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Posts posted by ldb358

  1. heres the whole doc:

    <html lang="en"> 
        <link href='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/main.css' rel='stylesheet' > 
        <title>home page - Welcome</title> 
        <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> 
    <script type='text/javascript' src='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/jquery.1.3.2.js'></script> 
        <script type='text/javascript' src='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/effects.js'></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript"> 
        <!--[if ie 7]> <link href='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/ie7style.css' rel='stylesheet'> <![endif]--> 
        <!--[if lt ie 6]> <link href='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/ie6style.css' rel='stylesheet'> <![endif]--> 
        <div id='body'> 
            <div id='header'> 
            <div id="logo"> 
                <a href="/lbflash_cms/index.php"><img src='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/forlane/mainlogo.png' id='mainlogoimg' alt='mfg' ></a> 
                <div id='headerform'> 
                        <div id='username'> 
                        	<div id='headerimages' > 
                            <img src='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/forlane/username.png' id='usernametxt' alt='username' ><br> 
                            <img src='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/forlane/password.png' id='passwordtxt' alt='password' ><br> 
                            <img src='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/forlane/joinbutton.png' onclick='registerform();' id='joinbutton' alt='join' > 
                            <div id='headerinputs'> 
                                <form method='POST' action='login.php' > 
    			<input type="text" name="username"> 
                                    <input type="password" name="password"> 
                                    <input type="image" src="/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/forlane/loginbutton.png" id='loginbutton' > 
                        <form method="post" action="{search}"> 
                        <div id="search"> 
                                <input type='image' src='/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/forlane/searchbutton.png' id='searchbutton' > 
                                <input type='text' name='search' id='searchinput' > 
            <div id="sidelinks"> 
                <div class='sidelink' id='sideselected' >Home</div> 
        <div class='sidelink' >Sketch</div> 
        <div class='sidelink' >Original</div> 
        <div class='sidelink' >Highest Rated</div> 
        <div class='sidelink' >MFG's Picks</div> 
        <div class='sidelink' >Featured</div> 
    <div id='rightside'> 
        <div id='toplinks'> 
    	<a style='background:url(/lbflash_cms/templates/mfg/forlane/buttonsmallsolid.png) no-repeat top left;'>Videos</a> 
    	<a>About Us</a> 
        <div id='maincontent'> 
    	<div id='pagelabel'> 
    	<div id='numofpages'> 
    	    <Previous>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12..... 20<Next>
    	<div id='videoboxs' > 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/in_a_box.jpg' alt='in a box' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/barbie.jpg' alt='barbie' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    			<img src='videos/video_club.jpg' alt='video club trailer' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/jones_ad.jpg' alt='jones soda ad' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/terrorist_torture.jpg' alt='terrorist torture' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/cool_bean.jpg' alt='cool beans' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    			<img src='videos/man_vs_e.jpg' alt='man vs e!' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/the_pythagorean_theorum.jpg' alt='the pythagorean theorum' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/{video(}.jpg' alt='{video_title(}' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    			<img src='videos/{video(9)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(9)}' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/{video(10)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(10)}' class='video_image'> 
    	    <div class='video'> 
    	        <img src='videos/{video(11)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(11)}' class='video_image'> 
    <div id='footer'> 
        <div id='blackdiv' class='blackdiv1'></div> 


    and heres the other JavaScript doc(partially converted to jquery)

    $(".video_image img").hover(function(){
    function registerform(){
        var screenwidth = document.body.offsetWidth+20;
        var screenheight = document.body.offsetHeight;  
        $("#blackdiv").css("width", screenwidth + 'px');
        $("#blackdiv").css("height", screenheight + 'px');
        $("#blackdiv").css("position" , 'fixed');
        $("#blackdiv").css("left" , '0px');
        $("#blackdiv").css("right" , '0px');
        $("#blackdiv").css("top" , '0px');
        $("#blackdiv").css("bottom" , '0px');
        $("#blackdiv").html("<div id='registerform' ><div id='close' onclick=\"close_effect('blackdiv')\">Close</div><form method='POST' action='register.php' name='registerform' ><div class='registerlabels'>Username:<br>Password:<br>Confirm:<br>Email:<br>First Name:<br>Last Name:</div><div class='registerinputs'><input type='text' value='' name='username'><br><input type='password' value='' name='password'><br><input name='cpassword' type='password' value='' ><br><input type='text' value='' name='email'><br><input type='text' value='' name='first' ><br><input type='text' value='' name='last' ><br><input type='submit' value='Register'></div></form></div>");
    $('#registerform').css("left", (document.body.offsetWidth - 350)/2 + 'px');
        $('#registerform').css("right" , (document.body.offsetWidth - 350)/2 + 'px');
        $('#registerform').css("top" , '20px');
    function close_effect(id){
        var element = document.getElementById(id);
        element.innerHTML ='';
        element.style.visible = 'hidden';
        element.style.width = '1px';
        element.style.height = '1px';
    function confirmpassform(id2){
        var id = id2.substr(0,id2.length-1);
        var screenwidth = document.body.offsetWidth+20;
        var screenheight = document.body.offsetHeight;  
        var blackdiv = document.getElementById('blackdiv');
        var value = document.getElementById("change"+id).value;
        if(value == ''){
            window.alert("No Value Set");
        blackdiv.style.width = screenwidth + 'px';
        blackdiv.style.height = screenheight + 'px';
        blackdiv.style.position = 'fixed';
        blackdiv.style.left = '0px';
        blackdiv.style.right = '0px';
        blackdiv.style.top = '0px';
        blackdiv.style.bottom = '0px';
        blackdiv.innerHTML = "<div id='registerform' ><div id='close' onclick=\"close_effect('blackdiv')\">Close</div><div id='edituservalue'>Changing " +id+ " : "+value+"</div><br><form method='POST' action='change.php' name='registerform' ><div class='registerlabels'>Password:<br>Confrim:<br></div><div class='registerinputs'><input type='text' value='' name='password'><input type='password' value='' name='cpassword'><input type='submit' value='Submit Change'></div></form></div>";
        var formbox = document.getElementById('registerform');
        formbox.style.left = (document.body.offsetWidth - 350)/2 + 'px';
        formbox.style.right = (document.body.offsetWidth - 350)/2 + 'px';
        formbox.style.top = '20px';

