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Posts posted by Aravinthan

  1. Where you've got: $query = "";


    Make that line a query, e.g.

    $query = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET something='1'");


    No because he splits the query line and the actual query.



    $sql = "SOME SQL STATEMENT";

    Is the same as

    mysql_query("SOME SQL STATEMEMENT");

  2. Hey guys,


    Ok so here is what I need to do. I have a ofrm where users select images. But the thing is, I want to show the images in a different page ( sort of a gallery ) and when the users cliks on the image they want and confirm the picture, I want the file name to be written in a textbox in a PHP form to be submitted into a DB.


    I can do the gallery part and the form and all...


    All I need is a way for me to send the picture's name and extension to the textbox of the form.


    Thanks for your help,


  3. Hi guys,


    I have a little problem.


    So I want to order a table in a specific way.


    So I started building my code:


    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `teams` Order by ((`nhl_wins` *2) + `nhl_ot`) DESC",$link);
    					while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    if ($class == "class='odd'") { // this will rotate the value.
          $class = "";
          $class = "class='odd'";
    // Moyenne Offensive
    $off = mysql_query("SELECT ROUND(AVG(`OFF`),2) AS `avgo` FROM teams  JOIN players ON teams.id = players.team WHERE team='$row['team_name']'",$link);
    							while($rowoff = mysql_fetch_array($off))
    $offe = "" .$rowoff['avgo']. "";
    $offe = $offe / 10;
    // Moyenne Defensive
    $def = mysql_query("SELECT ROUND(AVG(`DEF`),2) AS `avgd` FROM teams  JOIN players ON teams.id = players.team WHERE team='$row['team_name']'",$link);
    							while($rowoff = mysql_fetch_array($def))
    $defe = "" .$rowoff['avgf']. "";
    $defe = $defe / 10;
    // Moyenne Gardien
    $ga = mysql_query("SELECT ROUND(AVG(`OA`),2) AS `avgo` FROM teams  JOIN players ON teams.id = players.team WHERE team='$row['team_name']' AND main_position ='1'",$link);
    							while($rowoff = mysql_fetch_array($ga))
    $gar = "" .$rowoff['avgo']. "";
    $gar = $gar / 10;
    // Moyenne Generale
    $moyge = (round((($off + $def + $gar) / 3),2)) * 2;
    // Le reste
    $team = "" .$row['team_name']. "";
    $gp = "" .$row['nhl_games_played']. "";
    $wins = "" .$row['nhl_wins']. "";
    $ot = "" .$row['nhl_ot']. "";
    $loss =  "" .$row['nhl_loss']. "";
    $team = str_replace(" ", "", $team);
    $pts = (($wins * 2) + $ot) / 3.28;
    $winp = ((($ot * 0.5) + $wins) / $gp) * 100;
    $winp = round($winp, 2);
    $last10 = "" .$row['nhl_last10']. "";
    $lwin = substr_count($last10, "W");
    $lloss = substr_count($last10, "L");
    $lot = substr_count($last10, "O");
    $ltpo = (($wins * 2) + $ot) * 1.5;
    $total = $moyege + $pts + $ltpo;


    But its only after that I realised that it woudn't work. Because I want it to be ordered by the variable $total.....


    Can someone help me please? I want it to order by $total, but I dont know how...


    Thanks for your help,


  4. So I have changed it a bit and here is what I have:

    SELECT SUM(but) AS but, SUM(assist1) AS assist1, SUM(assist2) AS assist2 FROM boxscore WHERE `but` = '$nom' OR `assist1` = '$nom' OR `assist2` = '$nom' GROUP BY `gameid` ORDER BY `gameid` LIMIT 0,3


    But it shows the 3 last games when the player had a point, I want it to show 0, if a player didnt a goal or an assist in the last game....



  5. Hi guys,


    I have a question.


    Ok so I have a table named boxscore.


