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Everything posted by keenyounglearner

  1. Well I store the users password in my DB on registration then I want to match it again his enterred password upon login. Or is the point to just go if(md5(enterredPassword) == $storedDBHas) { login=true; }
  2. Could someone explain what the point of a one-way hash function like this is? Why would I hash a password if I can never get the original value back?
  3. Huh? Why do you say that? The innerhtml is executing so the condition is being met. I don't why a condtional not firing would cause alert to not register as a function.
  4. Whoops forgot to put that in in my code snippet. Ya I have done that... The error is still there
  5. Hi there my code is: ajReq.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(ajReq.readyState == 4){ if(connection == "rf") { document.getElementById("tempdiv").innerHTML=ajReq.responseText; alert(); } } } Gives me the error: alert is not a function, I have tried calling a global function instead and alerting from that but that gives the same error... Any help really appreciated.
  6. HI there, I am having trouble understanding how this function works and am getting the error: Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param() [mysqli-stmt.bind-param]: Number of variables doesn't match number of parameters in prepared statement in file.php on line 65 -1 $thesql ="INSERT INTO `table` (`id` ,`name` ,`third`) VALUES (NULL, '$name', '$third');"; if ($stmt = $thesql ->prepare($thesql)) { $stmt->bind_param("ss", $name2, $third); $stmt->execute(); } How does this work, do I need to have a "s" or "i" for a NULL value?
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