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Everything posted by thefisherman

  1. Hi! Well, it's not a simple question, i must say! I would start creating a database, and normalise it. Maybe something with user, login, pass, credits, hosting_package, session_id and so on... Until you have everything in it you need. grant yourself the rights to the DB and its tables, otherwise you won't be able to write anything into it. As for the login thing: Read up on sessions, with them you can keep track of just about anything, and assign anything to for instance banners (the credits for example) or anything else. Let's say a user registers, you could store his/her login/pass etc.. with sessions, you can track every user on your page, and see what they're doing. User select's package, package type can be stored in the DB, along with starting credits or something. A banner link could hold the user's session_id or login name or something like that. With that you can update the database and call for a new banner when clicked, and update the credits in the DB. Checking up on the credits in the DB can tell you if the user has reached the amount of credits nescesarry, update the DB set user's status to 'complete' or whatever.. I know this sounds a bit global, and it is, but like i said, it's not a simple question! Regards, thefisherman
  2. Hi! Sessions are probably very handy for this. I've been doing sessions handcoded, mixed with dreamweaver. A session must start for every user connected to your server. Every started session must continue on every page which needs it. A user can be session_registered, and will stay alive until the session dies, which is either through logout or the user closes the browser window. echo'ing the user (the variable) while the session is still alive, will print the user on-screen. Ok, it's more PHP than anyhitng else, but it works for me. Something like: <? session_start(); // This starts the session for the user. $id=session_id(); // This stores the session_id to $id, could be handy. session_register('user'); // Registers the user variable $user=$someone; // Puts the user's (login)name into $user and tracks it during the session. The variable $someone could come from a form text field for instance. ?> Maybe this helps Regards thefisherman
  3. Hi! Well, i have a site up and running displaying images dynamically from MySQL. Though i'm not using Dreamweaver to do so. I only use Dreamweaver for a nice looking template in which i echo or print the images from the DB using a search engine written in PHP. Check out the site and let me know if this is what you mean. www.graphicalsolutions.nl Regards thefisherman
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