    Here is the table's structure:

    `periode` int(5) NOT NULL,

      `temps` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

      `but` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

      `assist1` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

      `assist2` varchar(100) NOT NULL,

      `extra` varchar(5) NOT NULL,

      `gameid` int(10) NOT NULL


    And some records:

    (2, '06:32', 'John Ioannis', 'Sevag', 'Alex', '', 3),

    (2, '14:21', 'Karl', 'Sevag', 'John Ioannis', '', 3),

    (2, '06:32', 'John Ioannis', 'Sevag', 'Alex', '', 3),

    (2, '14:21', 'Karl', 'Sevag', 'John Ioannis', '', 3),

    (1, '08:32', 'Alex', '', '', '', 4),

    (2, '06:37', 'Nicolas', 'Karl', 'Gino', '', 4),

    (1, '07:32', 'Alexis', 'Aravinthan', '', '', 1),

    (2, '11:38', 'Nicolas', 'John Ioannis', '', '', 1),

    (3, '01:15', 'Alexis', 'Aravinthan', '', '', 1),

    (3, '01:28', 'Alex', '', '', '', 1),

    (3, '05:36', 'Alex', 'Nicolas', 'Gino', '', 1),

    (3, '09:30', 'Alex', '', '', '', 1),

    (1, '00:54', 'Nicolas', '', '', '', 2),

    (1, '02:40', 'Nicolas', 'Alex', 'Jonathan', '', 2),

    (1, '09:49', 'Nicolas', 'Gino', 'Steve', '', 2),

    (1, '10:36', 'Nicolas', '', '', '', 2),

    (2, '01:40', 'Laurent', 'Alexis', 'Aravinthan', '', 2),

    (2, '03:04', 'Nicolas', 'Alex', 'Steve', '', 2),

    (1, '13:09', 'Alex', 'Laurent', 'Alexis', '', 5),

    (2, '07:56', 'Nicolas', 'Aravinthan', '', '', 5),

    (2, '12:30', 'Nicolas', 'Karl', '', '', 5),

    (3, '03:35', 'Jonathan', 'Alexis', '', '', 5);


    So What I want to do, is count how many times a player has scored in the last 3 games. So the last three games id's are 5,4,3.


    I have this:

    SELECT * FROM boxscore WHERE `but` = '$nom' OR `assist1` = '$nom' OR `assist2` = '$nom' ORDER BY `gameid` LIMIT 0,3


    But it selects only the rows where the player has a goal, or an assist....


    Thank you for your help,


  6. Hi guys,


    I have a problem and I dont know why it aint working.


    Ok so, I have a page named step2.php


    Which is the form that sends datas to the page named step3.php


    Here is the code of step2.php:


    $x = 1;
    if ($receveur == 'Express Mistral')
    $express_goals = $receveur_goals;
    $express_pun = $receveur_pun;
    else if ($visiteur == 'Express Mistral')
    $express_goals = $visiteur_goals;
    $express_pun = $visiteur_pun;
    echo "<form action='step3.php' method='post' >";
    echo "<table>";
    echo "<thead>";
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<th>Période</th><th>Temps</th><th>But</th><th>Assist</th><th>Assist</th><th>Extra(BN,DN,FO)</th>";
    echo "</tr>";
    echo "<tfoot><tr><td colspan='6'> </td></tr></tfoot>";
    while ($express_goals >= $x)
    echo "<tr><td><input type='textbox' name='periode_$x' /></td>";
    echo "<td><input type='textbox' name='time_$x' /></td>";
    echo "<td><select name='goal_$x' >";
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players ",$link);
    			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo "<option value='" .$row['prenom']. "'>" .$row['prenom']. "</option>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td><select name='assist1_$x' >";
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players ",$link);
    			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo "<option value='" .$row['prenom']. "'>" .$row['prenom']. "</option>";
    echo "<option value=''>Aucun</option>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td><select name='assist2_$x' >";
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players ",$link);
    			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo "<option value='" .$row['prenom']. "'>" .$row['prenom']. "</option>";
    echo "<option value=''>Aucun</option>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td><input type='textbox' name='extra_$x' /></td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='goals' value='$express_goals' />";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='pun' value='$express_pun' />";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='gameid' value='$gameid' />";
    echo "<input type='submit' value='Continuer' />";
    echo "</form>";



