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Posts posted by Destramic

  1. my main concern was knowing if the user is a client or employee...here is my database diagram




    i think im on the right track here...a user has a specific roles give to he/her but also able to give addition permissions out of the role.


    i'm able to detect if the user is a client by his/her role (ie. client)...and the same with an employess (ie. client_employee) and also linking the client user_id to the emplyee user account via the client_id in the users table


    regarding my concern of clients adding user accounts for employees, and giving that employee specific permissions, i was thinking that the client role permissions could be displayed on the employee register form...that way the client can choose specifically what permission that employee has based on his own permissions?



    thank you

  2. ok i think i may have made some progress here after a lot of hard thinking and detemination...


    i read about mysql sha2() and had a little play about with it

    SELECT  SHA2('abc', 256)
    > '936a185caaa266bb9cbe981e9e05cb78cd732b0b3280eb944412bb6f8f8f07af'

    i stored the hash into my hashed column and ran this:

    SELECT * FROM development.hash_test WHERE hashed = SHA2('abc', 256);

    which brings up the correct row....so i though if i create a hmac and save it in a row it should work also...but no :confused:


    i used the following and turned removed true on the raw parameter

     public function seal(string $message)
            $hmac = hash_hmac(
            return $hmac;
    $hmac  = new HMAC($hmac_private_key, 'sha256');
    echo $seal = $hmac->seal('helloworld');

    which gave me a string like so:


    but it returns 0 rows when executing the following:

    SELECT * FROM development.hash_test WHERE hashed = SHA2('helloworld', 256);

    please tell me i'm close to what i'm trying to achieve and what it is i'm doing wrong?


    thank you

  3. i'm finding it really hard to keep up as most of this is going over my head...although i think i've made some progress after some reading about...also the reason i base64 encode is so thats easy to store in db as a blob


    here is what i got as it stands, but i'm stuck now and i'm strugging to see how this is going to work.

    class Encryption
        private $private_key;
        public function __construct(string $private_key)
            if (!extension_loaded('libsodium'))
                throw new Exception('Encryption: PHP libsodium extension not loaded.');
            $private_key = trim($private_key);
            if (!preg_match('/^[a-z\d+\/]{43}=$/i', $private_key))
                throw new Exception('Encryption: Unrecognized key.');
            $this->private_key = base64_decode($private_key);
        public function encrypt(string $data)
            $nonce = \Sodium\randombytes_buf(\Sodium\CRYPTO_AEAD_CHACHA20POLY1305_NPUBBYTES);
            $ciphertext = \Sodium\crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(
            return base64_encode($nonce) . ':' . base64_encode($ciphertext);
        public function decrypt(string $ciphertext)
            $ciphertext = $this->parse_ciphertext($ciphertext);
            list($nonce, $ciphertext) = $ciphertext;
            $decrypted = \Sodium\crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt(
            if ($decrypted === false)
                throw new Exception('Encryption: Decryption Failed.');
            return $decrypted;
        private function parse_ciphertext(string $ciphertext)
            if (!preg_match('/^(?:[a-z\d+\/]{11}=)?:[a-z\d+\/]+)(=|==)?$/i', $ciphertext))
                throw new Exception('Encryption: Unrecognized ciphertext.');
            $ciphertext = explode(':', $ciphertext);
            return array(
    class HMAC
        private $private_key;
        private $algo;
        public function __construct(string $private_key, string $algo = 'sha512')
            $private_key = trim($private_key);
            if (!preg_match('/^[a-z\d+\/]{43}=$/i', $private_key))
                throw new Exception('Encryption: Unrecognized key.');
            else if (!in_array(strtolower($algo), hash_algos()))
                throw new Exception(sprintf('HMAC: Algo %s unsupported.', $algo));
            $this->private_key = bin2hex($private_key);
            $this->algo        = $algo;
            $this->length      = strlen(hash($algo, null, true));
        public function seal(string $message)
            $hmac = hash_hmac(
            return base64_encode($hmac . $message);
        public function sign(string $seal)
            if (!preg_match('/^(?:[a-z\d+\/]+)(=|==)?$/i', $seal))
                throw new Exception('HMAC: Unrecognized seal.');
            $seal    = base64_decode($seal);
            $message = mb_substr($seal, $this->length, null, '8bit');
            $seal    = mb_substr($seal, 0, $this->length, '8bit');
            $signed = hash_hmac(
            if (!hash_equals($seal, $signed))
                throw new Exception('HMAC: Seal corrupted.');
            return true;
    $hmac_private_key       = 'ZZtJVgUu2fRz+c4o6QHj6v/mAqGAgyowlUxs3xoMHuw=';
    $encryption_private_key = 'qB2fZkseI4ccJ45Y1/VzoHARA6Sft6IVkeS4r2Z+YYM=';
    $encryption    = new Encryption($encryption_private_key);
    $email_address = $encryption->encrypt('email@test.com');
    $hmac  = new HMAC($hmac_private_key, 'sha256');
    echo $seal = $hmac->seal($email_address);

    could i get some more help on this please?


