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  1. If you were to control your sessions through one page, then include that page wherever you need to use sessions, they would work.
  2. Well, no, we can't tell you the correct path to the font, because we don't know where you've put it. Where is it?
  3. Does CentOS have a package manager like apt? Have a look there if there's anything you need.
  4. So, I need a table to look like this: ############# # # # ############# # # # ############# # # ############# Now just using plain html, that would be easy enough to do, just adding colspan="2" to the last cell, however, I'm using css tables, as in, this is what my table looks like: <style> .table { display: table; } .tr { display: table-row; } .td { display: table-cell; } </style> <div class="table"> <div class="tr"><div class="td">Cell 1</div><div class="td">Cell 2</div></div> <div class="tr"><div class="td">Cell 3</div><div class="td">Cell 4</div></div> <div class="tr"><div class="td">Cell 5</div></div> </div> Now, what I want to know is if there is a CSS equivalent to colspan that lets one cell take up more room. I've tried just setting width: 100%;, and using the html colspan="2" but neither work. I have the CSS2 specification pdf which is helpful, but I haven't been able to find any answers in there. Can anyone help?
  5. Try: /\b<script>parent.doneLoaded('{"meta":[{"request":"DEPARTMENTS","skip":"false","campusActive":"true","progActive":"true","termActive":"true","size":"\b.+\b"}],"data":[{\b/
  6. Well thanks for that amazingly detailed and explanatory post (not just copying and pasting the title, and asking an actual question would be nice), but you need css for that. a:active { /*css*/ } a#id { /*css*/ }
  7. Do you mean to escape it so it's treated like a normal character? \% The backslash is used to escape characters in most programming languages (eg echo 'abc\'def'; in PHP will show as abc'def )
  8. <?php $C = 0; while($C <= 4){ $drawing = rand(1, 99); $drawings[$C] = $drawing; for ($n = 0; $n <= $C; $n++) { if ($drawing==$drawings[$n]) { while ($drawing==$drawings[$n]) { $drawing = rand(1, 99); $drawings[$C] = $drawing; } } } echo ''.$drawing.'.'; $C++; } ?> There, I think that should work
  9. ..What are you talking about? md5('2193123456MelissaP201.50CD19713AID949') does return 4932e7c909fbaccea61eab714f71d67a. You need to be more specific. Show us your code.
  10. Hmm. When you say they show on the page, do you mean the names of the images show or the actual images will show on the page?
  11. Do you mean you want something that checks if the field has anything in it? if (document.getElementById('quote').value.length>0) { var el = document.getElementById('quote'); } else { var el = document.getElementById('author'); }
  12. The better way to do that would be: <?php $left_title = stripslashes($_POST['left_title']); $left_text = stripslashes($_POST['left_text']); $images[1] = $_FILES['image1']['tmp_name']; $image1main = $_FILES['image1']['name']; //image 1 $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($images[1]); $images[2] = $_FILES['image2']['tmp_name']; $image2main = $_FILES['image2']['name']; // image 2 $src2 = imagecreatefromjpeg($images[2]); $images[3] = $_FILES['image3']['tmp_name']; $image3main = $_FILES['image3']['name']; // image 3 $src3 = imagecreatefromjpeg($images[3]); for ($n = 1; $n <= $number_of_images_uploaded; $n++) { list($width,$height)=getimagesize($images[$n]); $newwidth=600; $newheight=($height/$width)*$newwidth; $tmp=imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth,$newheight); imagecopyresampled($tmp,$src,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$newheight,$width,$height); $filename = "/home/users/web/b2075/moo.petenaylor/websites/d/dogs/images/front/". $_FILES['image'.$n]['name']; imagejpeg($tmp,$filename,100); imagedestroy($src); imagedestroy($tmp); } // Validation //saving record to MySQL database //(\"$item_category\",\"$title\",\"$description\",\"$price\",\"$postage\",\"$condition\",\"$item_code\",\"$image1main\",\"$image2main\",\"$image3main\",\"$image4main\")" ; @$pfw_strQuery = "INSERT INTO `front_page_text`(`left_title`,`left_text`,`image1`,`image2`,`image3`)VALUES (\"$left_title\",\"$left_text\",\"$image1main\",\"$image2main\",\"$image3main\")" ; ?> That should work. assuming $number_of_images_uploaded contains (surprise surprise!) the number of images that were uploaded. Also I replaced $image1, $image2 and $image3 with one array $images.
  13. What exactly are you expecting it to do when you click on it?
  14. session_set_cookie_params() has to come before session_start()
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