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Posts posted by Destramic

  1. can anyone please help me on how to display this ul as 3 rows please?



    to look like this:







    thank you

  2. sorry i haven't been around to test and get back to you


    i've tried running this code...which returns not connected twice before returning connected...how can i get it just to return one or the other please?

    	var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    	xhr.open('GET', '', true);
    	xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
    	    if (xhr.readyState === 4  && xhr.status === 200) {
    	    	 console.log('not connected')

    thank you

  3. never heard of websocket class looked at it...but not sure what to do to be honest.



    AJAX is asynchronous - it does not happen linearly with the rest of your code. web_socket_open() will finish executing immediately and then eventually sometime later the onreadystatechange function will fire. Nevermind that the return will only return from that anonymous function and not web_socket_open().

    function web_socket_open(href){
    	var request = new XMLHttpRequest(href);
    	request.onreadystatechange = function() { 
    		if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {
    And notice that if everything is good you'll see a true and false output.



    ideally i would like to know if the socket was down...that way i can display page not available or something (fingers crossed that doesn't happen)...but just a precaution.


    is there a better way to do this please?...i ran script and waited ages with no console log


    thank you

  4. i'm wanting to check if the web-socket is open...i'm using a xml http request...unless there's is a better way you can suggest


    using the code below returns undefined

    function web_socket_open(href){
    	    var request = new XMLHttpRequest(href);
    	    request.onreadystatechange = function() { 
    	        if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {
    	        	   return true;
    	        return false;

    what am i doing wrong here please?


    thank you

  5. hey guys im trying to make grid for a image cropper script im making...but im having a bit of trouble getting it to work/look the way i want it to.  i'm not the best when it comes to css.


    you can see my grid here:




    the problem i have is where you stretch the grid too much or shrink it too small everything goes out of place...i'm more concerned about the border separation when stretching.


    how can i change size of grid but also making it looking consistent please?



    thank you





  6. a lot of work still to be done here but just in case someone else is learning how to encrypt db details i now have added a method to encrypt and decrypt array (mysql rows)


    ensuring the column name init vector is called  :  {column name}_init_vector

    class AES
        private $_master_key;
        public function __construct()
            $this->_master_key = "5e2a0626516f3108e55e25e4bb6a62835c2f5d2b2b8d194c9acca63ef8beff6bfb947233bd83cfda9021e5a80bc183bcd835180c9955b733fd1a6d9d";
        public function generate_master_key($length = 60)
            if (!is_numeric($length))
                return null;
            $max_attempts = 10;
            $attempts     = 0;
                $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length, $cryptographically_strong);
            while (!$cryptographically_strong && $attempts < $max_attempts);
            if (!$cryptographically_strong)
                return false;
            $hex = bin2hex($bytes);
            return $hex;
        public function encrypt($value, $master_key)
            $init_vector = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length(ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM));
            $ciphertext  = openssl_encrypt($value, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, $master_key, false, $init_vector);
            return array(
                'init_vector' => $init_vector,
                'ciphertext'  => $ciphertext
        public function decrypt($ciphertext, $init_vector, $master_key)
            $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, $master_key, false, $init_vector);
            return $plaintext;
        public function encrypt_array($array)
            $encrypted_array = array();
            $master_key      = $this->_master_key;
            foreach ($array as $key => $data)
                foreach ($data as $column => $value)
                    $encryption         = $this->encrypt($value, $master_key);
                    $init_vector_column = $column . '_init_vector';
                    $encrypted_array[$key][$column]             = $encryption['ciphertext'];
                    $encrypted_array[$key][$init_vector_column] = $encryption['init_vector'];
            return $encrypted_array;
        public function decrypt_array($array)
            $decrypted_array = array();
            $master_key      = $this->_master_key;
            foreach ($array as $key => $data)
                foreach ($data as $column => $value)
                    $init_vector = $column . '_init_vector';
                    if (array_key_exists($init_vector, $data))
                        $init_vector = $data[$init_vector];
                        $decrypted_value                = $this->decrypt($value, $init_vector, $master_key);
                        $decrypted_array[$key][$column] = $decrypted_value;
            return $decrypted_array;
    $aes = new AES;
    $data = array(
             array('name' => 'destramic', 
                   'age' => '28'),
             array('name' => 'alan',
                   'age' => '99')    
    $encryption = $aes->encrypt_array($data);
    $decryption = $aes->decrypt_array($encryption);

    :happy-04: :happy-04: :happy-04: :happy-04: :happy-04: :happy-04:

