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  1. Hello ! I am using dojo 1.3.2 and want to customize following. a) How to do which class to override for which widget. I did try following, it worked for button but did not for my validation textbox. .dijitButton .dijitButtonNode { background: yellow; } .dijitReset{ background: yellow; } If I put .dijitTextBox it at all not works. Putting .dijitReset did strange it changes background to all widgets but 90% background of the control's background is changed but 10% keeps as it is - transparent. b) Also If I change size of button as below, it changes the size for even combobox arrow button, rich text editor buttons also. dijitButton .dijitButtonNode { background: yellow; width: 90px; } So Please help me know which one to override for which widget. Thanks in Advance, Nbt
  2. Thanks a lot ! This is working as required. Nbt.
  3. Yea But I need as per mentioned style with [] not {} as Dojo Combobox needs that style. This echo json string with [] is received by Dojo javascript response handler function which gets binded to store to populate combobox dynamically. So please guide me, how should I do it ? Thanks in advance ! nbt
  4. No, it gives following : {"identifier":"name","items":{"Champaign":"Champaign","Chicago":"Chicago"}} but we need : {identifier:"name", items: [ {name:"Anytown", label:"Alaska"} ]} And in php 5.2 json_encode() is given which also I tried. Thanks in Advance ! Nbt
  5. Hello ! Can anybody help me converting PHP array to Json I want actually following output thro' this php {identifier:"name", items: [{name:"Anytown", label:"Alaska"}]} I tried following but not giving above. $arr = array (identifier=>'name', items=>array(name=>'Anytown', label=>'Anytown')); echo json_encode($arr); but that does not generate [] but does generate {} for inner array. Actually this json passes to Ajax Javascript handler for Dojo combobox. Please help. Thanks in Advance ! Nbt
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