    thank you

  4. actually my example isn't going to work...email address is encrypted and placed inside the hmac but the seal will obviously be different everytime...so there would be no way for me to compare.


    i'm completely lost here :confused:

  5. now that is smart...i wish i thought of it :)


    i had a mess about with hmac over the weekend, as i've decided to use it with the users cookies...is what i made for hmac more than suitable?



    here is a working example

    class Encryption
        private $private_key;
        public function __construct(string $private_key)
            if (!extension_loaded('libsodium'))
                throw new Exception('Encryption: PHP libsodium extension not loaded.');
            $private_key = trim($private_key);
            if (!preg_match('/^[a-z\d+\/]{43}=$/i', $private_key))
                throw new Exception('Encryption: Unrecognized key.');
            $this->private_key = base64_decode($private_key);
        public function encrypt(string $data)
            $nonce = \Sodium\randombytes_buf(\Sodium\CRYPTO_AEAD_CHACHA20POLY1305_NPUBBYTES);
            $ciphertext = \Sodium\crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(
            return base64_encode($nonce) . ':' . base64_encode($ciphertext);
        public function decrypt(string $ciphertext)
            $ciphertext = $this->parse_ciphertext($ciphertext);
            list($nonce, $ciphertext) = $ciphertext;
            $decrypted = \Sodium\crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt(
            if ($decrypted === false)
                throw new Exception('Encryption: Decryption Failed.');
            return $decrypted;
        private function parse_ciphertext(string $ciphertext)
            if (!preg_match('/^(?:[a-z\d+\/]{11}=)?:[a-z\d+\/]+)(=|==)?$/i', $ciphertext))
                throw new Exception('Encryption: Unrecognized ciphertext.');
            $ciphertext = explode(':', $ciphertext);
            return array(
    class HMAC
        private $private_key;
        private $algo;
        public function __construct(string $private_key, string $algo = 'sha512')
            $private_key = trim($private_key);
            if (!preg_match('/^[a-z\d+\/]{43}=$/i', $private_key))
                throw new Exception('Encryption: Unrecognized key.');
            else if (!in_array(strtolower($algo), hash_algos()))
                throw new Exception(sprintf('HMAC: Algo %s unsupported.', $algo));
            $this->private_key = base64_decode($private_key);
            $this->algo        = $algo;
        public function seal(string $message, string $public_key)
            $seal = base64_encode(hash_hmac($this->algo, $message, $this->private_key));
            return base64_encode($message) . ':'. $seal . ':' . base64_encode($public_key);
        public function sign(string $seal, string $public_key)
            if (!preg_match('/^((?:[a-z\d+\/]+)(=|==)?)?:[a-z\d+\/]+)(=|==)??:[a-z\d+\/]+)(=|==)?$/i', $seal))
                throw new Exception('HMAC: Unrecognized seal.');
            list($message, $seal, $key) = explode(':', $seal);
            $message = base64_decode($message);
            $signed  = base64_encode(hash_hmac($this->algo, $message, $this->private_key));
            if ($seal == $signed && base64_decode($key) == $public_key)
                return $message;
            throw new Exception('HMAC: Seal corrupted.');
    $public_key             = 'ZZtJVgUu2fRz+c4o6QHj6v/mAqGAgyowlUxs3xoMHuw=';
    $hmac_private_key       = 'DxA58JcURnz891sVXowkF6VPyanis+GvwZXWcoxwE5M=';
    $encryption_private_key = 'qB2fZkseI4ccJ45Y1/VzoHARA6Sft6IVkeS4r2Z+YYM=';
    $encryption    = new Encryption($encryption_private_key);
    $email_address = $encryption->encrypt('email@test.com');
    // q101ZtOPjW8=:b9vrNQFhpC5wWhfWDmzu2XcjBly234AASKU11AiM
    $hmac          = new HMAC($hmac_private_key);
    $seal          = $hmac->seal($email_address, $public_key);
    $email_address = $hmac->sign($seal, $public_key);
    // q101ZtOPjW8=:b9vrNQFhpC5wWhfWDmzu2XcjBly234AASKU11AiM
    echo $encryption->decrypt($email_address);
    // email@test.com

    thank you jacques for your patience and help on this matter

  6. hey guys im currently using libsodium to encrypt users data which is stored in a database...my concern is when a user registers an account on my website, i want to check that the email provided is not already registered to another account, but the problem is that the email address stored in the database is encrypted...so how do i check?