  7. ok brilliant...i'll stick with just the one key then...umm and as for sql injection this is just a test i've got all that sorted...but thanks for pointing out :)

  8. brilliant thank you


    i've changed everything you've told me :happy-04:


    the only thing i may be a bit concerned about is storing the master keys inside another table which is relationship with the users table by the user_id



    but it works brilliantly....i can use this on users address and even sessions.

    class AES
        public function master_key($length = 60)
            if (!is_numeric($length))
                return null;
            $max_attempts = 10;
            $attempts     = 0;
                $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length, $cryptographically_strong);
            while (!$cryptographically_strong && $attempts < $max_attempts);
            if (!$cryptographically_strong)
                return false;
            $hex = bin2hex($bytes);
            return $hex;
        public function encrypt($value, $master_key)
            $init_vector = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length(ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM));
            $ciphertext  = openssl_encrypt($value, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, $master_key, false, $init_vector);
            return array(
                'init_vector' => $init_vector,
                'ciphertext'  => $ciphertext
        public function decrypt($ciphertext, $init_vector, $master_key)
            $plaintext = openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, $master_key, false, $init_vector);
            return $plaintext;
    $aes = new AES;
    $server_master_key = $aes->master_key();
    // destramic
    // ricky
    $name = "destramic";
    $encryption = $aes->encrypt($name, $server_master_key);
    //echo $aes->decrypt($encryption['ciphertext'], $encryption['init_vector'], $server_master_key);
    // mysql stuff
    $link = mysqli_connect("", "root", "root", "test");
    //$insert = "INSERT INTO `users`(`name`, `name_init_vector`)
     //          VALUES ('" . $encryption['ciphertext'] ."', '" . $encryption['init_vector'] . "')";
    //$result  = mysqli_query($link, $insert);
    //$user_id = mysqli_insert_id($link);
    //$insert_key = "INSERT INTO `encryption_keys` (`encryption_key`, `user_id`)
    //               VALUES ('" . $server_master_key ."', '" . $user_id . "')";
    //$result = mysqli_query($link, $insert_key);
    $select = "SELECT u.name,
              FROM users u
              LEFT JOIN encryption_keys ek ON ek.user_id = u.user_id";
    $result = mysqli_query($link, $select);
    $rows = mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
    $decrypted_rows = array();
    foreach ($rows as $key => $array)
        foreach ($array as $column => $value)
            $init_vector = $column . '_init_vector';
            if (array_key_exists($init_vector, $array) &&
                array_key_exists('encryption_key', $array))
                $init_vector = $array[$init_vector];
                $master_key  = $array['encryption_key'];
                $decrypted_value               = $aes->decrypt($value, $init_vector, $master_key);
                $decrypted_rows[$key][$column] = $decrypted_value;

    can't honestly say how much i appropriate yours and the other guys time and help on here!!!

  9. yep i'm with you...thank you for your post :)


    although how do i use AES_CBC_DECRYPT() and AES_CBC_DECRYPT()?


    i have the extension php_openssl.dll included but i get



    Fatal error: Call to undefined function AES_CBC_ENCRYPT() in C:\nginx\html\aes.class.php on line 34


    also is openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() fine for the 16 random bytes?


    thank you

  10. i've been reading up about security for users data in my db come across aes (hopefully im on the right track for good security?).


    now i may be over complicating things (as usual) but when a user creates a account i was planning on creating a mysql_aes_key with the users password (after it has been password hashed) creating a user content key


    then to use my encrypt method to encrypt the user content key with a random master key, creating the user content key encryption


    also i wanted to create a master key for each user inside a table as well as storing the user content key in the users db row.



    here is what i've come up with or sourced should i say:

    class AES
        public function random_string($length = 60)
            if (!is_numeric($length))
                return null;
            $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length, $cryptographically_strong);
            $hex   = bin2hex($bytes);
            if (!$cryptographically_strong)
            return $hex;
        public function mysql_aes_key($key)
        	$new_key = str_repeat(chr(0), 16);
        		$new_key[$i%16] = $new_key[$i%16] ^ $key[$i];
        	return $new_key;
        public function encrypt($val, $key)
        $key = $this->mysql_aes_key($key);
    	$pad_value = 16-(strlen($val) % 16);
    	$val = str_pad($val, (16*(floor(strlen($val) / 16)+1)), chr($pad_value));
    	 $encryption = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $val, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv( mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
         return $encryption;
        public function decrypt($val, $key)
        	$key = $this->mysql_aes_key($key);
    	   $val = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $val, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, mcrypt_create_iv( mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
    	   return rtrim($val);
    $master_key       = "354fdedcc54d356bf681571e3dcacf73dd818656ffddc779d33b925e0b3f32fae01642fe7719bb9504c80de4f4193933f36948770f2ac832b5364514";
    $users_password   = "helloworldthisismypassword";
    $aes = new AES;
    // $aes->random_string(); // master key
    $user_content_key = $aes->mysql_aes_key($users_password);
    $user_content_key_encrypted = $aes->encrypt($user_content_key, $master_key);
    //echo $a = $aes->encrypt('ricky', $user_content_key);
    //echo $aes->decrypt($a, $user_content_key);
    // inserts and selects perfect
    $link = mysqli_connect("", "root", "root", "test");
    $insert = "INSERT INTO `users`(`password`, `encryption_key`, `name`, `age`) 
               VALUES ('" . $users_password."','" . $user_content_key . "',AES_ENCRYPT('ricky', '" . $user_content_key_encrypted . "'),AES_ENCRYPT('28', '" . $user_content_key_encrypted . "'))";
    //$result = mysqli_query($link, $insert);
    $select = "SELECT AES_DECRYPT(name, '" . $user_content_key_encrypted . "') AS name,
                      AES_DECRYPT(age, '" . $user_content_key_encrypted . "') AS age
              FROM users";
    $result = mysqli_query($link, $select);
    $rows = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
    // select 2
    $select2 = "SELECT @content_key := AES_ENCRYPT(u.encryption_key, ek.encryption_key),
                       AES_DECRYPT(u.name, @content_key) as `name`
                FROM users u
                LEFT JOIN encryption_keys ek ON ek.user_id = u.user_id";
    $result2 = mysqli_query($link, $select2);
    $rows2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2);

    inserting a user and selecting works fine...but im not sure if what im trying to do on my 2nd select query is secure (although it doesnt work)....but i would like to do something like this:

    SELECT @content_key := AES_ENCRYPT(u.encryption_key, ek.encryption_key),
                       AES_DECRYPT(u.name, @content_key) as `name`
                FROM users u
                LEFT JOIN encryption_keys ek ON ek.user_id = u.user_id

    am i on the right track with what im trying to do here please guys?...advise would be great thank you

  11. thats the plan :)


    got this for data...so i can cache...the json for one page is like 4000 rows so caching it should save some memory and cpu

    namespace Utility;
    use \Exception as Exception;
    class Cache 
        protected $_cache_directory = "C:\\nginx\html\cache\\";
        protected $_lifetime        = 108000;
        protected $_extension       = ".txt";
        protected $_extensions      = array('cache', 'txt', 'csv');    
        public $_filename;
        public function save($data, $san = true)
            if (is_null($data))
                return false;
            $filename = $this->get_filename();
            $file     = pathinfo($filename);
                if (!$this->make_directory($file['dirname']))
                    throw new Exception('');
            catch (Exception $exception)
            $extension = $file['extension'];
            $file      = fopen($filename, "w+");
            if ($extension === 'csv')
                 $start = true;
                foreach ($data as $csv_data) 
                    if ($start) 
                        $keys  = array_keys($csv_data);
                        $start = false;
                        fputcsv($file, $keys);
                    fputcsv($file, $csv_data);
                fwrite($file, $data);
            $lifetime = time() + $this->get_lifetime();
            touch($filename, $lifetime);
        public function load($filename = null)
            if (is_null($filename))
                $filename = $this->get_filename();
            if (!file_exists($filename))
                return false;
            $file      = pathinfo($filename);
            $extension = $file['extension'];
            if ($extension === 'csv')
                $start   = true;
                $headers = array();
                $data    = array();
                $file = fopen($filename,'r');
                while(($csv_data = fgetcsv($file)) !== false)
                        $headers = array_values($csv_data);
                        $start   = false;
                    $data[] = array_combine($headers, $csv_data);
                $data = file_get_contents($filename);
            return $data;
        public function remove($filename = null)
            if (is_null($filename))
                return false;
                return false;
            return true;
        public function is_cached($filename = null)
            if (is_null($filename))
               return false;
            echo $filename = $this->format_filename($filename);
            if (!file_exists($filename))
                return false;
            $time = filemtime($filename);
            if ($time < time())
                return false;
            return true;
        public function remove_all()
            $files = glob($this->get_cache_directory() . "*");
            foreach($files as $file)
        protected function format_filename($filename)
            $filename = $this->get_cache_directory() . $filename;
            if (DS === '/')
                $replace = "\\";
                $replace = "/";
            if (strpos($filename, $replace))
                $filename = str_replace($replace, DS, $filename);
            if (strpos($filename, DS.DS))
                $filename = str_replace(DS.DS, DS, $filename);
            $info = pathinfo($filename);
            if (!in_array($info['extension'], $this->_extensions))
                $filename = $info['dirname'] . DS . $info['filename'] . $this->_extension;
            return $filename;
        protected function make_directory($directory)
            if (!is_dir($directory))
                mkdir($directory, 0755, true);
                return true;
            return false;
        protected function get_cache_directory()
            return $this->_cache_directory;
        protected function set_filename($filename)
            $this->_filename = $filename;
        protected function get_filename()
            return $this->_filename;
        public function extension($extension)
            if (in_array($extension, $this->_extensions))
                $this->_extension = '.' . $extension;
        public function lifetime($lifetime, $period = "days")
            $period = strtolower($period);
                case 'seconds':
                case 'minutes':
                    $lifetime = $lifetime * 60;
                case 'hours':
                    $lifetime = $lifetime * 60 * 60;
                case 'days':
                    $lifetime = $lifetime * 60 * 60 * 24;
                case 'weeks':
                    $lifetime = $lifetime * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
                case 'months':
                    $lifetime = $lifetime * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;
                case 'years':
                    $lifetime = $lifetime * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
            $this->_lifetime = $lifetime;
        protected function get_lifetime()
            return $this->_lifetime;
    $cache = new Cache;
    if ($cache->is_cached('json/categories.csv'))
        // database shizzle
        $data = array(array('name' => 'ricky', 'age' => '28'));
  12. thank you guys...i was trying to over complicate things ie. trying to csv a array like so and return it

