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Everything posted by Fed51

  1. YOUAREtehSCENE, I've already explained what I am trying to do. What I am not trying to do is teach you how to read.
  2. I'm trying to use post content as meta keywords content It will insert the meta tag into the head just fine, but content="" is empty Here's the code so far: function autokeys() { if (is_single()) { echo '<meta name="keywords" content="'; } foreach((get_the_content()) as $post) if (is_single()) { echo $post->post_content; } if (is_single()) { echo '" />'; } } add_action('wp_head', 'autokeys'); any help would be much appreciated. also, if you know how to only use the first XX number of characters or words, a tip on that would be handy as well thanks in advance, da fed
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