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  1. Hey everyone, I have been tearing my hair out trying to get my wireless to work. Specs: Asus 701 eeePC netbook running Puppy 4.3.1 (latest) I installed using UNetbootin and everything installed fine. I go to Pwireless scanner and it sees my network, I fill in the info under profile and save it, including WEP key.. then I click connect and it just says your IP is (an example) it gives me 3 options OK RESCAN CANCEL absolutely nothing happens when I click it. I've tried this question on the actual puppy forum for linux and no one even tried to help.. hoping one of you master minds can take time and help me figure this out
  2. I did this, but it saved it as 1.htaccess.txt how do i go around this to make it just .htaccess?
  3. OK- could you copy and paste the entire htaccess file? also what do I name it and where does it go? I upload it via FTP to my root? thank you!
  4. Hey everyone.. I would like to be able to upload .pdfs that are 30MB 1. I am using Wordpress 8.4 2. I am using Dreamhost and cannot locate either the php.ini or .htaccess file 3. I don't have php.ini or .htaccess in my root folder via FTP 4. I e-mailed Dreamhost and they said they cannot do it on their end I would like to know if I just create a php.ini file and if so can someone copy/paste the entire php.ini file that would allow me to upload up to 30MB files? OR I would like to know if I just create a .htacess file and if so can someone copy/paste the entire .htaccess file that would allow me to upload to to 30MB files? Thank you ahead of time
  5. Hey everyone.. If you look at my main page www dot christiancouriernewspaper dot com / blogbase where it says WELCOME TO CHRISTIAN COURIER E-PAPER... I would like to install Twitter+Facebook icons where it says Follow us following Him at I put in the hyperlink and image in the description and what happens is it puts it underneath the box and the third column of the blog goes underneath the second column any idea on how to insert those 2 icons without my 3rd column going anywhere?? Appreciate the help
  6. here is my code <input type="submit" class="button" onclick="window.open('http://wwww.christiancouriernewspaper.com/upload.html',Upload','width=400,height=400')" name="<?php echo $form_id; ?>" id="<?php echo $form_id; ?>" value="<?php echo $submit_text; ?>" alt="<?php echo $submit_text; ?>"<?php echo $x_or_h; ?>><br<?php echo $x_or_h; ?>> if you go to this page.. www dot christiancouriernewspaper dot com / blogbase / contactpage.php you will see the SUBMIT button, what I want is for when the user hits submit, it (a) sends the information to me (b) popups a window to upload a file for someone reason it's not working-- it's sending the emails just fine, but the popup doesn't show any/all help will be much appreciated thank you
  7. OK- this code is working just fine on Firefox. this is what's suppose to happen: you go to the website, a pop-up comes up, you click the pop-up and another window opens up to register for site.. see it here www . christiancouriernewspaper . com / popuptest.html (try in both firefox and internet explorer) here is my code... <html> <head> <title>The Christian Courier - a ministry preserved in Christ</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="10;URL=http://www.ChristianCourierNewspaper.com/blogbase"> <style type="text/css"> .sub { font-family: "MS Sans Serif", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; color: #666666} .bod { font-family: "MS Sans Serif", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #000000} .subwh { font-family: "MS Sans Serif", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFFF} .bodwh { font-family: "MS Sans Serif", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold} </style> <style> .dhmcss {width:100%;background:#FFFFFF ;COLOR: #808080; FONT-FAMILY: verdana,arial,helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; padding-left:5;padding-right:5;padding-top:4;padding-bottom:4; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } .dhmcssover {width:100%;background:#EC941C ;COLOR: #FFFFFF; FONT-FAMILY: verdana,arial,helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; padding-left:5;padding-right:5;padding-top:4;padding-bottom:4; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } .dhmcssdown {width:100%;background:#ACDCA5 ;COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: verdana,arial,helvetica; FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; padding-left:5;padding-right:5;padding-top:4;padding-bottom:4; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } </STYLE> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- var expDays = 100; // number of days the cookie should last function GetCookie (name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function SetCookie (name, value,expires) { var argv = SetCookie.arguments; var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? 