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Everything posted by robert_gsfame

  1. i already set my table's column in varchar format........ hmmmm....what's the problem with the code huh?? How come the result always 01/1970
  2. okay this is the detail of the code... i have a form <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" name="form1" id="form1"> <?php <select name="month" id="month"> for($i=1;$i<13;$i++){ echo "<option value=$i>$i</option>";}?> </select> <select name="year" id="year"> <?php $annum=date("Y"); for($i=1900;$i<=$annum;$i++){ echo "<option value=$i>$i</option>";}?> </select> <input type="submit"> ONCE POST--> $keepyear=date("m/Y", strtotime($_POST['month'].'/'.$_POST['year'])); THEN RECORD INSERTED INTO MYDATABASE * the problem is occured when i retrieve the record from my table as it always give me the value of 01/1970 although i choose 05/1930 * When i keep the record without converting the date using strtotime, i will get the value of 5/1930 which is the correct answer (This means something wrong with the converted string, is that right??)
  3. yup, i've tried what you've said but it didn't work either Just want to tell you that i set up a table's column in VARCHAR format
  4. if (strcmp($sstring1, $sstring2) what is the default value for this?? less than 0,0 or greater than 0 anyway i use if(!(strcmp(case1,case2)){ echo "SELECTED" in order to retrieve the value from the database into my list menu and for sure it works Can you explain this to me
  5. I just want to get more explanation regarding strcmp What i know is that using strcmp will return value 0,1, or 2 So what does this syntax actually mean if(!(Strcmp(case1,case2)){ echo "blabla" can anyone tell me ?
  6. So confusing, what's wrong with this ?? <?php if(isset($_POST['check'])){ $getnumber1="No data";}else{ $getnumber2=date("m",strtotime($_POST['month']))).'/'.$_POST['year']; echo $getnumber2; } ?> And i don't get the month value being read, only the year.... (What i want to do is just to change the format from 1 to 01)
  7. BRILLIANT Thebadbad!!! it runs !!! THX A LOT !!!
  8. how to create a confirmation when link is clicked by user in php script in html, it works when i put this <a href="#" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure?')">link</a> but when i put it into my php script, it didn't run <?php echo "<a href='#' onclick='return confirm(Are you sure?)'>link</a>";?> can help me with this one
  9. I need someone helps regarding uploading file... Is it possible to upload image inside let say registration form i used to do it like this ---- registration.php ----- <form name="frm_registration" method="POST" action="insert.php"> <a href="upload.php">Upload Image</a> <input type="submit"> ----- upload.php ---- <form enctype="Multipart/form-data" method="POST" action="registration.php> yeah i used to create upload.php apart from my registration.php can anyone help me, i actually want to make it in the same form which means inside my registration.php and also the way to insert the file itself into my database thx in advance
  10. yeah i got it, i really don't realize that i could use OFFSET ha..ha thanks
  11. hi guys, i have small problem related to mysql actually... I have let say 500 members for my site, then i would like to send them each an email while i can only send let say 100 in an hour which means i have to send them all in 5 hours each 100 email It's easy if i have my user id, i can just use below code: "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id between 0 and 101" -->1st 100 "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id between 100 and 201" -->2nd 100 "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id between 200 and 301" -->3rd 100 "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id between 300 and 401" -->4th 100 "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id between 400 and 501" -->5th 100 but the problem is that i don't have id for this user's table in my database..how do i have to retrieve my first 100, second 100, third 100, fourth 100 and fifth 100 every hour DOES ANYONE HAVE A CLUE FOR THIS??
  12. Can anyone help me...i try to change td background once hover. I use ths td.hov:hover{background xxxxxxxxxxxx;} I get the effect in MOZILLA but it goes nothing in IE can help me with the code or anything else that might works in both MOZILLA and IE?
  13. thx, you've solved my problem.... i set password NVARCHAR(30) and it's not enough for hash :P Thank you so much!!
  14. i have problem. i think it's simple but i don't why my script didn't work configuration.php --------------- <?php $local='localhost'; $user='user'; $pass='pass'; $dbase='mylogin'; mysql_connect($local,$user,$pass); mysql_select_db($dbase);?> index.php ------------------------- <form name="check" action="authenticate.php" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="user"> <input type="text" name="pass"> <input type="submit"> authenticate.php ------------------- <?php require_once('configuration.php');?> <?php $user=$_POST['user']; $pass=md5($_POST['pass']); $query="SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE user='$user' AND password='$pass'"; $mysql=mysql_query($query); $sql_num=mysql_num_rows($mysql); if($sql_num==1){ echo "login work"; } else { echo "Wrong Username or Password"; }?> can anyone give me some guide?
  15. I need someone helps.... i have textarea, (below is the code) <form method=POST name=form action=next.php> <input type=textarea name=textarea1> <input type=submit> </form> -------- next.php -------- $textarea=$_POST['textarea1']; if(empty($textarea)){ echo "wrong";}else{ echo "true";}?> the problem is that when i left the textarea empty, it still run echo"true" command....why does this happen??
  16. Thx for your help...Finally, i've found out what makes this error! Wrong parameters name
  17. You can work with your div inside <head>, like this: <head> <style="text/css"> #div3{ position:absolute; left:15px; top:19px; width:23px; height:32px; } <style> </head> <body><?php echo "<div id=div3></div>";?></body> hope this is what you're lookin for
  18. okay i've changed it but still give me the same result.. Do i have to change the format of the date?? it's easier to have it in VARCHAR format, but yet it will create new problem as i want to sort the records based on datetime
  19. Small things, but really difficult to find the error........ i have my column inside table --> date(datetime) the problem is that once i try to insert the date using: $date = date("YYYY-mm-dd H:i:s"); $query = "INSERT INTO xxxxxx(date)VALUES('$date'); $results = mysql_query('$query'); why does the date column still (0000-00-00 00:00:00) , although the other columns have been inserted which means i don't get any problems with the connection
  20. yeah i know..i've put the submit button, once clicked then it goes to failed.php although i've made a condition using IF
  21. if((!empty($_POST['title'])) && (!empty($_POST['text']))){ $check="success.php";}else{ $check="failed.php";}?> <form method = "post" action="<?php echo $check;?>"> Which part is wrong as i always go to failed.php although both text and title are not empty i've tried with !isset but it didn't work either...need someone suggestion.. Thanks in advance
  22. i want to make write "U" for my button text instead of "underline" i have tried with style="text-decoration=underline" but it didn't work Can anyone help me solving this
  23. i was wondering on how to create richtexteditor for my small discussion forum. Does anyone can give me a clue or solution regarding this?
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