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Everything posted by mharishm

  1. Recently i had a situation where i had to get the data from multiple tables from different databases on the same db server. This can be achieved in 2 ways. Approach 1: By using dblink function of postgressql we can join different tables from diffrenet batabase and can create a single query to retrieve data. Approach 2: i.e., functional approach - For Example: lets consider we have database1 and it has table1 and database2 which has table2. table2 of database2 is dependent on table1 of database1. So we can have 2 separate functions like we can have function1() to get the data from table1 and function2() to get data from table2 and from the result of 2 function we can manipulate the data and can aquire the required output. I just wanted to know among this two approach which one is better in terms of faster processing which will increase the application performance? Do we get any security issues if we use dblink? Thanks in advance, Harish
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