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  8. see here: http://www.christiancouriernewspaper.com/blogbase/contactpage.php What I want is for 7 fields (Name-State) on the Left just how they are Then I want the remaining fields (Country- the spam question) on the right I would like to have it so it all fits on one page without having to scroll any ideas/suggestions? the .css file is below: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- GBCF-V3 BLUE STYLE SHEET - MIKE CHERIM HTTP://GREEN-BEAST.COM ---------------------------------------------------------------- To use for testing, this stylesheet must be named default.css */ /* === form div and elements ======================================= */ #form-div { font-family : verdana, helvetica, palatino sans, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; width : 70%; margin : auto; color : #FF8C00 ; line-height : 1.2em; } #form-div p.form-footer { margin : -35px 2px 20px 13px; } #form-div p.form-footer a { color : #003366; } #form-div p.form-footer a:hover, #form-div p.form-footer a:focus, #form-div p.form-footer a:active { color : #000; text-decoration : none; } #form-div p.form-footer a:focus, #form-div p.form-footer a:active { background-color : #eee; } /* === form div link styles ======================================== */ #form-div a { color : #FF6600; } #form-div a:hover, #form-div a:focus, #form-div a:active { color : #000; text-decoration : none; } #form-div a:focus, #form-div a:active { background-color : #eee; } /* === success and error message/results box ======================= */ #form-div p.success, #form-div p.error, #form-div p.center { color : #fff; /* color : #000; (lite colors option - uncomment to use) */ padding : 1px 4px; border : 1px solid #000; background-color : #003366; /* background-color : #bfccd9; (lite colors option - uncomment to use) */ margin : 10px 3px; text-align : center; } #form-div p.error { background-color : #bb0000; /* background-color : #edbaba; (lite colors option - uncomment to use) */ } #form-div p.error a, #form-div p.success a { color : #ffff7f; } #form-div p.center { text-align : center; background-color : #edbaba; color : #000; margin-top : -3px; padding : 0px 4px; } #form-div p.error a:hover, #form-div p.error a:focus, #form-div p.error a:active, #form-div p.success a:hover, #form-div p.success a:focus, #form-div p.success a:active { color : #eee; background-color : #bb0000; } #form-div p.success a:hover, #form-div p.success a:focus, #form-div p.success a:active { background-color : #003366; } /* === structural form elements ==================================== */ form#gbcf-form { } fieldset.main-set, fieldset.req-set, fieldset.opt-set { border : 1px solid #eee; padding : 5px; } /* === textural form elements ====================================== */ #form-div legend { font-weight : bold; } #form-div legend span { } legend.main-legend { color : #777; font-size : 100%; } legend.req-legend, legend.opt-legend { color : #777; font-size : 60%; } legend.main-legend span { } legend.main-legend { } legend.req-legend span { } legend.req-legend { margin-left : -2px; } legend.opt-legend span { } legend.opt-legend { margin-left : -2px; } label.req-label, label.opt-label { color : #FF6600; font-size : 60%; } label.opt-label.check { float : right; padding : 0; margin : 1px 4px; cursor : pointer; } label.opt-label.main-label { margin : 0 2px; font-weight : bold; font-size : 75%; } label.opt-label.main-label span { font-weight : normal; color : #FF6600; font-sze : 60%; } label.opt-label.main-label span.req, label span.req { font-weight : bold; color : #c70000; } label.req-label.explain { color : #666; font-size : .8em; } label.req-label.explain:hover { color : #000; } /* === control and interface form elements ========================= */ /* note: In this section you will see the hover/focus styles for the inputs. For example: input:hover, input:focus. You will also see these names applied as classes: input.hover, input,focus, for example. This is not done by mistake. Those classes are needed for the JavaScript focus script (files/focus.js) for IE 7 and older. */ input.text-long.address, input.text-long.address:hover, input.text-long.address:focus, input.text-long.address.hover, input.text-long.address.focus { border-bottom : 0; margin-bottom : 0; padding-bottom : 2px; border-bottom : 1px dotted #bbb; } input.text-long.address2, input.text-long.address2:hover, input.text-long.address2:focus, input.text-long.address2.hover, input.text-long.address2.focus { border-top : 0; margin-top : 0; padding-top : 2px; border-top : 1px dotted #bbb; } input.checkbox { border : 1px