    And here is the code for step3.php:

    $gameid = $_POST['gameid'];
    $express_goals = $_POST['goals'];
    $express_pun = $_POST['pun'];
    $x = 1;
    while($express_goals >= $x)
    $periode = $_POST['periode_$x'];
    $time = $_POST['time_$x'];
    $goal = $_POST['goal_$x'];
    $assist1 = $_POST['assist1_$x'];
    $assist2 = $_POST['assist2_$x'];
    $extra = $_POST['extra_$x'];
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `boxscore` (periode, temps, but, assist1, assist2, extra, gameid) VALUES ('$periode', '$time', '$goal', '$assist1', '$assist2', '$extra', '$gameid')",$link);
    echo "$goal";
    echo "$x";



    But for some reason, There is no data inserted and the $goal doesnt show anything.

    But the $x shows the numbers. Furthermore, When I change this to: $_POST['goal_$x']; to $_POST['goal_1'];


    It shows the name of the player...



    Any idea why $x is not working? And is there a way of inserting it?

  7. Hi guys,

    Ok so I tried this for almsot a week and I give up..


    I have a MYSQL table that has this structure:

    id | team1 | team2 | Team2Acc | players1 | players2 | status | accepted | rejected  |


    And a exemple of a value:

    11 | New Jersey Devils | St.Louis Blues  |Accepter  |Peter%20Delmas, | 1 Phoenix Coyotes 2010,  |En Attente | , Buffalo Sabres, Florida Panthers, Calgary Flames|  | 


    I have a code that splits that splits each players 1 with a comma and inserts it into a row. The same thign for the players 2 colum. When there is 1 player, it is good, but hwne this more I cant make it work...


    Here is the code so far:

    $id = $_GET['id'];
    				$get_trade = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `trade`  WHERE `id` = '$id'",$link);
    				$run_trade = mysql_fetch_array($get_trade) or die(mysql_error());
    				$team1 = "" .$run_trade['team1']. "";
    				$team2 = "" .$run_trade['team2']. "";
    				$players1 = "" .$run_trade['players1']. "";
    				$players2 = "" .$run_trade['players2']. "";
    $table1 = "
    		<th colspan='7'>$team1</th>
    		<th colspan='7'> </th>
    $table2 = "
    		<th colspan='7'>$team2</th>
    		<th colspan='7'> </th>
    $count1 = substr_count($players1,",");
    $count2 = substr_count($players2,",");
    $players1 = rawurldecode($players1);
    $players1 = explode(",",$players1);
    $players2 = explode(",",$players2);
    $x1 = 0;
    $x2 = 0;
    while($count1 > $x1)
    echo "<br/>$x1<br/>";
    $numberOfNumbersFound1 = preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $players1[$x1]);
    echo "$players1[$x1] $numberOfNumbersFound1";
    if ($numberOfNumbersFound1 == "0" )
    $get_stats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players`  WHERE `name` = '$players1[$x1]'",$link);
    				$run_stats = mysql_fetch_array($get_stats) or die(mysql_error());
    				$off = "" .$run_stats['off']. "";
    				$def = "" .$run_stats['def']. "";
    				$oa = "" .$run_stats['oa']. "";
    				$age = "" .$run_stats['age']. "";
    				$salary = "" .$run_stats['salary']. "";
    				$contract = "" .$run_stats['contract_lenght']. "";
    $body1 = "$body1
    else {
    $body1 = "$body1
    <tr><td colspan='7'>$players1[$x1]</td></tr>";
    $x1 ++;
    while($count2 > $x2)
    $numberOfNumbersFound2 = preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $players2[$x2]);
    if ($numberOfNumbersFound2 == "0" )
    				$get_stats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players`  WHERE `name` = '$players2[$x2]'",$link);
    				$run_stats = mysql_fetch_array($get_stats) or die(mysql_error());
    				$off = "" .$run_stats['off']. "";
    				$def = "" .$run_stats['def']. "";
    				$oa = "" .$run_stats['oa']. "";
    				$age = "" .$run_stats['age']. "";
    				$salary = "" .$run_stats['salary']. "";
    				$contract = "" .$run_stats['contract_lenght']. "";
    $body2 = "
    $body2 = "
    <tr><td colspan='7'>$players2[$x2]</td></tr>";
    $x2 ++;
    $close = "</table>";
    $response = "$table1 $body1 $close<br/>$table2 $body2 $close";