    i have perviouslt been suggested to store the email as:

    • a separate HMAC
    • ECB mode
    • no encryption as long as the e-mail addresses are kept away from the web frontend


    but even when using HMAC the email can easily be viewed, MySQL's ECB mode i've read so many bad things about regarding it having so many security issue etc...and the email having no encrption could mean that if my database every got attacked its all there in black and white.


    here is my encryption class:

    namespace Encryption;
    use Exception;
    class Encryption
    	private $private_key;
    	public function __construct(sting $private_key)
    		if (!extension_loaded('libsodium'))
    		    throw new Exception('Encryption: PHP libsodium extension not loaded.');
            $private_key = trim($private_key);
    		if (!preg_match('/^[a-z\d+\/]{43}=$/i', $private_key))
    		    throw new Exception('Encryption: Unrecognized key.');
    		$this->private_key = base64_decode($private_key);
    	public function encrypt(string $data)
    		$nonce = \Sodium\randombytes_buf(\Sodium\CRYPTO_AEAD_CHACHA20POLY1305_NPUBBYTES);
    		$ciphertext = \Sodium\crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(
    		return base64_encode($nonce) . ':' . base64_encode($ciphertext);
    	public function decrypt(string $ciphertext)
    		$ciphertext = $this->parse_ciphertext($ciphertext);
    		list($nonce, $ciphertext) = $ciphertext;
    		$decrypted = \Sodium\crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt(
    		if (!$decrypted)
    		    throw new Exception('Encryption: Decryption Failed.');
    		return $decrypted;
    	private function parse_ciphertext(string $ciphertext)
    	    $ciphertext = trim($ciphertext);
    	    if (!preg_match('/^(?:[a-z\d+\/]{11}=)?:[a-z\d+\/]+)(=|==)?$/i', $ciphertext))
    	        throw new Exception('Encryption: Unrecognized ciphertext.');
    		$ciphertext = explode(':', $ciphertext);
    		return array(

    it just seems like i've taken one step forward in being secure, but taking 2 steps back when it comes to processing simple scripts such as verifying email isn't registered. retrieving account by email address etc.


    i know the answer isn't going to be a simple as

    SELECT username FROM user WHERE email_address = 'whatever@gmail.com'

    but there must be a logical way to check encrypted email address with a string.


    any other thoughts on this please guys?



    thank you for your time

  7. use forward slashes insead of backslashes


    you want to check file exists and that the file is readable

        if (!file_exists($path) && !is_readable($path)){
            die('Cannot access '.$path);

    you using is_dir() which is checking if the $path is a directory...which it isn't, so that is why you are seening an error message

  8. sorry jacques i didn't explain myself very well...yes the username will be used as the users identifier, but what i'm trying to get at here is that i don't really want people to create multiple account.


    this would be me checking for username availablity aswell as ensuring that the user isin't trying to register another account with the same email address...life would so much simpler if encryptions were cross compatiable :)


    i just don't see a simple way of checking this...

  9. i have no plans to go down the ECB mode route, or to use email address as a login credential either, why go half hearted with security :)


    but sorry jacques you've lost me a little here



    block all new registrations while the check is in progress


    are we talking about all new registration beening put into a seperate table from the users? and a possible cron job running every hour or so doing a check? before actually creating a user and sending a activation token?


    thank you

  10. hey guys i'm currently creating role and permission for my users which looks like this:


    a role can be created and permissions are added to that role, giviing user access to certian pages.


    the problem i face is that my website has 4 types of users


    admin (me)

    general public


    clients employees (client employees)


    all 4 will see different content.


    here is my problem and what i want to achieve is for my clients to be able to add users (employees) which are linked to thier account as well as giving them certian permission


    for instance if i had Walmart as a client, they'd have a client role...now if they wanted to add a user (employees) linked to thier account what is the best way to do this?


    i could have 3 extra tables


    i link a client to a user account....and link a client user to a client and user


    also the client can pass over certian permission via the client_user_permission


    any ideas on design pattern would be appreciated as i've never done nothing like this when it comes to users creating users


    thank you



  11. benanamen has shown you perfectly what to do:


    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){
        // process form
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <form action="<?= $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?>" method="post">
    <!-- FORM HERE -->


    try this

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){
        echo 'well done you have submitted the form';
    <form action="<?= $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] ?>" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="name" />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>
  12. 1. its not a valid html document

    2. why echo html when there is no need?

