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Posts posted by newbtophp

  1. You can't use that array structure. It's possible that two files have the same name but different paths, and you can't have two elements with the same index (obviously).


    Their won't be duplicates/same names, as I will be creating the file/filenames to ensure their aint.

  2. That's a matter of opinion. Since it only applies to the content of that folder, why would placing it in the root folder make any more organisation sense? From a pure ease of use standpoint, keeping your rules all together may make sense, as I say, it's a matter of opinion. For performance reason it should probably be placed within a conf file.


    Hi Cags,


    Can you ellaborate about the conf file? (ie. example would be nice)  8)



  3. Hi,


    I've tried various methods (ie. glob etc.) but haven't had any success, the purpose is to scan through all directories for php files, then place those php files along with their path ($dir/$filename) into an array (to use elsewhere)


    So if I have the following file/directory structure (example):




    Would produce the following array:


    $files = array('topic.php' => 'forums/topic.php',

                  'forum.php' => 'forums/forum.php'

                  'functions.php' => 'func/functions.php');

  4. How do you access the variables once assigned?


    You have a template file, so in the template file would be:



    And then in the php file you'd do:

    $xtpl->assign('dir/file.php', 'file is contained within the directory: dir');

  5. Hi,


    I'm using an opensource/free php templating engine/class named XTemplate ->

    http://www.phpxtemplate.org (might want to download it from here, to get abetter understanding)


    I need alittle help - I tried myself but could'nt get it working, how would it be possible to make XTemplate accept the forward slash character (/) within the variables?, I've tried myself by modifying the regex within the parse() function in xtemplate.class.php:




            /* find & replace variables+blocks */

            preg_match_all("|" . $this->tag_start_delim . "([A-Za-z0-9\._]+?" . $this->comment_preg . ")" . $this->tag_end_delim. "|", $copy, $var_array);




            /* find & replace variables+blocks */

            preg_match_all("|" . $this->tag_start_delim . "([A-Za-z0-9\._/]+?" . $this->comment_preg . ")" . $this->tag_end_delim. "|", $copy, $var_array);


    But then it accepts the forward slash character within the variable, but does'nt parse it (produce the output of what its assigned too - instead it just does'nt output anything):


    such as:


    $xtpl->assign('dir/file.php', 'file is contained within the directory: dir');


    would output nothing/blank, however I expect it too output (as its meant to) the following:

    file is contained within the directory: dir



    // When developing uncomment the line below, re-comment before making public
    * XTemplate PHP templating engine
    * @package XTemplate
    * @author Barnabas Debreceni [cranx@users.sourceforge.net]
    * @copyright Barnabas Debreceni 2000-2001
    * @author Jeremy Coates [cocomp@users.sourceforge.net]
    * @copyright Jeremy Coates 2002-2007
    * @see license.txt LGPL / BSD license
    * @since PHP 5
    * @link $HeadURL: https://xtpl.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xtpl/trunk/xtemplate.class.php $
    * @version $Id: xtemplate.class.php 21 2007-05-29 18:01:15Z cocomp $
    * XTemplate class - http://www.phpxtemplate.org/ (x)html / xml generation with templates - fast & easy
    * Latest stable & Subversion versions available @ http://sourceforge.net/projects/xtpl/
    * License: LGPL / BSD - see license.txt
    * Changelog: see changelog.txt
    class XTemplate {
     * Properties
     * Raw contents of the template file
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $filecontents = '';
     * Unparsed blocks
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $blocks = array();
     * Parsed blocks
     * @var unknown_type
    public $parsed_blocks = array();
     * Preparsed blocks (for file includes)
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $preparsed_blocks = array();
     * Block parsing order for recursive parsing
     * (Sometimes reverse 
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $block_parse_order = array();
     * Store sub-block names
     * (For fast resetting)
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $sub_blocks = array();
     * Variables array
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $vars = array();
     * File variables array
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $filevars = array();
     * Filevars' parent block
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $filevar_parent = array();
     * File caching during duration of script
     * e.g. files only cached to speed {FILE "filename"} repeats
     * @access public
     * @var array
    public $filecache = array();
     * Location of template files
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $tpldir = '';
     * Filenames lookup table
     * @access public
     * @var null
    public $files = null;
     * Template filename
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $filename = '';
    // moved to setup method so uses the tag_start & end_delims
     * RegEx for file includes
     * "/\{FILE\s*\"([^\"]+)\"\s*\}/m";
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $file_delim = '';
     * RegEx for file include variable
     * "/\{FILE\s*\{([A-Za-z0-9\._]+?)\}\s*\}/m";
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $filevar_delim = '';
     * RegEx for file includes with newlines
     * "/^\s*\{FILE\s*\{([A-Za-z0-9\._]+?)\}\s*\}\s*\n/m";
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $filevar_delim_nl = '';
     * Template block start delimiter
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $block_start_delim = '<!-- ';
     * Template block end delimiter
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $block_end_delim = '-->';
     * Template block start word
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $block_start_word = 'BEGIN:';
     * Template block end word
     * The last 3 properties and this make the delimiters look like:
     * @example <!-- BEGIN: block_name -->
     * if you use the default syntax.
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $block_end_word = 'END:';
     * Template tag start delimiter
     * This makes the delimiters look like:
     * @example {tagname}
     * if you use the default syntax.
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $tag_start_delim = '{';
     * Template tag end delimiter
     * This makes the delimiters look like:
     * @example {tagname}
     * if you use the default syntax.
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $tag_end_delim = '}';
    /* this makes the delimiters look like: {tagname} if you use my syntax. */
     * Regular expression element for comments within tags and blocks
     * @example {tagname#My Comment}
     * @example {tagname #My Comment}
     * @example <!-- BEGIN: blockname#My Comment -->
     * @example <!-- BEGIN: blockname #My Comment -->
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $comment_preg = '( ?#.*?)?';
     * Default main template block name
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $mainblock = 'main';
     * Script output type
     * @access public
     * @var string
    public $output_type = 'HTML';
     * Debug mode
     * @access public
     * @var boolean
    public $debug = false;
     * Null string for unassigned vars
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $_null_string = array('' => '');
     * Null string for unassigned blocks
     * @access protected
     * @var array
    protected $_null_block = array('' => '');
     * Errors
     * @access protected
     * @var string
    protected $_error = '';
     * Auto-reset sub blocks
     * @access protected
     * @var boolean
    protected $_autoreset = true;
     * Set to FALSE to generate errors if a non-existant blocks is referenced
     * @author NW
     * @since 2002/10/17
     * @access protected
     * @var boolean
    protected $_ignore_missing_blocks = true;
         * PHP 5 Constructor - Instantiate the object
