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About yanti

  • Birthday 06/20/1983

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  1. hi, i had tried your delete query, its works finally...it just that i need to select the table that i want to, then after i can run the delete statement there...how can i miss that simple things... thanks again... tq
  2. yes, i would like to delete data from 'b' table only. i had used delete from but it gives me an error saying that there is no db selected. tq
  3. Hi, I had this problem which deleting data within 2 different database. My code is below: SELECT b.* FROM 33080_cdr.mt_1201 a INNER JOIN mot.mot9_member_on b ON a.mobile_no=b.mobile WHERE a.dn_status='psanumberbarred' this will select all the data that i want to delete. please help me how to delete the selected result. thank you
  4. hi, i got this problem. i had 19 tables in one database. i need to link all tables. which are the best way to do to link all of it? TQ
  5. hi...i have a question to ask.. i got this report saying that my IP address was abuse which has been detected by other people. they complaining that my IP has been detected to breach their network. since im new in this matter, it would be great to have an advice from all of you. how can i fix this problem?? thank you
  6. hi guys....i had found the problem already....it was so embarrassing.... the files is not there....its in different folder of root.... by the way, thanks guys.......
  7. i tried that before, but it doesnt work... the page give me an error saying that: The requested URL /myfiles was not found on this server.
  8. thanks pikachu2000...but i dont get it....sorry... what does it mean? let say my domain is http://www.slt.com/myfiles to use ip is : http://123.XXX.XXX.XX/myfiles is it like that?
  9. thanks for the reply....yes, the server is dedicated to me.... so, how can i use the IP besides the domain? any reference from a website or any? i need to use it as soon as possible...
  10. hi, i got this problem... i already had a domain name....my question is beside using that domain name, can i use an IP address to open my website? For example: My current domain name : www.slt.com/myfiles I would like to use: XXX.XXX.XXX/myfiles *XXX.XXX.XXX contains number for IP address tq
  11. HI everyone, Does anyone can help me to update db from .csv / .txt files into mysql using php script. My code is like below: link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword) or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ($dbname); $handle = fopen("/var/www/httpdocs/molog.csv", "r"); // loop content of csv file, using comma as delemiter while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) { $timestamp = $data[1]; $mobile_no = (int)$data[2]; $message_text = ($data[3]); //$price2 = floatval($data[2]); $query = 'SELECT id_pengguna FROM test_maklumat_pengguna'; if (!$result = mysql_query($query)) { continue; } if ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { // entry exists update [b]$query = "UPDATE test_maklumat_pengguna SET no_tel_penjaga='$mobile_no', no_tel_murid='mobile_no' WHERE id=$id";[/b] mysql_query($query); if (mysql_affected_rows() <= 0) { // no rows where affected by update query } } else { // entry don't exists continue or insert... } mysql_free_result($result); } fclose($handle); mysql_close($link); My problem was, i want to update 2 fields which had same data type based on passport no of the customer. My code is wrong i guess. Please help me on this...thank you
  12. hi guys..i need help in select function for viewing the newest data/rows. for example: select * from rwmessage where id = '(the newest row)' please help me with the line.
  13. sorry for the lack of info. by the way, i want to match the input with database. if match, message saying that u are registered. if not, it will display a message to ask them to register. whenever i run the code, seems like checking part doesnt work.
  14. hi guys, i had this code to check the match data and display the message. seems like it doesnt work. mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); $num=$_POST['txtMobile']; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE Mobile='$num'"); $result = mysql_query($sql); $count=mysql_num_rows($result); if($count==1){ echo "You are a member of Roadwinner."; } else { echo "Sorry, you are not a member of Roadwinner. To register as a member, please send via sms, ON SPOT send to 32425."; }
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