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Posts posted by Liquidz0r

  1. Take a look at eval()


    Thank you soooooo much! I've been sending loads and loads of time on this. It was the only thing holding me back from actually completely finishing it. I tried everything I knew + google ... like searching the record, exploding it when defining custom tags for my strings etc etc but this is definately the key.


    I was getting really frustrated by this, you don't know how happy you made me just now + I learned a new php function which is definately a keeper.


    Again, thank you!


    Ohh yeah, my problem is solved because of this

  2. first of all, check your echo ... you're using $post instead of $_POST, so I imagine that might solve part of your problem.


    Secondly, what's the use of saying $_POST['wow2'] is not set ... when it's not set? Then you can't print/echo it either because there's just nothing there.


    Thirdly, you're writing an array-record inside an echo. I would do it like this:


    echo $_POST['wow2']." is set!<br/>";
    print("{$_POST['wow2']} is set!<br/>");


    then, your foreach function is pretty weird too ... you're trying to 'modify' your $value of your $_POST results I figure? There's no point storing them inside $_POST['$var'], try doing it this way instead:


    foreach($_POST as $var=>$value) {
    $value = strip_tags(trim($value));
    $value = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $value);
    echo $var." is = ".$value." !!<br/>";


    Something like that, I'm at work so I didn't check it myself :-)

  3. The short tags aren't the problem. I tried it with echo $string too and I'm using short tags in other parts of the website too and it works.


    The thing is, the page doesn't have an extension. the html-code is imported from a database into my website (temporary, for debugging ...) and is parsed through a php-script to combine it with content ... after that it gets mailed. Normally my website is just a system to mail the stuff to people.


    I'll add a printscreen:



    Thing is ... I actually don't do anything with the html-code I fetch from the database ... I just fetch it and declare the variables (which are also mentioned in the html ... see my printscreen ( $test1 )) and I thought that would be enough to get the value out of those variables in my fetched html-code, but apparently something goes horribly wrong, where it seems that the code/server can't read the php-code I add to my html-template.


    Can someone give me a solution?


    P.S.: Yes, I know the html code in the end doesn't make sense but that's because I'm importing a template into an html atm, it's not relevant to this matter.

  4. I've been busy writing this mail for over 20mins but I just can't explain it properly I guess.


    My problem is inserting a php string into html code. The HTML-code is grabbed out of a database, so is the string. I'm making a php mailer system btw.


    I tried doing this earlier, but the problem I'm getting is that, when I add <?=$myString;?> to the HTML template (yes, the one from the database) and I send it through mail or print it on a webpage I won't get the value of $myString, but just $myString in pink-purple'ish letters (when viewing the source code in firefox ...) ... in other words, the little piece of php-code doesn't get recognized.


    Just to be clear ... I upload my template into the database already with the $strings I need to fill them up with content. The reason for this is because I'm building a dynamic mailersystem, if I would have only 1 contentfield there would be alternatives but I've been busy working on this the last couple of weeks and I don't see any other solution.


    So in short:

    I have a $string and <html>, both grabbed out of database, they're in seperate tables etc ... I just want to inject $string into <html> ... html already contains <?=$string;?> (for printing the value of the string) but it won't work when I send the mail (getting purple'ish text in source code with firefox ... kind of reminds me of a host which doesn't support php, gives same color to php).


    For the record:


    I'm using a function to grab my html file out of the database, I declare my $string in the same function and then just return the html (without really doing anything with it ... I thought that as long as the $string gets declared in the same function ... the html file will see it and fill the $string with its value.



    I'm sorry if it's really confusing, it's just not easy to explain I guess, easier when you're working with the code.

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