    <form id = 'form1' action='#' method='post' >
    <select name='room' id='room'>
    if(isset($displayed)) echo "<option selected>".$displayed."</option>";
    $i = 0;
    while($i < count($rooms))
    $room = $rooms[$i];
    if($room === $displayed)echo ""; 
    else echo "<option value = ".$room." > ".$room." </option>";
    <noscript><input type='submit' value='Submit'></noscript>

    3. i don't really understand you question, i can only guess your looking for something like http://twig.sensiolabs.org/


    you could also put


    into a .js file and include as a script like your jquery

    if($room === $displayed)echo "";

    just seems unnecessary


    something like this would make more sence

    while($i < count($rooms))
        $room = $rooms[$i];
        if($room !== $displayed) echo "<option value = ".$room." > ".$room." </option>";

    and try and make your code presentable?

    $rooms     = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
    $displayed = 2;
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <form id = 'form1' action='#' method='post' >
    <select name='room' id='room'> 
    if(isset($displayed)) echo "<option selected>".$displayed."</option>";
    $i = 0;
    while($i < count($rooms))
        $room = $rooms[$i];
        if($room !== $displayed) echo "<option value = ".$room." > ".$room." </option>";
    <noscript><input type='submit' value='Submit'></noscript>
  13. i know this thread is answered now, but one thing did pop into my head which i have been meaning to ask.


    in the scenario that every email address is encrypted, how do you check that an email address isn't already registered with an account?


    the only method i can think of is to loop all the email address, where they are decrypted and compared...just seems a bit long winded and probably a bit heavy on cpu and memory, depending on user count


    (i will post a new thread if needed, sorry)


    thank you

  14. I suppose you need to cover all angles...im just put off with the catcha for my site at the moment as I believe it could scare people away.


    I do like the invisible field method though.


    @requinix you mentioned wait until bots become problem...just wonder how I would know that bots were registering on my site?


    thank you

  15. Thank you for clearing that up...what confused me also in my thinking is that you see companies like Facebook, PayPal etc using email address as a username.


    Would you need to select all users, decrypt email address and compare to select row? Or would there be a simpler approach?


    thank you

  16. hey guys,


    i want to encrypt email address and passwords (after password_hash) but this then makes things very awkward when it comes to login...if your asking a user to put username/email address and he provides an email address (which is encyrpted in db)...how on earth do get user's row?


    the only answer i can think of is not to encrypt email address', but i'd say its sensitive data and needs to be


    just a little boggled with this, if someone can please shine some light.


    thank you.

  17. Most spam bots are going to completely ignore the robots.txt file so they will never see your hidden link either.


    ofcourse they will see a hidden link...thats one of the bots job to seach for href's...the bot will find it...and if bad bot he will try to open link?

  18. Make sure the bundle has the certificates in the right order: nginx expects yours at the top and the rest of the chain after.


    it appears the bundle sent from comodo was put together wrong.


    i had to put my domain cert with my intermediate certificates in order and finally convert to .pem


    not going to lie, it was tough :sweat:


    but it worked thanks for the good advise requinix :happy-04:

  19. hey guys im getting an nginx error message when trying to use ssl on my server:

    [emerg] 3108#6408: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file("C:\Users\Server\Desktop\host\myterms.co.uk\nginx/conf/ssl/myterms_co_uk.key") failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch)

    i've added the following to my nginx config:

    ssl_certificate ssl/domain.ca-bundle;
    ssl_certificate_key ssl/domain.key;

    domain.ca-bundle  - my certificate bundle sent to me from comodo
    domain.key            -  my private key generated with my RSA key


    i've search the net, and i read that the i need to remove passphrase from key

    openssl rsa -in domain.key -out newkey.pem

    but that didnt work either



    any help would be appreciated as i'm truly stuck now.

    thank you

  20. sorry requinix...a user register form for instance...a bad bot could fill out form and insert numerous rows...this is my concern as i have nothing in place yet to capture bad bots doing this.


    is a bot capture as seen in the link above a good enough idea...or what is the best solution please?


    thank you

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