solid #999; width : .9em; height :.9em; padding : 0; margin : 0; cursor : pointer; } input.checkbox:hover, input.checkbox.hover, input.checkbox:focus, input.checkbox.focus { border : 1px solid #666; } input.text-short, input.text-med, input.text-long, select.select, textarea.textarea { font : 0.6em verdana, helvetica, palatino sans, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; border : 1px solid #999; background-color : #fffffe; cursor : text; padding : 1px 2px; } select.select { padding : 1px 0; } input.text-short { width : 75px; } input.text-med, select.select { width : 150px; } input.text-long { width : 175px; } textarea.textarea { width : 220px; height : 100px; } select.select, select.select option { cursor : pointer; } input.text-short:focus, input.text-short.focus, input.text-med:focus, input.text-med.focus, input.text-long:focus, input.text-long.focus, select.select:focus, input.select.focus, textarea.textarea:focus, textarea.textarea.focus { border : 1px solid #666; background-color : #ffe; } input.button { font : 0.9em verdana, helvetica, palatino sans, tahoma, arial, sans-serif; font-weight : bold; margin-top : 8px; padding : 1px 10px; cursor : pointer; float : right; clear : both; color : #003366; } input.button:hover, input.button.hover, input.button:focus, input.button.focus { color : #333; } /* because IE6 sucks - if you have a conditionally served IE6 style sheet add this to it */ * html input.button { border : 1px solid #666; } /* EOF - Created by Mike Cherim @ http://green-beast.com =========== */ thanks ahead of time!!!
  9. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone has used the Contact form called gbcf-v3 I'm having problems getting it to go "live" the test form is working great here is my simple simple contact page code <form method="POST" action="send.php"> Fields marked (*) are required <p>Email From:* <br> <input type="text" name="EmailFrom"> <p>Full Name:* <br> <input type="text" name="Name"> <p>Comments:* <br> <input type="text" name="Comments"> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"> </form> <p> the instructions say this: 9. Add the link to the style sheet and the focus JavaScript file - for form field focus effects for Internet Explorer - to the head of your contact form page (see Figure 1), then add the PHP "include" to the body content area of that same page (see Figure 2). Go live and worry not. <!--Figure 1 (written as xhtml)--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="gbcf-v3/files/themes/default.css" media="screen" /> <!--[if IE]> <script type="text/javascript" src="gbcf-v3/files/focus.js"></script> <![endif]--> Figure 1 Note: You may choose to add the form styles to your own style sheet or do something else such as use existing styles. It's your call. Use the default style sheet to see what classes you have available to you. The style sheet name in the example is default.css. Change as needed if using a theme. <!--Figure 2--> <?php include_once("gbcf-v3/form.php"); ?> Figure 2 Note: In all cases above, adjust the path to the files to meet your needs such as if your contact page is in a folder: ../gbcf-v3/form.php. I did that, and absolutely nothing happens.. any ideas? Thank you
  10. I already have my own form... so i do i implement it with the sendmail.php file? also i have other custom fields, dropboxes,etc so i would need to have those be sent as well.. help
  11. here is my contactus.php file: <?php $to = "groogruxking40@gmail.com"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ; $headers = "From: $email"; $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ; if($sent) {print "Your mail was sent successfully"; } else {print "We encountered an error sending your mail"; } ?> where does it go???
  12. hey all, I have a form that allows the user to input the information you can see it here- http://www.christiancouriernewspaper.com/blogbase/form.html what I need it to do now is when the user clicks SUBMIT for all the information they just filled out be sent to me via e-mail any ideas/help? thanks
  13. Hello there site: www.christiancouriernewspaper.com Wordpress- 2.8 I need a code that lets my customers upload a image file from their computer and then that file does 2 things 1. gets uploaded to upload folder on my server 2. a copy of that file gets e-mailed to me this is what I have so far, any improvements/additions on this code would really be appreciated... 1.//GET IMAGE INFO 2. 3. $dir = 'images/'; 4. $file_name = $_FILES['file']['name']; 5. $file_tmp = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; 6. 7. //CHECK FOR UPLOADED FILE 8. if(is_uploaded_file($file_tmp)){ 9. //MOVE TO DIR 10. move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $dir.$file_name); 11. }
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