         * @param string $file Template file to work on
         * @param string/array $tpldir Location of template files (useful for keeping files outside web server root)
         * @param array $files Filenames lookup
         * @param string $mainblock Name of main block in the template
         * @param boolean $autosetup If true, run setup() as part of constuctor
         * @return XTemplate
    public function __construct($file, $tpldir = '', $files = null, $mainblock = 'main', $autosetup = true) {
    	$this->restart($file, $tpldir, $files, $mainblock, $autosetup, $this->tag_start_delim, $this->tag_end_delim);
         * PHP 4 Constructor - Instantiate the object
         * @deprecated Use PHP 5 constructor instead
         * @param string $file Template file to work on
         * @param string/array $tpldir Location of template files (useful for keeping files outside web server root)
         * @param array $files Filenames lookup
         * @param string $mainblock Name of main block in the template
         * @param boolean $autosetup If true, run setup() as part of constuctor
         * @return XTemplate
    public function XTemplate ($file, $tpldir = '', $files = null, $mainblock = 'main', $autosetup = true) {
    	assert('Deprecated - use PHP 5 constructor');
    /***[ public stuff ]********************************************************/
     * Restart the class - allows one instantiation with several files processed by restarting
     * e.g. $xtpl = new XTemplate('file1.xtpl');
     * $xtpl->parse('main');
     * $xtpl->out('main');
     * $xtpl->restart('file2.xtpl');
     * $xtpl->parse('main');
     * $xtpl->out('main');
     * (Added in response to sf:641407 feature request)
     * @param string $file Template file to work on
     * @param string/array $tpldir Location of template files
     * @param array $files Filenames lookup
     * @param string $mainblock Name of main block in the template
     * @param boolean $autosetup If true, run setup() as part of restarting
     * @param string $tag_start {
     * @param string $tag_end }
    public function restart ($file, $tpldir = '', $files = null, $mainblock = 'main', $autosetup = true, $tag_start = '{', $tag_end = '}') {
    	$this->filename = $file;
    	// From SF Feature request 1202027
    	// Kenneth Kalmer
    	$this->tpldir = $tpldir;
    	if (defined('XTPL_DIR') && empty($this->tpldir)) {
    		$this->tpldir = XTPL_DIR;
    	if (is_array($files)) {
    		$this->files = $files;
    	$this->mainblock = $mainblock;
    	$this->tag_start_delim = $tag_start;
    	$this->tag_end_delim = $tag_end;
    	// Start with fresh file contents
    	$this->filecontents = '';
    	// Reset the template arrays
    	$this->blocks = array();
    	$this->parsed_blocks = array();
    	$this->preparsed_blocks = array();
    	$this->block_parse_order = array();
    	$this->sub_blocks = array();
    	$this->vars = array();
    	$this->filevars = array();
    	$this->filevar_parent = array();
    	$this->filecache = array();
    	if ($autosetup) {
         * setup - the elements that were previously in the constructor
         * @access public
         * @param boolean $add_outer If true is passed when called, it adds an outer main block to the file
    public function setup ($add_outer = false) {
    	$this->tag_start_delim = preg_quote($this->tag_start_delim);
    	$this->tag_end_delim = preg_quote($this->tag_end_delim);
    	// Setup the file delimiters
    	// regexp for file includes
    	$this->file_delim = "/" . $this->tag_start_delim . "FILE\s*\"([^\"]+)\"" . $this->comment_preg . $this->tag_end_delim . "/m";
    	// regexp for file includes
    	$this->filevar_delim = "/" . $this->tag_start_delim . "FILE\s*" . $this->tag_start_delim . "([A-Za-z0-9\._]+?)" . $this->comment_preg . $this->tag_end_delim . $this->comment_preg . $this->tag_end_delim . "/m";
    	// regexp for file includes w/ newlines
    	$this->filevar_delim_nl = "/^\s*" . $this->tag_start_delim . "FILE\s*" . $this->tag_start_delim . "([A-Za-z0-9\._]+?)" . $this->comment_preg . $this->tag_end_delim . $this->comment_preg . $this->tag_end_delim . "\s*\n/m";
    	if (empty($this->filecontents)) {
    		// read in template file
    		$this->filecontents = $this->_r_getfile($this->filename);
    	if ($add_outer) {
    	// preprocess some stuff
    	$this->blocks = $this->_maketree($this->filecontents, '');
    	$this->filevar_parent = $this->_store_filevar_parents($this->blocks);
         * assign a variable
         * @example Simplest case:
         * @example $xtpl->assign('name', 'value');
         * @example {name} in template
         * @example Array assign:
         * @example $xtpl->assign(array('name' => 'value', 'name2' => 'value2'));
         * @example {name} {name2} in template
         * @example Value as array assign:
         * @example $xtpl->assign('name', array('key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2'));
         * @example {name.key} {name.key2} in template
         * @example Reset array:
         * @example $xtpl->assign('name', array('key' => 'value', 'key2' => 'value2'));
         * @example // Other code then:
         * @example $xtpl->assign('name', array('key3' => 'value3'), false);
         * @example {name.key} {name.key2} {name.key3} in template
         * @access public
         * @param string $name Variable to assign $val to
         * @param string / array $val Value to assign to $name
