helps
  9. I use something called gettext. It is able to deal with the scenarios you have described. Basically, whenever you output a line that requires translating, you use the _("my text goes here") function. Then you are able to scan the source code which will generate a list of phrases that need translated. It can also deal with dynamic phrases that may be singular or plural. $num = 5; sprintf(ngettext("At the moment there is only %d table available", "At the moment there are %d tables available", $num), $num);
  10. Hi Bazazu, Sorry for the delay. I tried to run your code and finally realised what was going on. As was mentioned earlier, the normal structure of a CSV file is that each record set is on a new line. You are trying to append each value onto the end of existing rows so it does take a little bit more manipulating to get it the way you want. Basically, there was a problem with using fgets(). This just looks at each line individually and won't handle CSV structure when the values themselves contain new lines. Luckily, there is another function we can use to read the data correctly - fgetcsv(). This takes parameters to state how the fields are split up and enclosed. I have rewritten the code and commented it so you should be able to follow along. <?php //saving record in a text file if ($_POST) { $filename = "info.csv"; // array to store each line of our csv file $csv = array(); // Let's store this as an array so we can loop through it $fields = array("love1", "love2", "love3", "love4", "addtext"); // try to open our file $fh = fopen($filename, "r"); if ($fh) { // if we did manage to open it while (!feof($fh)) { // read the contents line by line // csv format needs to be comma separated enclosed with " $line = fgetcsv($fh, 1024, ',', '"'); // and store the contents in our array $csv[] = $line; } } else { // the file didnt exist so we need to add our field names // as the first element on each line foreach ($fields as $i => $field) { $csv[$i][] = $field; } } // we're done reading the contents fclose($fh); // add the new fields to the array foreach ($fields as $i => $field) { // double up any " in our fields so they remain enclosed $csv[$i][] = str_replace('"', '""', $_POST[$field]); } // open our file for writing $fh = fopen($filename, "w+"); if (!$fh) die("Cannot open file {$filename} for writing"); // write each element in our array to a newline in the file foreach ($csv as $row) fputcsv($fh, $row, ',', '"'); //we're all done fclose($fh); echo("<p align='center'><font face='Arial' size='3' color='#FF0000'>thanx</font></p>"); } Hope this helps.
  11. maybe this could help http://dragan.yourtree.org/code/canvas-3d-graph/
  12. If a checkbox is ticked when the page is submitted it will have a value of "on", which is not an acceptable entry in your database. You need to change this to 1. $records[channel_protected] = ($postData[privateurlcheck]) ? 1 : 0; So if $postData[privateurlcheck] evaluates to true, it will set $records[channel_protected] to 1. if not, it will be set to 0. "on" evaluates to true. "" evaluates to false.
  13. Sorry, I missed the closing ) on the str_replace function. Try $string = '"' . $pfw_first_row[$i] . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', $_POST[$pfw_first_row[$i]]) . '"' . "\r\n"; and $string = rtrim($existing_file[$i], "\r\n") . ',"' . str_replace('"', '""', $_POST[$pfw_first_row[$i]]) . '"' . "\r\n"; If it still doesn't work, I'll get the script running here and post the code.
  14. Hi, Just use a JOIN in your SQL: SELECT plan.id, plan.plan_name, company.company_name FROM plan JOIN company ON company.id = plan.company_id ORDER BY plan.plan_name
  15. You should be ok if you make these changes: $string = $pfw_first_row[$i] . "," . $_POST[$pfw_first_row[$i]] . "\r\n"; becomes $string = '"' . $pfw_first_row[$i] . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', $_POST[$pfw_first_row[$i]] . '"' . "\r\n"; and $string = rtrim($existing_file[$i], "\r\n") . "," . $_POST[$pfw_first_row[$i]] . "\r\n"; becomes $string = rtrim($existing_file[$i], "\r\n") . ',"' . str_replace('"', '""', $_POST[$pfw_first_row[$i]] . '"' . "\r\n";
  16. no guarantee this will work but you could try setting it in your .htaccess file php_value upload_max_filesize 100M php_value post_max_size 100M I think you can only use ini_set() on PHP_INI_USER or PHP_INI_ALL directives. http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.php for more info
  17. If you surround each value in double quotes, the newlines within a value will make no difference to the CSV. e.g. "0","0","0","0","This is some other text that goes onto two lines" "5","5","5","5","And here's another line" However, any double quotes within the value will now cause you problems. so you need to do a str_replace('"', '""', $value) on each value too. So should be something like this: $string = '"' . $_POST['love1'] . '","' . $_POST['love2'] . '","' . $_POST['love3'] . '","' . $_POST['love4'] . '","' . str_replace('"', '""', $_POST['addtext']) . '"' . "\r\n";
  18. Hi Joe, http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-query.php "Use mysql_num_rows() to find out how many rows were returned for a SELECT" So if you change your code to $checkQuery = "select name from users where name='$name'"; $checkResult = mysql_query($checkQuery); if (mysql_num_rows($checkResult) == 0) { //insert into database } Hope that helps.
  19. sorry I don't understand the question. Could you rephrase it please. What are you trying to achieve and what's the problem?
  20. if this is always going to be the result, you could use str_replace to strip away the parts you don't need. $response1 = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><string xmlns="http://selligent.com/webservices/">', '', $response1); $response1 = str_replace('</string>', '', $response1); just a suggestion but there's probably a more robust way of doing this using strpos()
  21. sorry i've not tested this but i would do something like: foreach ($mod_array as $key => $array) { if ($array['kind'] == 'dir') { echo $key; } }
  22. has anybody been able to open an excel file generated with excel writer in quickoffice?
  23. RewriteRule ^([_\+A-Za-z0-9]+)/([_\+A-Za-z0-9]+)?$ index.php?c=$1&title=$2 could be something like that.
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