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Everything posted by ollie007

  1. http://yakkityyak.x24hr.com/index.php come yak away and tell me how bad
  2. i give it a shot and see if it blows up anything LOL So i only need the "=>" ?
  3. actually i need the position number rather than the value number?? array(10, 40, 99, 2, 66); i need array[1] array[3] etc or array[2] array[4]
  4. array(1,2,3,4); array[0]; array[1]; array[2]; array[3]; how do i grab the odd or even position of those arrays?
  5. well all i have done is $('selector').show() and .hide()
  6. It seems to me that FF takes the longest "top" row as the max number of TDs and then padd the lower rows ONLY IE on the other hand, takes the longest "bottom" row as the max number of TDs and then padd the higher rows ONLY. is this correct?
  7. any prototype experts? i would like to add extra input fields with one initially, like adding extra poll options
  8. ty all !! and yes it came from an isset statemet but i wanted to learn the basics
  9. what does " $var ? $var : ' ' " mean? check var from var, default '' where can i learn more about it?
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