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Everything posted by betsy_ls
I am trying to make a news bar like Xerox has (at the bottom of the page) http://www.xerox.com/. Are they using Ajax to call the php script?
I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this on. If not, I apologize. I am still pretty new to PHP. I am editing a website for a friend. He had a news headlines section on his home page, but wants to change it to a news bar that scrolls through the most recent news on their database. I have been searching for help online for this and have felt like I was close, but never quite found what I needed (especially since I am new to this). I found this tutorial (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/crosstick.htm), which is what I want... except that I don't want to use an Array for the headlines, but I want it to pull from my database. Is there an easy way for me to do this? I already have a php file from the previous news headlines section, but am not sure how to get that to work with this new code. Here is the code for the previous headlines... <div id="news"> <?php getHeadlines(); /* include("admin/nCMS/nSQL.php"); $db = new nSQL("local"); $q = "SELECT nDate, nTitle FROM `gtt_news` ORDER BY nDate DESC LIMIT 5;" $r = $db->select($q); while($data = $db->get_row()) { echo "<div class=\"newsitem\">"; echo "<p class=\"text\"><a href=\"#\">.$data['nTitle'].</a></p>"; echo "</div>"; } */ ?> </div> Please let me know if any other code is needed. Thanks so much for your help.
Thanks! That worked. Now, I was wondering how you keep the information they have already entered into the form when the error message comes up... so they don't have to type everything in again.
When I use that code I get this error... Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_IS_NOT_EQUAL in /data/17/1/152/115/1804278/user/1953870/htdocs/subscribe.php on line 79 This is line 79... if ($_POST['firstname'])!="") {
I am trying to edit a form so that certain fields are required to submit. I am very, very new to PHP though and am not sure how to do this. The form already makes sure there is a valid email, but I also want the first name, last name and organization to be required. Here is my PHP code. <?php if(isset($_POST['submitform']) && $_POST['submitform']==1) { if(isset($_POST['email']) && eregi("^[A-Za-z0-9](([_\.\-]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)@([A-Za-z0-9]+)(([\.\-]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)\.([A-Za-z]{2,})$", $_POST['email'])) { $to = "[email protected]"; $subject = "GTT FORM SUBMISSION"; $headers = "From: ".$_POST['email']; $date = date("r"); $message = "Form submission sent from 'Subscribe' at ".$date."\n\n"; $message .= "Salutation : ".$_POST['salutation']."\n"; $message .= "First Name : ".$_POST['firstname']."\n"; $message .= "Last Name : ".$_POST['lastname']."\n"; $message .= "Company : ".$_POST['organization']."\n"; $message .= "Title : ".$_POST['title']."\n\n"; $message .= "Country : ".$_POST['country']."\n\n"; $message .= "Phone : ".$_POST['phone']."\n"; $message .= "Email : ".$_POST['email']."\n\n"; if(isset($_POST['addtonetwork']) && $_POST['addtonetwork']=='yes') { $message .= "YES - Add to network.\n\n"; } else { $message .= "NO - Do not add to network.\n\n"; } if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { include("includes/thankyou.php"); } else { global $error; $error = "Mail could not be sent!"; include("includes/form_subscribe.php"); } } else { global $error; $error = "You must submit a valid E-Mail."; include("includes/form_subscribe.php"); } } else { include("includes/form_subscribe.php"); } ?> Please let me know if you need any other code. I have been reading tutorials about this all day, but I do not know enough PHP to be able to apply it to the code I am editing. Thanks!
It worked. Thank you so much!
Thank you ldb358. I hope this is the code you want. <?php include("includes/nSiteSQL.php"); include("admin/common/print_array.php"); function getHeadlines() { $newsheadlines = array(); $db = new nSQL(); $q = "SELECT ID, date_format(nDate, '%m.%d.%Y') as nDateF, nTitle, nDate FROM `gtt_news` ORDER BY `nDate` DESC LIMIT 5;"; $db->select($q); while($data = $db->get_row(MYSQL_NUM)) { $key = $data[3] . "news"; $newsheadlines[$key] = $data; $newsheadlines[$key][4] = "news"; } $new = array_merge($newsheadlines); krsort($new); $count = 0; foreach($new as $key => $val) { if($count<3) { $type = $val[3]; if($type == 'blog') { $link = "blogarchive.php?blogID=".$val[0]; } else { $link = "newsarchive.php?newsID=".$val[0]; } echo "<div class=\"newsitem\">"; echo "<p class=\"date\">".$val[1]."</p>"; echo "<p class=\"text\">".$val[2]."</p>"; echo "<p class=\"text\"><a href=\"$link\">read more</a></p>"; echo "</div>"; $count++; } } } ?> Also, I tried the code you posted, but it didn't work. Where am I supposed to put it. Remember I know very little php.