     * @param boolean $reset_array Reset the variable array if $val is an array
    public function assign ($name, $val = '', $reset_array = true) {
    	if (is_array($name)) {
    		foreach ($name as $k => $v) {
    			$this->vars[$k] = $v;
    	} elseif (is_array($val)) {
    		// Clear the existing values
        		if ($reset_array) {
        			$this->vars[$name] = array();
            	foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
            		$this->vars[$name][$k] = $v;
    	} else {
    		$this->vars[$name] = $val;
         * assign a file variable
         * @access public
         * @param string $name Variable to assign $val to
         * @param string / array $val Values to assign to $name
    public function assign_file ($name, $val = '') {
    	if (is_array($name)) {
    		foreach ($name as $k => $v) {
    			$this->_assign_file_sub($k, $v);
    	} else {
    		$this->_assign_file_sub($name, $val);
         * parse a block
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block name to parse
    public function parse ($bname) {
    	if (isset($this->preparsed_blocks[$bname])) {
    		$copy = $this->preparsed_blocks[$bname];
    	} elseif (isset($this->blocks[$bname])) {
    		$copy = $this->blocks[$bname];
    	} elseif ($this->_ignore_missing_blocks) {
    		// ------------------------------------------------------
    		// NW : 17 Oct 2002. Added default of ignore_missing_blocks
    		//      to allow for generalised processing where some
    		//      blocks may be removed from the HTML without the
    		//      processing code needing to be altered.
    		// ------------------------------------------------------
    		// JRC: 3/1/2003 added set error to ignore missing functionality
    		$this->_set_error("parse: blockname [$bname] does not exist");
    	} else {
    		$this->_set_error("parse: blockname [$bname] does not exist");
    	/* from there we should have no more {FILE } directives */
    	if (!isset($copy)) {
    		die('Block: ' . $bname);
    	$copy = preg_replace($this->filevar_delim_nl, '', $copy);
    	$var_array = array();
    	/* find & replace variables+blocks */
    	preg_match_all("|" . $this->tag_start_delim . "([A-Za-z0-9\._]+?" . $this->comment_preg . ")" . $this->tag_end_delim. "|", $copy, $var_array);
    	$var_array = $var_array[1];
    	foreach ($var_array as $k => $v) {
    		// Are there any comments in the tags {tag#a comment for documenting the template}
    		$any_comments = explode('#', $v);
    		$v = rtrim($any_comments[0]);
    		if (sizeof($any_comments) > 1) {
    			$comments = $any_comments[1];
    		} else {
    			$comments = '';
    		$sub = explode('.', $v);
    		if ($sub[0] == '_BLOCK_') {
    			$bname2 = implode('.', $sub);
    			// trinary operator eliminates assign error in E_ALL reporting
    			$var = isset($this->parsed_blocks[$bname2]) ? $this->parsed_blocks[$bname2] : null;
    			$nul = (!isset($this->_null_block[$bname2])) ? $this->_null_block[''] : $this->_null_block[$bname2];
    			if ($var === '') {
    				if ($nul == '') {
    					// -----------------------------------------------------------
    					// Removed requirement for blocks to be at the start of string
    					// -----------------------------------------------------------
    					//                      $copy=preg_replace("/^\s*\{".$v."\}\s*\n*/m","",$copy);
    					// Now blocks don't need to be at the beginning of a line,
    					//$copy=preg_replace("/\s*" . $this->tag_start_delim . $v . $this->tag_end_delim . "\s*\n*/m","",$copy);
    					$copy = preg_replace("|" . $this->tag_start_delim . $v . $this->tag_end_delim . "|m", '', $copy);
    				} else {
    					$copy = preg_replace("|" . $this->tag_start_delim . $v . $this->tag_end_delim . "|m", "$nul", $copy);
    			} else {
    				//$var = trim($var);
    				switch (true) {
    					case preg_match('/^\n/', $var) && preg_match('/\n$/', $var):
    						$var = substr($var, 1, -1);
    					case preg_match('/^\n/', $var):
    						$var = substr($var, 1);
    					case preg_match('/\n$/', $var):
    						$var = substr($var, 0, -1);
    				// SF Bug no. 810773 - thanks anonymous
    				$var = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $var);
    				// Ensure dollars in strings are not evaluated reported by SadGeezer 31/3/04
    				$var = str_replace('$', '\\$', $var);
    				// Replaced str_replaces with preg_quote
    				//$var = preg_quote($var);
    				$var = str_replace('\\|', '|', $var);
    				$copy = preg_replace("|" . $this->tag_start_delim . $v . $this->tag_end_delim . "|m", "$var", $copy);
    				if (preg_match('/^\n/', $copy) && preg_match('/\n$/', $copy)) {
    					$copy = substr($copy, 1, -1);
    		} else {
    			$var = $this->vars;
    			foreach ($sub as $v1) {
    				// NW 4 Oct 2002 - Added isset and is_array check to avoid NOTICE messages
    				// JC 17 Oct 2002 - Changed EMPTY to stlen=0
    				//                if (empty($var[$v1])) { // this line would think that zeros(0) were empty - which is not true
    				if (!isset($var[$v1]) || (!is_array($var[$v1]) && strlen($var[$v1]) == 0)) {
    					// Check for constant, when variable not assigned
    					if (defined($v1)) {
    						$var[$v1] = constant($v1);
    					} else {
    						$var[$v1] = null;
    				$var = $var[$v1];
    			$nul = (!isset($this->_null_string[$v])) ? ($this->_null_string[""]) : ($this->_null_string[$v]);
    			$var = (!isset($var)) ? $nul : $var;
    			if ($var === '') {
