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Everything posted by johnathanhebert

  1. I left a semicolon off the first line... try this... <?php $utime = strtotime($row_test['SowDate']) + 86400*$row_newtest['LifeTime']); $newdate = date("Y-m-d",$utime); ?>
  2. There are lots of ways to do it... here is one way... <?php $utime = strtotime($row_test['SowDate']) + 86400*$row_newtest['LifeTime']) $newdate = date("Y-m-d",$utime); ?>
  3. You can download the preliminary documentation here: http://www.jdcommerce.com/docs/helix.pdf
  4. $_GET is an array, with the keys set to the parameter names on the query string, and the values set to the values on the query string... you are also missing the semicolon after your first statement -- so try: $string = $_GET["string"]; or just: if ($_GET["string"]==="true")
  5. Thanks for the feedback. Yes, the documentation is in progress, and it will have an explanation of all the modules. It is definitely a framework and not a CMS, even if the description made it sound that way. I will update when the documentation is more available...
  6. Right... isn't that what he requested in the original post?
  7. The "headers already sent" error means that the HTTP headers have already been sent to the browser, and then somewhere in your script you attempted to send more HTTP headers. In this case, it looks like the first header warning is because you are trying to send another Cookie header when it has already been sent... headers are sent with the header() function so you may want to search for that. Also, you can use the output buffering functions to keep from sending content to the browser until you tell it. Just call ob_start() at the beginning of your script and ob_end_flush() at the end... there are other output buffering functions you can also take a look at...
  8. Maybe change it to test the 'REQUEST_URI' server variable... (which is the actual path from the URL) <?php $page = pathinfo($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],PATHINFO_FILENAME);//get the file name of the current page if($page == "index"){ //it neglects the extension, so hope you don't use index.html too echo "Footer HTML you want to show"; } ?>
  9. This should do it... The "RewriteRule" says that if the path part of the URL does not start with "/index.php" then -- the "-" means do not rewrite the URL, just process the flag (which is the last part in square brackets) -- the "[F]" means send back a "Forbidden" response, which is an HTTP 403 message header RewriteEngine On RewriteRule !^/index.php - [F]
  10. Well your server is receiving the compressed response using the curl functions, so if you are sending the output of the curl functions to the browser, then the curl functions must be decompressing the response... it is not the browser decompressing the response. There may be a way to tell curl not to decompress the response...
  11. Set the CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER parameter to 1 so the output of curl_exec() will be the response... then you can echo it to the browser and if you want to see the content printed in the browser, try setting the Content-Type of the response to the browser to "text/plain"... like this: ... your curl settings up here ... $raw_gzip = curl_exec($ch); header("Content-Type: text/plain"); echo $raw_gzip;
  12. The problem could be related to the "Expect" header that is automatically being added by the curl functions... the server you are posting to may not support it. Try removing it with: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:')); http://www.gnegg.ch/2007/02/the-return-of-except-100-continue/
  13. I just showed it in PHP because it sounded like the OP was looking for something other than mysql formatting... I agree, it's better to do it with mysql or just store it as a date type in mysql anyway.
  14. You could just use the basename() function... echo basename($maxfile,".htm");
  15. You could convert it from timestamp in PHP... $timestamp = {value from mysql db}; echo date("m-d-Y",$timestamp);
  16. Why? I thought this topic was to discuss PHP Frameworks. What is the problem?
  17. Just wanted to introduce a newly opened PHP Framework called Helix that we have developed over the past 6 years. You can download it here from SourceForge. Helix is very easy to install -- just drop the helix folder in your webroot and go to the setup page. It comes with hundreds of pre-designed tables and relationships, as well as the classes that manipulate data in those tables, so you don't have to design the database. Every table/class is customizable, and there is also support for javascript frameworks (ExtJS by default), FlowPlayer for video streaming, Amazon Web Services, Authorize.net and PayPal, and much more. Give it a try and let us know what you think!
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