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About binumathew

  • Birthday 11/12/1988

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  1. Thks........................
  2. I am having a string Eg: In September, the month where IIT-ians do distinctly non-IITian things, Samar was having the time of his life. With Rock shows, JAM sessions, debates and politics, his life resembled a colourful graffiti. Adding chaos to this randomness were his three partners-in-crime, Pranav, Skimpy and Jiya. Together they made sure that life was impossibly wild and barely legal. I need a new break line on each 80 chars how can i do that???
  3. I have a rewrite rule in my .htaccess file RewriteRule ^(\w+)$ user.php?id=$1 RewriteRule ^search$ /search/ The Above code is not working properly mydomain.com/username should redirect to user.php?id=username this work wonderfull What i need is mydomain.com/search should redirect to search.php how can it possible?
  4. Use this Code for Uploading a file <?php echo "File Name: ".$_FILES[userfile][name]."<br>"; echo "tmp name: ".$_FILES[userfile][tmp_name]."<br>"; echo "File Type: ".$_FILES[userfile][type]."<br>"; echo "<br><br>"; $add="upimg/".$_FILES[userfile][name]; if(move_uploaded_file ($_FILES[userfile][tmp_name],$add)){ echo "Successfully uploaded the mage"; chmod("$add",0777); }else{echo "Failed to upload file Contact Site admin to fix the problem"; exit;} ?>
  5. Thks Andy-H and bl00dshooter, That code makes a perfect answer for my question... Thks Very Much...
  6. I think you've got some misconceptions about both the purpose of this forum and how learning works. This forum is not made so people can write code for you on-demand, and learning does not work by having others do it for you. Sorry Daniel0, I dont mean that. i am here for learning purpose...Sorry and i will not repeat it....
  7. Thks Blood Shooter. But the User is gaving input, so it can be change, i need something like twitter method, all the tag in # becaming link to search/#tag, something like that
  8. The Code i used is <?php $str=$_REQUEST['tes']; $newStr=""; $t=0; for($i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++) { if($str[$i]=='$') { $t=1; $newStr=$newStr."<a href='$link'>"; } else if($str[$i]==" " && $t=1) {$link=$newStr; $newStr=$newStr."</a>"; $t=0; } $newStr=$newStr.$str[$i]; } echo "New $newStr"; ?> This is not making link i need link like if the user put string like "Welcome Fellows to My $world"; i need a link at $world, and link to $world <a href="$world">$world</a> Like this
  9. Thks for the replay But it is not my needed answer I need Links in the string...
  10. Thks, i that case, there is no need of forums, right man?
  11. Sorry DJ, I tried so much, i got anger and i delete the code, its making me pain in my ass Can you gave me a code snippet for that ??
  12. i tried, i am not well in php string function, can you help me out, by make a small snippet for me?
  13. Will the above code automatically detect the mobile browser?
  14. Can you gave a code snippet for following ?
  15. Hi Friends I Have a string "The comfortable seating, wide $automatic doors in the middle for entry, exit at the front, advanced passenger information $system and $facilities for the physically $challenged came in for praise. The stop switches at the posts in the bus for the $commuters to request for halt and the LCD destination boards in Malayalam and English drew appreciation." In the above string, there is some strings which are starting with "$" symbol. i need the place a link where $ symbol is made. How can i do that can you guys please help me
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