    				// -----------------------------------------------------------
    				// Removed requriement for blocks to be at the start of string
    				// -----------------------------------------------------------
    				//                    $copy=preg_replace("|^\s*\{".$v." ?#?".$comments."\}\s*\n|m","",$copy);
    				$copy = preg_replace("|" . $this->tag_start_delim . $v . "( ?#" . $comments . ")?" . $this->tag_end_delim . "|m", '', $copy);
    			$var = trim($var);
    			// SF Bug no. 810773 - thanks anonymous
    			$var = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $var);
    			// Ensure dollars in strings are not evaluated reported by SadGeezer 31/3/04
    			$var = str_replace('$', '\\$', $var);
    			// Replace str_replaces with preg_quote
    			//$var = preg_quote($var);
    			$var = str_replace('\\|', '|', $var);
    			$copy = preg_replace("|" . $this->tag_start_delim . $v . "( ?#" . $comments . ")?" . $this->tag_end_delim . "|m", "$var", $copy);
    			if (preg_match('/^\n/', $copy) && preg_match('/\n$/', $copy)) {
    				$copy = substr($copy, 1);
    	if (isset($this->parsed_blocks[$bname])) {
    		$this->parsed_blocks[$bname] .= $copy;
    	} else {
    		$this->parsed_blocks[$bname] = $copy;
    	/* reset sub-blocks */
    	if ($this->_autoreset && (!empty($this->sub_blocks[$bname]))) {
    		foreach ($this->sub_blocks[$bname] as $k => $v) {
         * returns the parsed text for a block, including all sub-blocks.
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block name to parse
    public function rparse ($bname) {
    	if (!empty($this->sub_blocks[$bname])) {
    		foreach ($this->sub_blocks[$bname] as $k => $v) {
    			if (!empty($v)) {
         * inserts a loop ( call assign & parse )
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block name to assign
         * @param string $var Variable to assign values to
         * @param string / array $value Value to assign to $var
    public function insert_loop ($bname, $var, $value = '') {
    	$this->assign($var, $value);
         * parses a block for every set of data in the values array
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block name to loop
         * @param string $var Variable to assign values to
         * @param array $values Values to assign to $var
    public function array_loop ($bname, $var, &$values) {
    	if (is_array($values)) {
    		foreach($values as $v) {
    			$this->insert_loop($bname, $var, $v);
         * returns the parsed text for a block
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block name to return
         * @return string
    public function text ($bname = '') {
    	$text = '';
    	if ($this->debug && $this->output_type == 'HTML') {
    		// JC 20/11/02 echo the template filename if in development as
    		// html comment
    		$text .= '<!-- XTemplate: ' . realpath($this->filename) . " -->\n";
    	$bname = !empty($bname) ? $bname : $this->mainblock;
    	$text .= isset($this->parsed_blocks[$bname]) ? $this->parsed_blocks[$bname] : $this->get_error();
    	return $text;
         * prints the parsed text
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block name to echo out
    public function out ($bname) {
    	$out = $this->text($bname);
    	//        $length=strlen($out);
    	//header("Content-Length: ".$length); // TODO: Comment this back in later
    	echo $out;
         * prints the parsed text to a specified file
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block name to write out
         * @param string $fname File name to write to
    public function out_file ($bname, $fname) {
    	if (!empty($bname) && !empty($fname) && is_writeable($fname)) {
    		$fp = fopen($fname, 'w');
    		fwrite($fp, $this->text($bname));
         * resets the parsed text
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block to reset
    public function reset ($bname) {
    	$this->parsed_blocks[$bname] = '';
         * returns true if block was parsed, false if not
         * @access public
         * @param string $bname Block name to test
         * @return boolean
    public function parsed ($bname) {
    	return (!empty($this->parsed_blocks[$bname]));
         * sets the string to replace in case the var was not assigned
         * @access public
         * @param string $str Display string for null block
         * @param string $varname Variable name to apply $str to
    public function set_null_string($str, $varname = '') {
    	$this->_null_string[$varname] = $str;
     * Backwards compatibility only
     * @param string $str
     * @param string $varname
     * @deprecated Change to set_null_string to keep in with rest of naming convention
    public function SetNullString ($str, $varname = '') {
    	$this->set_null_string($str, $varname);
         * sets the string to replace in case the block was not parsed
         * @access public
         * @param string $str Display string for null block
         * @param string $bname Block name to apply $str to
    public function set_null_block ($str, $bname = '') {
    	$this->_null_block[$bname] = $str;
     * Backwards compatibility only
     * @param string $str
     * @param string $bname
     * @deprecated Change to set_null_block to keep in with rest of naming convention
    public function SetNullBlock ($str, $bname = '') {
    	$this->set_null_block($str, $bname);
         * sets AUTORESET to 1. (default is 1)
         * if set to 1, parse() automatically resets the parsed blocks' sub blocks
