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  1. I've done both of those things as well as allow ZF to throw exceptions in case of any error. Here is the code that I linked: /application/usr/models/Controller.php <?php /** * @author C. Fitzpatrick * @copyright 2009 */ class Controller extends Zend_Controller_Action { public function init() { // Instantiate various objects $this->session->info = new Zend_Session_Namespace('info'); $this->users = new Users; $this->messages = new Messages; // Retrieve variables from index $this->smarty = Zend_Registry::get('smarty'); $this->config = Zend_Registry::get('config'); // Assign variables into smarty $this->smarty->assign('site_name', $this->config->site->name); $this->smarty->assign('site_url', $this->config->site->url); $this->smarty->assign('users', $this->users); $this->smarty->assign('session', $this->session); // Register permissions if a user is set if (isset($this->session->info->user_id)) { $this->permissions = $this->users->returnUsersGroupPermissions($this->session->info->user_id); // Make sure the class returns the permissions as an array and not null if (is_array($this->permissions)) { $this->smarty->assign('permissions', $this->permissions); } } } } ?> /application/usr/models/Messages.php <?php /** * @author C. Fitzpatrick * @copyright 2009 */ /* * Messages class handles all of the private message * functions for the forum * * @author C. Fitzpatrick * @version 1.0 * @access public */ class Messages extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstact { /* * @var object * @access private */ private $database; /* * void __construct() * * Constructor method for the Messages class, * allows the database to be initialized. * * @access public * @return void */ public function __construct() { $this->database = Zend_Registry::get('database'); } /* * int returnNumNewMessages(int $userId) * * Returns the number of new private messages * that a user has. * * @param int $userId * @access public * @return $this->database->fetchAll($query) */ public function returnNumNewMessages($userId) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `messages` WHERE recipient='$userId' && viewed='0'"; return $this->database->fetchAll($query); } /* * bool composeMessage(int $username, int $recipient, string $message) * * Composes a message between 2 members, and returns true if sent and * false if not sent * * @param $username * @param $recipient * @param $message * @access public * @return bool */ public function composeMessage($username, $recipient, $message) { } /* * bool deleteMessage(int $id) * * Deletes a message from a users inbox * * @param $id * @access public * @return bool */ public function deleteMessage($id) { } /* * array returnMessageInformation($id) * * Returns message and post information for a * specific message by id * * @param $id * @access public * @return array */ public function returnMessageInformation($id) { $messagesQuery = "SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE message_id='$id'"; $postQuery = "SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE section='pm' && tid='$id'"; return array('messageInfo' => $this->database->fetchAll($messagesQuery), 'postInfo' => $this->database->fetchAll($postQuery)); } } ?>
  2. Typically that means that you're running and older version of PHP (prior to PHP5). If you are running PHP5, then put this in your .htaccess: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php
  3. I've been making a forum system with Zend Framework for a little while now (I originally used my own OOP framework, but decided this was easier ). Ok, so I extended the Zend_Controller_Action class and made my own version, as is shown here. If you notice, I have instantiated a class called Messages, which is for the private message system that I'm creating. The issue is that when I instantiate that, everything goes blank; I can't access any controllers. The code for that class is here. Please note that it's a bit messy at the moment as I'm not even close to being done with it. I have tried emptying the class by having no functions to no avail. I can't figure out what the hell is going on that would make all of my controllers blank. I checked the source and there's nothing as well. I have asked fellow programming friends and they were stumped too. Any help is greatly appreciated !
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