  2. what im trying to do is when you scroll over a video image the title hovers in on top of it all of the images have the same class so what i want to do is grab all instances of that class and apply the effect so far ive tried:



    but im fairly new to jquery and cant figure out any other way


    heres my divs and images for the videos

    <div id='videoboxs' >
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(0)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(0)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(1)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(1)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    			<img src='videos/{video(2)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(2)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(3)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(3)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(4)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(4)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(5)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(5)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    			<img src='videos/{video(6)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(6)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(7)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(7)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(}.jpg' alt='{video_title(}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    			<img src='videos/{video(9)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(9)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(10)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(10)}' class='video_image'>
    	    <div class='video'>
    	        <img src='videos/{video(11)}.jpg' alt='{video_title(11)}' class='video_image'>


    so once i grab the img i also need to grab the alt attribute from that particular image tag


    any ideas???? thanks in advance

  3. if im not mistaken this should work:

    $words = array(
      $continue = true;
      foreach ($words as $word) {
      if (preg_match('/\b' . $word . '\b/i', $post)) {
          $continue = false;
       if (!$continue) {
         // Bad boy!
       else {
         // Post message
    $fc = fopen("comments.txt","a+b"); //opens the file to append new comment - 
    fputs($fc,$_POST['comments']."\n\n\nNewComment->"); //writes the comments followed by a  
    fclose($fc); //closes the files
    if(sizeof($_POST)) {
    $body = ""; 
    while(list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) {
    $body .= "$key: $val \n";
    mail("myemail@myemail.com", // to
    "Subject Line",
    header("Location: mysite.html");

  4. i would just loop through

    $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id DESC");
    $first= '';
    $prayers = 0;
    $prayed = 0;
    while($row= mysql_fetch_array($results)){
              $first = $row['user_name'];
       $prayers += $row['prayers'];
       $prayed += $row['prayed'];
    echo "We have a total of $prayers Prayers and People have  $prayed Prayed times.
    Our newest member is $first";

  5. im working on making a very simple xml loader class to load images from an xml file but im am recieving an access denied error where it says

    this.xhttp.open "GET","images.xml",false);

    heres all the code:

    function xml_loader(){	
    this.xhttp = null;	
    this.xmlDoc = null; 	
    this.get_xml = function(file){	
      if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ 
           this.xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();  	
           this.xhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
      return this.xmlDoc;	

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <script type='text/javascript' src='actions.js'></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">function test(){
    var test = new xml_loader();
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <body onload="test()">hello</body>

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <image src='test.jpg' name='test'>this is a text descriptiom</image>

  6. Okay first of all i dont disagree with them about the bad design but if im not mistaken this section is for website critique and not for discussing work dividing or other such things.

    As for the site i found the design to be bland i would recommend reconsidering the layout(identical links on both sides) and the looks of a lot of it for example maybe adding some depth or maybe a different font to the links which to me look vary standard and boring. also maybe giving the game a little more breathing room would help, also(kind of goes with layout) i would change some of the alignment so its not all centered

  7. heres a function that should work:


    function get_new_str($string){
      $string = explode('.', $string);
      $end = strpos(trim($string['2']), ' ');
      $part3 = substr($string, 0, $end);
      return $string['0'] . $string['1'] . ' ' . $part3;

  8. how can i load a php extension when the script is run?

    i need this in order to load a video conversion extension so if there is a class or script out there that can do this that would work to,

    i know about the dl() function but it is depreciated, but i don't have access to my php.ini which is whats stated as the alternative

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