         * (for multiple level blocks)
         * @access public
    public function set_autoreset () {
    	$this->_autoreset = true;
         * sets AUTORESET to 0. (default is 1)
         * if set to 1, parse() automatically resets the parsed blocks' sub blocks
         * (for multiple level blocks)
         * @access public
    public function clear_autoreset () {
    	$this->_autoreset = false;
         * scans global variables and assigns to PHP array
         * @access public
    public function scan_globals () {
    	foreach ($GLOBALS as $k => $v) {
    		$GLOB[$k] = $v;
    	 * Access global variables as:
    	 * @example {PHP._SERVER.HTTP_HOST}
    	 * in your template!
    	$this->assign('PHP', $GLOB);
         * gets error condition / string
         * @access public
         * @return boolean / string
    public function get_error () {
    	// JRC: 3/1/2003 Added ouptut wrapper and detection of output type for error message output
    	$retval = false;
    	if ($this->_error != '') {
    		switch ($this->output_type) {
    			case 'HTML':
    			case 'html':
    				$retval = '<b>[XTemplate]</b><ul>' . nl2br(str_replace('* ', '<li>', str_replace(" *\n", "</li>\n", $this->_error))) . '</ul>';
    				$retval = '[XTemplate] ' . str_replace(' *\n', "\n", $this->_error);
    	return $retval;
    /***[ private stuff ]*******************************************************/
         * generates the array containing to-be-parsed stuff:
         * $blocks["main"],$blocks["main.table"],$blocks["main.table.row"], etc.
         * also builds the reverse parse order.
         * @access public - aiming for private
         * @param string $con content to be processed
         * @param string $parentblock name of the parent block in the block hierarchy
    public function _maketree ($con, $parentblock='') {
    	$blocks = array();
    	$con2 = explode($this->block_start_delim, $con);
    	if (!empty($parentblock)) {
    		$block_names = explode('.', $parentblock);
    		$level = sizeof($block_names);
    	} else {
    		$block_names = array();
    		$level = 0;
    	// JRC 06/04/2005 Added block comments (on BEGIN or END) <!-- BEGIN: block_name#Comments placed here -->
    	//$patt = "($this->block_start_word|$this->block_end_word)\s*(\w+)\s*$this->block_end_delim(.*)";
    	$patt = "(" . $this->block_start_word . "|" . $this->block_end_word . ")\s*(\w+)" . $this->comment_preg . "\s*" . $this->block_end_delim . "(.*)";
    	foreach($con2 as $k => $v) {
    		$res = array();
    		if (preg_match_all("/$patt/ims", $v, $res, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
    			// $res[0][1] = BEGIN or END
    			// $res[0][2] = block name
    			// $res[0][3] = comment
    			// $res[0][4] = kinda content
    			$block_word	= $res[0][1];
    			$block_name	= $res[0][2];
    			$comment	= $res[0][3];
    			$content	= $res[0][4];
    			if (strtoupper($block_word) == $this->block_start_word) {
    				$parent_name = implode('.', $block_names);
    				// add one level - array("main","table","row")
    				$block_names[++$level] = $block_name;
    				// make block name (main.table.row)
    				$cur_block_name=implode('.', $block_names);
    				// build block parsing order (reverse)
    				$this->block_parse_order[] = $cur_block_name;
    				//add contents. trinary operator eliminates assign error in E_ALL reporting
    				$blocks[$cur_block_name] = isset($blocks[$cur_block_name]) ? $blocks[$cur_block_name] . $content : $content;
    				// add {_BLOCK_.blockname} string to parent block
    				$blocks[$parent_name] .= str_replace('\\', '', $this->tag_start_delim) . '_BLOCK_.' . $cur_block_name . str_replace('\\', '', $this->tag_end_delim);
    				// store sub block names for autoresetting and recursive parsing
    				$this->sub_blocks[$parent_name][] = $cur_block_name;
    				// store sub block names for autoresetting
    				$this->sub_blocks[$cur_block_name][] = '';
    			} else if (strtoupper($block_word) == $this->block_end_word) {
    				$parent_name = implode('.', $block_names);
    				// add rest of block to parent block
    				$blocks[$parent_name] .= $content;
    		} else {
    			// no block delimiters found
    			// Saves doing multiple implodes - less overhead
    			$tmp = implode('.', $block_names);
    			if ($k) {
    				$blocks[$tmp] .= $this->block_start_delim;
    			// trinary operator eliminates assign error in E_ALL reporting
    			$blocks[$tmp] = isset($blocks[$tmp]) ? $blocks[$tmp] . $v : $v;
    	return $blocks;
         * Sub processing for assign_file method
         * @access private
         * @param string $name
         * @param string $val
    private function _assign_file_sub ($name, $val) {
    	if (isset($this->filevar_parent[$name])) {
    		if ($val != '') {
    			$val = $this->_r_getfile($val);
    			foreach($this->filevar_parent[$name] as $parent) {
    				if (isset($this->preparsed_blocks[$parent]) && !isset($this->filevars[$name])) {
    					$copy = $this->preparsed_blocks[$parent];
    				} elseif (isset($this->blocks[$parent])) {
    					$copy = $this->blocks[$parent];
    				$res = array();
    				preg_match_all($this->filevar_delim, $copy, $res, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    				if (is_array($res) && isset($res[0])) {
    					// Changed as per solution in SF bug ID #1261828
    					foreach ($res as $v) {
    						// Changed as per solution in SF bug ID #1261828
    						if ($v[1] == $name) {
