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Posts posted by meomike2000

  1. dont think that will work ether after looking at the page again


    try this


    <table width="900" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
          <td valign="top"  bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
            <table width="165" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td><img src="images/left_red.jpg" width="165" height="27" /><br>
                         <?php include("include/links.php"); ?><br>
                <td><img src="images/left_orange.jpg" width="165" height="29" /><br>
                         <?php include("include/newsletter.php"); ?></td>


    the only other think is if one of the included files has tables in them and there is a problem there........

  2. well unless you are just not showing it, the code below that you supplied starts two tables and only closed one...

    <table width="900" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
        <tr valign="top">
          <td width="165" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
            <table width="165" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td><img src="images/left_red.jpg" width="165" height="27" /></td>
                <td> <?php include("include/links.php"); ?><br></td>
                <td><img src="images/left_orange.jpg" width="165" height="29" /></td>
                <td> <?php include("include/newsletter.php"); ?></td>


    try this one if that is the case...


    <table width="900" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
          <td valign="top" width="165" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
            <table width="165" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td><img src="images/left_red.jpg" width="165" height="27" /></td>
                <td> <?php include("include/links.php"); ?><br></td>
                <td><img src="images/left_orange.jpg" width="165" height="29" /></td>
                <td> <?php include("include/newsletter.php"); ?></td>

  3. i want to use a select input for users to choose a color,,,


    but, i want to be able to do more than just write in the name of the color i would like to be able to actual put a color sample instead of the word or both....


    any ideas on how to do somthing like that...


    i tried this,

    <option style="{background-color:#000000}" value="0" <?if ($bgcolor=="0") 
                {echo 'selected="selected" '; } ?> >black</option>
    			<option style="{background-color:#0000cd}" value="1" <?if ($bgcolor=="1") 
                {echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> >blue</option>


    and the word and color display but kinda weird, if i put the mouse over the color for selection that color goes away and the other color selection shows color..


    if mouse over the black the blue shows blue,, if mouse over the blue,,, then shows the color black, how can i get it to show the color all the time, or is there a better way to allow color selection from color samples not words..


    thanks mike.....

  4. the update query in your case should look as follows and will work with the code you posted in the first post.


    $query = "update basket set qty = ' " . $qty . " ' where basket_id = ' " . $basket_id . " ' ";


    you dont have to space it all out though could be '".$qty."' like that as well.



  5. resizing the image like this


    $img = $_GET['img'];
    $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg('../'.$img);
    $srcsize = getimagesize('../'.$img);
    $dest_y = 800;
    $dest_x = (800 / $srcsize[1]) * $srcsize[0];
    $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dest_x, $dest_y);		
    imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
    	$dest_x, $dest_y, $srcsize[0], $srcsize[1]);
    header("content-type: image/jpeg");


    then calling this script as my background image like this...


    <body background="location of resize file ?img='image to resize' "  link="#ffffff" vlink="#ffffff" alink="#ffffff">


    works great, just change the size value and you can properly adjust the size of an image


    it can be modified to work with other image types as well


    source = /www.earn-web-cash.com/2008/01/30/resize-images-php/


    thanks mike...

  6. not real sure,,, try taking the php close tag and then another start tag out and just let it all be one script


    like this



    and not





    not sure that it makes a diff or not but there is no need to do it that way that i am aware of....

  7. i do not want to stetch the image....


    i simply want to let the browser resize the image to fit the height of the page..


    the width can fall out to what it may, to wide or to narrow or just right,,


    like if i was to use <img src="some image" height="100%">...

    but i want to put that behind my page and have it in the center and not scroll be attached.....

  8. anything that comes before the header....


    please put between code tags on here.....

    put code here please....


    the # up above where u type ur post is for code....


    please remove any sensitive things from code before you copy and paste it here.

    like passwords, etc...


    thanks will help..

  9. where can i find more information on how to place and image on my page, have the z-index to -1 so it is in the background under the text and have that image stay fixed in that possition on the page when the page scrolls...


    i had found a way to do this in a search on the web but now i can not find it again...


    it had something to do with a header-wrapper so that it would also work with ie.....


    any help would be great.....

  10. you have html inside the php tag


    see this is what you have

    1 <?php
    2 <form method="post" action=" ">


    then you even started another <?php tag


    try this instead

    echo '   <form method="post" action=" ">    ';


    when inside php you can use  echo and then put your html inside quotes 'html here';

    or you can do as you started and <?php php code here ?> html code here <?php more php here ?>

  11. isnt there a way to use the <img> tag on the photo and set the height to 100% and let the width just be what it will be and then use a css wrapper to with a z-index of -1.


    i can use this idea to get the image as a large image in the background and it works,

    but how do i get that image to be fixed and center center...


    i dont know that much about css wrappers.......


    but i know that something like that is possible...


    thanks mike..

  12. i dont want to ask here but i dont want to start another thread,


    is there away to resize these images when i upload them...


    i use a php script to upload them.......

    can i specify the height and have the width auto set to size of a jpg image on upload...


    like if the image was width 1000px and height of 500px and i want to change the height to 1000px the width would auto change to 2000px when saving or change these values after saving.......


    thanks mike....

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