    array('1', '2', '2', array('5', '6', '7'))

    but all i really needed it for was db rows! :


    but thank you guys...just what i needed....nice a simple...dunno why i tried over thinking a script for something i don't need 



  13. hey guys can anyone point me to a good script/tutorial which can convert a singular/multidimensional array into csv please?


    also i'd want to be able to convert back from csv to php array also...be happy if someone could point me into the right direction...thank you

  14. ok well this is embarrassing my json isn't valid


    basically i have 3 columns like so:

    "name":"10"      Singles"

    10" Singles   -    but because of the quote make which represents inch, json fails.


    strip slashes worked like a charm....thank you

  15. ok i put my json data in the meta tag


    and got it via js


    now i have the same problem...i get only 2500 rows and then it cutts off =/

  16. well the data originally comes from the database then i use

    	public function encode($data = array())
    	    $utf8 = new UTF8();
    	    $data = $utf8->encode($data);
    		$json = json_encode($data);
            $json = htmlentities(stripslashes($json), ENT_QUOTES);
            return $json;

    to encode to json so i can use the data via js....and i call the data like so:


    the after encoded the json looks like a perfect json string....but when added to the data attribute it only has about 3/4 of the data and not formed correctly

  17. hey guys i have a data attribute with a json string of about 291478 characters long so far and counting...but im thinking the data attribute has a max length (although im unable to find any details on this so far) as my json string gets cut off 3/4's of the way through


    when i echo string outside data attribute it shows perfectly fine...does anyone know the max length?


    also i need to find somewhere else to store this json string...the data attribute had been perfect up until now! :(

  18. with a lot of playing about i've narrowed it down to these columns causing the problem

    (i.quantity - count(ip.item_id)) AS `quantity_available`,
    COUNT(ip.item_id) AS `quantity_sold`,
    io2.quantity AS `quantity_offer`,
    COUNT(DISTINCT io.item_offer_id) AS `offer_count`,
    CONCAT(FORMAT(((SUM(uf.positive + uf.neutral) - uf.negative) / count(uf.user_feedback_id) * 100), 2), '%') AS `sellers_feedback_percentage`,
    ROUND(SUM((uf.positive * 1) + (uf.neutral * 0.5)) - (uf.negative * 1), 0) AS `sellers_feedback_score`,
    COUNT(DISTINCT b.bid_id) AS `bid_count`,
    COUNT(DISTINCT uiw.user_item_wish_id) AS `wish_count`,
    COUNT(DISTINCT uiwa.user_item_watch_id) AS `watch_count`,

    when these lines are taken away from my query i get the correct results...why when i add them the highest bidder changes?


    thank you

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