    							// Changed as per solution in SF bug ID #1261828
    							$copy = preg_replace("/" . preg_quote($v[0]) . "/", "$val", $copy);
    							$this->preparsed_blocks = array_merge($this->preparsed_blocks, $this->_maketree($copy, $parent));
    							$this->filevar_parent = array_merge($this->filevar_parent, $this->_store_filevar_parents($this->preparsed_blocks));
    	$this->filevars[$name] = $val;
         * store container block's name for file variables
         * @access public - aiming for private
         * @param array $blocks
         * @return array
    public function _store_filevar_parents ($blocks){
    	$parents = array();
    	foreach ($blocks as $bname => $con) {
    		$res = array();
    		preg_match_all($this->filevar_delim, $con, $res);
    		foreach ($res[1] as $k => $v) {
    			$parents[$v][] = $bname;
    	return $parents;
         * Set the error string
         * @access private
         * @param string $str
    private function _set_error ($str)    {
    	// JRC: 3/1/2003 Made to append the error messages
    	$this->_error .= '* ' . $str . " *\n";
    	// JRC: 3/1/2003 Removed trigger error, use this externally if you want it eg. trigger_error($xtpl->get_error())
         * returns the contents of a file
         * @access protected
         * @param string $file
         * @return string
    protected function _getfile ($file) {
    	if (!isset($file)) {
    		// JC 19/12/02 added $file to error message
    		$this->_set_error('!isset file name!' . $file);
    		return '';
    	// check if filename is mapped to other filename
    	if (isset($this->files)) {
    		if (isset($this->files[$file])) {
    			$file = $this->files[$file];
    	// prepend template dir
    	if (!empty($this->tpldir)) {
    		 * Support hierarchy of file locations to search
    		 * @example Supply array of filepaths when instantiating
    		 * 			First path supplied that has the named file is prioritised
    		 * 			$xtpl = new XTemplate('myfile.xtpl', array('.','/mypath', '/mypath2'));
    		 * @since 29/05/2007
    		if (is_array($this->tpldir)) {
    			foreach ($this->tpldir as $dir) {
    				if (is_readable($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
    					$file = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
    		} else {
    			$file = $this->tpldir. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
    	$file_text = '';
    	if (isset($this->filecache[$file])) {
    		$file_text .= $this->filecache[$file];
    		if ($this->debug) {
    			$file_text = '<!-- XTemplate debug cached: ' . realpath($file) . ' -->' . "\n" . $file_text;
    	} else {
    		if (is_file($file) && is_readable($file)) {
    			if (filesize($file)) {
    				if (!($fh = fopen($file, 'r'))) {
    					$this->_set_error('Cannot open file: ' . realpath($file));
    					return '';
    				$file_text .= fread($fh,filesize($file));
    			if ($this->debug) {
    				$file_text = '<!-- XTemplate debug: ' . realpath($file) . ' -->' . "\n" . $file_text;
    		} elseif (str_replace('.', '', phpversion()) >= '430' && $file_text = @file_get_contents($file, true)) {
    			// Enable use of include path by using file_get_contents
    			// Implemented at suggestion of SF Feature Request ID #1529478 michaelgroh
    			if ($file_text === false) {
    				$this->_set_error("[" . realpath($file) . "] ($file) does not exist");
    				$file_text = "<b>__XTemplate fatal error: file [$file] does not exist in the include path__</b>";
    			} elseif ($this->debug) {
    				$file_text = '<!-- XTemplate debug: ' . realpath($file) . ' (via include path) -->' . "\n" . $file_text;
    		} elseif (!is_file($file)) {
    			// NW 17 Oct 2002 : Added realpath around the file name to identify where the code is searching.
    			$this->_set_error("[" . realpath($file) . "] ($file) does not exist");
    			$file_text .= "<b>__XTemplate fatal error: file [$file] does not exist__</b>";
    		} elseif (!is_readable($file)) {
    			$this->_set_error("[" . realpath($file) . "] ($file) is not readable");
    			$file_text .= "<b>__XTemplate fatal error: file [$file] is not readable__</b>";
    		$this->filecache[$file] = $file_text;
    	return $file_text;
         * recursively gets the content of a file with {FILE "filename.tpl"} directives
         * @access public - aiming for private
         * @param string $file
         * @return string
    public function _r_getfile ($file) {
    	$text = $this->_getfile($file);
    	$res = array();
    	while (preg_match($this->file_delim,$text,$res)) {
    		$text2 = $this->_getfile($res[1]);
    		$text = preg_replace("'".preg_quote($res[0])."'",$text2,$text);
    	return $text;
         * add an outer block delimiter set useful for rtfs etc - keeps them editable in word
         * @access private
    private function _add_outer_block () {
    	$before = $this->block_start_delim . $this->block_start_word . ' ' . $this->mainblock . ' ' . $this->block_end_delim;
    	$after = $this->block_start_delim . $this->block_end_word . ' ' . $this->mainblock . ' ' . $this->block_end_delim;
    	$this->filecontents = $before . "\n" . $this->filecontents . "\n" . $after;
         * Debug function - var_dump wrapped in '<pre></pre>' tags
         * @access private
         * @param multiple var_dumps all the supplied arguments
    private function _pre_var_dump ($args) {
    	if ($this->debug) {
    		echo '<pre>';
    		echo '</pre>';
    } /* end of XTemplate class. */

