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The Eagle

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About The Eagle

  • Birthday 04/27/1995

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  1. It continues to write because it's inside of the while statement, moving it above the while statement would fix that. <?php echo "<table> <tr> <td>NAME</td> <td> TIMEZONE</td> <td> SERVER</td> <td> CLASS</td> <td> RACE</td> <td> AA</td> <td> LEVEL</td> <td> EPIC</td> <td> CURRENT GUILD</td> <td> WILLING TO TRANSFER SERVERS</td> </tr> <br /> "; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE looking='yes'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><td>" . "<a href=profile.php?ID=" . $row['ID'] . ">" . $row['user_name'] . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . " " . $row['timezone'] . "</td><td>" . " " .$row['server'] . "</td><td>" . " " .$row['class'] . "</td><td>" . " " . $row['race'] . "</td><td>" . " " . $row['aa'] . "</td><td>" . " " . $row['level'] . "</td><td>" . " " . $row['epic'] . "</td><td>" . " " . $row['guild'] . "</td><td>" . " " . $row['transfer'] . "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?>
  2. You can set it with mysql_set_charset(). <?php $con = mysql_connect('localhost','1234','1234'); mysql_set_charset('utf8', $con); ?>
  3. If I remember correctly, Twitter switched to 0auth awhile ago from their API, so you'll need to look into Twitter's 0Auth and work from there, I haven't really messed with it at all to help you out but just to give you some insight.
  4. After further reading into the website they actually have a function where you can just add a piece of code to say any page and it will require them to log in or be already logged in. <?php include 'dbc.php'; page_protect(); ?>
  5. <?php include ("pagetitles.php"); ?> <HTML> <HEAD> <title>MyWebsite | <?php echo $page1; ?></title> Then in the pagetitles.php, <?php // page titles $page1 = "Home"; $page2 = "About"; ?>
  6. If you'd like to develop your own forum board, you must first realize this may take months of long hours and a lot of frustration as it will have security exploits, bugs, errors and messy coding. If you're a newcomer to PHP, it'll be even longer since you first have to work your way around it learning what and how it works and the functions. I suppose getting a degree would help a lot since that's great, doing online tutorials, buying books also help just as much, you should look into those as well. Forum boards take time to build, you'd require pretty much [*]Profiles [*]Categories [*]New Topic/Posts I can probably go on forever, allowing users to upload avatars, edit their own signatures, have their own little "blurbs" or about me's, their own locations, own ranks. It's a long process. A quick solution if you don't want that is looking at the vast majority of forum boards that are already developed and have been out for quite some time, which are for example, phpBB, MyBB, SMF, vBulletin (costs money). All are great. Good luck.
  7. Haku really covered all you should know. Use a large mailing service if say there's an update on your social networking service and you want everybody whose registered to know, in an mass email. (doing a mass email from your own webhosting account can violate ToS) Also, build the reset link and confirmation right into your script, it's just easier on your end.
  8. XHTML code needs to be done from the start by you, meaning don't be lazy. If you code post where XHTML's not valid (the lines) then maybe I can try to assist you... wouldn't be completely accurate.
  9. <?php $f1le = 'audio/includes/search.txt'; if(@filesize($f1le) > 1) { $fp0 = fopen($f1le, "r"); $howmuch = 10; $pos = -2; $hitung = 0; ?> // no ending bracket // no ending php ?> <p> <?php
  10. Worked for me in IE7. Most of the time IE parses CSS code differently (and stupidly) than other web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera. They process it right, IE is different.
  11. While I am unsure if this is capable with PHP, CSS is your answer for this. input { font-weight: bold; } Will bolden the text in that form input.
  12. @AbraCadaver, Yes I know that's basically the same, but some reason define was not working for me at all, I tried a lot of things too. Great solutions on this page.
  13. Yes, I was thinking of doing this. I thought an easy solution would be something bizarre like, <?php include("123news.php"); ?> I'm unsure how many people would actually precisely guess that name.
  14. Thanks for your response, I've actually found some other solution, a simple, non-complicated one perfect for me. Included on the file you want to include the file on (sounds odd...) <?php $pw = "monkey"; include("updates.php"); ?> Then on my updates.php page, if ($pw != "monkey") { die("Access denied."); } echo "Monkeys are cool..."; ?> Simple small fix I'm looking for. Thanks.
  15. I've got a question, I thought I'd be able to do this fairly easily. I don't want to do an .htaccess solution also. I tried this, define('ACCESS', TRUE); // then on other page if(!defined('ACCESS'){die('Direct access not allowed.');} Need some assistance, appreciated.
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