    And I output the $response in the body tag.


    Thanks for your help,



  8. No, I just copied skipped the $...


    The thing is this is the output of:

    echo "$players1[$x1] $numberOfNumbersFound1";


    Milan Michalek 0 5 Los Angels Kings 2010 1 Jordan Foote 0


    It outputs correctly the 3 datas in the string, but it stops there.


    the reste of the code:

    while($count2 > $x2)
    $numberOfNumbersFound2 = preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $players2[$x2]);
    echo "$players2[$x2] $numberOfNumbersFound2";
    if ($numberOfNumbersFound2 > 0 )
    $body1 = "
    <tr><td colspan='7'>$players2[$x2]</td></tr>";
    				$get_stats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players`  WHERE `name` = '$players2[$x2]'",$link);
    				$run_stats = mysql_fetch_array($get_stats) or die(mysql_error());
    				$off = "" .$run_stats['off']. "";
    				$def = "" .$run_stats['def']. "";
    				$oa = "" .$run_stats['oa']. "";
    				$age = "" .$run_stats['age']. "";
    				$salary = "" .$run_stats['salary']. "";
    				$contract = "" .$run_stats['contract_lenght']. "";
    $body2 = "
    $x2 ++;
    $close = "</table>";
    $response = "$table1 $body1 $close<br/>$table2 $body2 $close";

  9. Sure:

    $id = $_GET['id'];
    				$get_trade = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `trade`  WHERE `id` = '$id'",$link);
    				$run_trade = mysql_fetch_array($get_trade) or die(mysql_error());
    				$team1 = "" .$run_trade['team1']. "";
    				$team2 = "" .$run_trade['team2']. "";
    				$players1 = "" .$run_trade['players1']. "";
    				$players2 = "" .$run_trade['players2']. "";

  10. Hi,


    I am making a code that checks if an array has a number inside. If so it outputs it in a single td, if not it searches the players value and inserts it in 7 different td's, but it doesnt work.


    count1 = substr_count($players1,",");
    $count2 = substr_count($players2,",");
    $players1 = rawurldecode($players1);
    $players1 = explode(",",$players1);
    $players2 = explode(",",$players2);
    $numberOfNumbersFound = preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $players1[0]);
    $x1 = 0;
    $x2 = 0;
    while($count1 > $x1)
    $numberOfNumbersFound1 = preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $players1[$x1]);
    echo "$players1[$x1] $numberOfNumbersFound1";
    if ($numberOfNumbersFound1 > "0" )
    $body1 = "
    <tr><td colspan='7'>$players1[$x1]</td></tr>";
    else {
    				$get_stats = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `players`  WHERE `name` = '$players1[$x1]'",$link);
    				$run_stats = mysql_fetch_array($get_stats) or die(mysql_error());
    				$off = "" .$run_stats['off']. "";
    				$def = "" .$run_stats['def']. "";
    				$oa = "" .$run_stats['oa']. "";
    				$age = "" .$run_stats['age']. "";
    				$salary = "" .$run_stats['salary']. "";
    				$contract = "" .$run_stats['contract_lenght']. "";
    $body1 = "
    $x1 ++;


    Thanks for your help,


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