  6. DB Structure: I have a column named 'flash_date' (and the type is: varchar(32)) which contains a timestamp generated by time()

    Why 32 characters? A timestamp is an integer with a length of 10 (INT 10). Convert this.



    SELECT * FROM site_flash WHERE flash_date > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURDATE() - 1) AND flash_date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() DESC LIMIT 5


    I don't know why I did varchar(32), at that time I was a total newby, and every tutorial I read always seemed to mention varchar(32), (so I just used that, never really knowing what it is) - now I know it means 32 chars  8)


    I changed it to INT(10), cheers for that query I'll use it, but just a thought would this work also?


    SELECT * FROM site_flash WHERE flash_date > (now() - INTERVAL 1 day) DESC LIMIT 5

  7. Hi,


    Im currently using the following code, to list 'Todays 5', however can the following be improved im uneasy with using php for the date comparison - perhaps have it within the sql?


    DB Structure: I have a column named 'flash_date' (and the type is: varchar(32)) which contains a timestamp generated by time()


    $yesterday = strtotime('-1 day');
    $time = time();
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site_flash WHERE flash_date > '{$yesterday}' AND flash_date < '{$time}' DESC LIMIT 5");

  8. Perhaps my questions was abit vague, heres a few naming convention examples:


    //caps and underscore (my current one)






    //lowercase and underscore



    As I'm following PEARS standards, I have'nt read anywhere which states what they suggest when it comes to this, and as I'd like it to be consistant and readable to others, what do you suggest?

  9. I've been coding my script to PEAR standards, however was wondering what do you recommend for the naming conventions for my templating, I'm currently doing them as how constants would be (uppercase seperated with _ for another word) like:


    $xtpl->assign('LATEST_FLASH_TITLE', $latest_flash_title);


    What do you suggest?

  10. I've seen countless forum software/cms which have such feature, I understand how they count the total users online (as theirs a row which says if a user is online or not  (boolean), and then its all counted using mysql_num_rows() to get the total)


    However I don't get how they'd display the number of Guests? (as I don't think they'd log them woul'dnt that be messy/tedious?)

  11. <?php
    function callback($match) {
    return '<pre class="brush: php;">'.preg_replace("~<br.+?>~i", "\n" $match[1]).'</pre>';
    $str = preg_replace_callback('/\[php\](.*?)\[\/php\]/is', 'callback', $str);
    echo $str;


  12. Hi,


    Im trying to modify the following expression:


    $str = preg_replace('~^\s*\?>~', '', $str);


    Currently it replaces ?> if its proceeded by whitespace, however I also want it to replace the ?> if its not proceed by <?(php)? before the ?>, I've tried the following:


    $str = preg_replace( '~^(?<!<\?)\s*\?>~', '', $str);


    But that did'nt seem to work.

  13. Hi,


    How would I do this, I'm trying to create a function to turn the octal (not sure whats its called exactly) input into its numberic representation, like so:


    function octal_to_number($input) {
    //do something...
    return $number;
    //would turn 0x17c into 380...
    echo octal_to_number('0x17c');

  14. Hi,


    Would time() produce the timestamp based on your time environment or the servers?, if it produces the timestamp based on the server; how would I generate a timestamp (which I can later use within date()); so it displays to the users timezone?

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