I know very little PHP, but am trying to help out a friend by editing some of theirs. They have a news section on their home page that lists the titles of the 3 most recent news items. My friend wants to limit the number of characters that are displayed with "..." at the end. Here is the code for the news section... <div id="sideheadlines"> <p class="title">News</p> <?php getHeadlines(); /* include("admin/nCMS/nSQL.php"); $db = new nSQL("local"); $q = "SELECT nDate, nTitle FROM `gtt_news` ORDER BY nDate DESC LIMIT 5;"; $r = $db->select($q); while($data = $db->get_row()) { echo "<div class=\"newsitem\">"; echo "<p class=\"date\">".$data['nDate']."</p>"; echo "<p class=\"text\">".$data['nTitle']."</p>"; echo "<p class=\"text\"><a href=\"#\">Read More</a></p>"; echo "</div>"; } */ ?> </div> Please let me know if you need me to post anymore code. Thanks!
Ta dah!!! It worked. Thank you so much for you help.
I tried that, but it is not working. Maybe I am not doing it correctly. What am I supposed to change in the above CSS?
I am extremely new to PHP and am not sure if I am even posting this in the correct place. Please forgive me if I don't explain this the right way. I am helping out a friend by editing his website that someone else wrote. The website has a top navigation dropdown menu. He wants the active page link to be a different color than the others (the same color as the hover). This is a link to the website... Here is the css for the navigation menu... #nav_box { color:white; background:white; width:851px; padding:1em 3em 1em 3em; height:2.25em; clear:both; float:left; } .menu { width:100%; height:2.25em; background:transparent; float:left; } .menu ul { padding:0; margin:0; } .menu ul li { float:left; width:14%px; display:inline; position:relative; list-style: none; } .menu ul li a, .menu ul li a:visited { display:block; text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; color:#555555; padding:.25em 1em 0 1em; border-top: 1px silver solid; border-bottom: 1px silver solid; font-size: .9em; line-height:2.25em; } .menu ul ul { display: none; position:absolute; } .menu ul li:hover a, .menu ul li a:hover, .active{ color:#336699; } .menu ul li:hover ul{ display:block; position:absolute; float:left; width:100%; margin-top:.2em; margin-left:2em; padding-left:1em; font-size: .9em; top:2.5em; border-bottom: 1px silver solid; border-left: 1px silver solid; border-right: 1px silver solid; background:white; color:white; } .menu ul li:hover ul li a{ background:white; display:block; border:0; margin:0; color:#555555; font-size:1em; height:auto; line-height:1em; padding:5px; width:10em; } .menu ul li:hover ul li a:hover{ color:#336699; } And here is the php code from the navigation file... <?php $str = "<div id=\"nav_box\">\n"; $str .= "<div class=\"menu\">\n"; $pages = array('index'=>' HOME ', 'about_nogo'=>' ABOUT US ', 'services_nogo'=>' SERVICES ', 'press_nogo'=>' PRESS ', 'portfolios'=>' PORTFOLIOS ', 'contact_nogo'=>' CONTACT US ', 'innovators'=>' INVENTORS '); $pages_about = array('culture'=>'Our Culture','team'=>'Management Team','technology'=>'Technology Focus','blog'=>'Blog'); $pages_services = array('patent_sales'=>'Patent Asset Sales','patent_acquisition'=>'Patent Acquisition','patent_valuation'=>'Patent Valuation','services'=>'Other Services'); $pages_press = array('news'=>'Press Releases', 'events'=>'Events'); $pages_contact = array('headquaters'=>'Headquaters', 'email'=>'Email Us'); foreach($pages_about as $key=>$val){ if($page == $key) {$top = 'about';}} foreach($pages_services as $key=>$val){ if($page == $key) {$top = 'services';}} foreach($pages_press as $key=>$val){ if($page == $key) {$top = 'press';}} foreach($pages_contact as $key=>$val){ if($page == $key) {$top = 'contact';}} foreach($pages as $key => $val) { $str .= "<ul>\n"; if($page == $key) { $str .= "<li><a href=\"$key.php\" class=\"active\">".$val."</a>\n</li></ul>\n"; } else { if(eregi(( '([a-z]+)_nogo'), $key, $info)) { if ($top == $info[1]) { $str .= "<li><a href=\"#nogo\" class=\"active\">".$val."</a><ul>\n"; } else { $str .= "<li><a href=\"#nogo\">".$val."</a><ul>\n"; } foreach(${'pages_' . $info[1]} as $key => $val) { $str .= "<li><a href=\"".$key.".php\">".$val."</a></li>\n"; } $str .= "</ul></li></ul>\n"; } else { $str .= "<li><a href=\"$key.php\">".$val."</a></li></ul>\n"; } } } echo $str; ?> </div> </div> I understand most of the css, but the php is like a foriegn language to me. Thanks for your help. Please let me know if you need anything else. Betsy