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  1. Hi I have a problem migrating a Zend Framework project. I have installed apache-2.2.10 and php-5.2.8-r2 on a gentoo distro. When I try to open the project in Firefox, I'm only confronted with a borrowing empty white screen ??? And I get the following from the apache error log: [notice] child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation fault (11) Where xxxxx are some numbers that change every time I load the page. This error don't tell me much, and google seems not so helpfull. So I have tried some different approaches to find the problem: I have no problems with normal php-files and phpmyadmin also works without problems.. I have written a quick and dirty Zend Framwork project and it works.. But! When I use Zend Layout I get the white screen and the above error. And I have compiled php with reflection.. So I hoped that one of you could enlighten me, because I'm really stuck right now. And if more informations is need to help feel free to ask
  2. I found the problem Thanks for the quick answer, and error handling was enabled. hehe I checked my Apache error log, and found a problem with the 'RewriteEngine' . I had not loaded the rewrite module. I found the solution here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=218652.0
  3. Sorry I forgot to include my extensions, if it can help * bcmath * calendar * com_dotnet * ctype * session * filter * ftp * hash * iconv * json * odbc * pcre * Reflection * date * libxml * standard * tokenizer * zlib * SimpleXML * dom * SPL * wddx * xml * xmlreader * xmlwriter * apache2handler * curl * gd * mbstring * mcrypt * mysql * mysqli * PDO * pdo_mysql * pdo_sqlite * zip And please ask if you need any informations about my problem
  4. Hi I'm trying to get the ZF to work on a WAMP. When I try to run the public folder in my browser I get the 500 Internal Server Error I have installed PEAR but I don't think it should have anything to do with it. I think I need some extensions, is their an easy way to get a bit more information on which package is missing or about the problem? Thanks.
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