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  1. Yes, I think it would be better to continue this topic in the proper forum. Thanks for your attention. I'm attaching order_total.php hoping that it can provide a clue for resolving the problem. Susan [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. Thanks for your advice on HEREDOC, I'll try to implement it. As for the third party script section, I did not know that such forum existed. Sorry about that. Is there a way to "move" this topic to that board? Getting back to the issue, I understand that there is a significant difference between COD and PayPal in terms of data exchange, but the information that I'm missing originates from my side and PayPal server does not alter any. Therefore, I should be able to simply retrieve it and print it out, as in the COD case. That's all I want to do. Thanks again
  3. Thanks for your reply. Yes, vartaxes are being handled identically in both files, but my guess is that in lines 50-55 of checkout_process.php, it's calling the before_process() routine before calculating order_totals. However, in paypal_standard.php, it's trying to use order_totals inside the before_process routine, ie. before they're defined. If there's any other file that you would like to see, I'd be more than happy to provide. Susan
  4. Hi, I am trying to set up a small online store and earnestly looking for help with PHP coding. I have uploaded related image files and php files as attachments. My invoice email is created by reading a variable from two different php files according to the payment method (Cash on Delivery or Paypal) The invoice is created properly when the customer pays with Cash on Delivery (Exhibit A) but missing information in the invoice paid with PayPal (Exhibit B). As you can see, PayPal invoice (Exhibit B) is missing Sub-Total, Delivery method and Total amount. The file that creates html is html_checkout_process.php. The corresponding information is written by a single variable $Vartaxe and Line 53 contains the html code (I've also remarked it with lots of ***'s) $Vartaxe is read from one of the two files, according to the payment method. 1. When payment is Cash on Delivery: checkout_process.php (This is working properly, corresponds to Exhibit A) Line 236 (remarked with lots of ***'s) contains the statement related to $Vartaxe. This is the file's only statement associated with $Vartaxe. 2. Whey payment is made with PayPal: paypal_standard.php (The problem file. Corresponds to Exhibit B) Line 515 (remarked with lots of ***'s) contains the statement related to $Vartaxe. This is the file's only statement associated with $Vartaxe. It looks like the information is not being captured properly in the second case because the variables are not properly declared and/or used. Any suggestion and advice regarding solving the problem would be highly appreciated. Susan [attachment deleted by admin]
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