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  1. In fact it's an "image/pjpeg" Is there any different procedure to upload one of thoses ?
  2. Hi all, I'm having an issue with IE vs Firefox. I have a little simple script to upload pictures. Works fine in FF but it failed with IE7. Here's a part of my code, but it looks like this line cause the error. Anybody can help me with this, let me know if you need any other info. Thanks if (!($_FILES['uploaded']['type'] =="image/jpeg" OR $_FILES['uploaded']['type']=="image/gif")){echo "Your uploaded file must be of JPG or GIF. Other file types are not allowed<BR/>"; exit;}
  3. Thank for your answer, But i'm not sure where should I use the quotation ? on the $_FILES var???
  4. I'm trying to have a little upload/thumbnail script. But I get to this error (upload to the first directory seem to be working, but for some reason it doesn't get the fyle type) #09-<?php #11-$add="upload/test/large/".$_FILES[userfile][name]; #12-if(move_uploaded_file ($_FILES[userfile][tmp_name],$add)){ #13-echo "Successfully uploaded the mage"; #14-chmod("$add",0777); #15- #16-}else{echo "Failed to upload file Contact Site admin to fix the problem"; #17-exit;} #18- #19-$n_width=100; // Fix the width of the thumb nail images #20-$n_height=100; // Fix the height of the thumb nail imaage #21- #22-$tsrc="upload/test/thumb/".$_FILES[userfile][name]; // Path where thumb nail image will be stored #23-//echo $tsrc; #24-if (!($_FILES[userfile][type] =="image/pjpeg" OR $_FILES[userfile][type]=="image/gif")){echo "Your #25-uploaded file must be of JPG or GIF. Other file types are not allowed<BR>"; #26-exit;} #27-?> Thank you for your help
  5. Great, sound good to me, I'll try this tonight, but i'm pretty sure it will work. I knew there was a simple trick. Thank you very much So this is solved
  6. Good day all, I'm trying to make a specific query but i'm not sure if it's feasible or not. Basically, I have one table which represent a list of golf game. I'm trying to calculate the handicap which consist to take the BEST 10 games of the LAST 20 games. Is there a way to have one query to give me the result ? The important columns in the table are : idGame date (to calculate the last 20) score (to calculate the best 10 of the last 20) Anybody can help me ?
  7. You are right, it does work with MySql. It returns the good result. The problem is that I use PHP and a HTML form to grab the input from the user then assign it to $filter. $filter = $_GET['textfield']; SELECT * FROM city WHERE cityName LIKE '%$filter%' ***city example = Montréal *** So when I do that and type "Montreal" it returns nothing. But if I type "Montréal" it returns Montréal. The collation for my table = utf8_general_ci (so it should manage the accents correctly). Anybody knows whats happening ? Thanks
  8. Am I at the right place. Should this topic be posted in PHP forum ? ???
  9. Hello all, I created a little simple search engine and it works great for what I need. My only problem, is the data in MySql DB might contain some accents such has : é à è ê And some people will not put the accent and others will. Is there any way to let my search engine returns both results ? Thank you
  10. Hello all, I'm starting from scratch and only have a basic idea of what needs to be done. So I want to have a user search for a golf course. He can search for the city name, the golf club name or the course name, all within the same search field (if that is possible). Here's my 3 DB table CITY cityName state country GOLFCLUB cityName golfClubName COURSES idCourse courseName golfClubName What I would like to do is to have 1 search field <input name="searchField"> and the user can search for a city,club or courses without having to choose what he's searching for (because he might don't know if it's the clubName or the courseName). For the display result I would like (again if it's possible) to have the courses as the result (even if the user search for a city, I want all the courses from that city to be listed) I know I'm asking a lot, but I would like to start with a sample script that can meet my needs. I never made a search engine before. Thank you very much
  11. It returns NULL when using 0 YEAR in the date condition. If I use 1 YEAR it returns the SUM of the last 365 days. How could I return only result for 2009 ? Thanks for your help
  12. Actually my date field is a date type field.. i'm trying your query Ken. Let you know in a few minutes
  13. I want to display the SUM of shot for all HOLE played in 2009 (my date field are 2009-05-05 so I can use LIKE "%2009%") But the date field is only in the GAME table. TABLE game FIELD idGame, date, idPlayer TABLE hole FIELD idGame, idPlayer, shot I tried to do : (at least to display all the holes even if its not 2009) SELECT * FROM game WHERE idJoueur = 2 INNER JOIN hole ON hole.idGame = game.idGame I get the error message : Where am I wrong ? Thank you
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