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  1. I'll answer this myself for anyone interested as I've solved it and moved way past it. In my bootstrap file I've reconfigured routing as such: $ctrl = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $router = $ctrl->getRouter(); For the login/logout function I wanted that handled by the AdminController and actions loginAction, logoutAction so: $router->addRoute( 'admin_login', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('Admin/login', array('controller'=>'Admin','action'=>'login')) ); $router->addRoute( 'admin_logout', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('Admin/logout', array('controller'=>'Admin','action'=>'logout')) ); For the rest of the actions I wanted every remaining url in the admin area handled by seperate controllers. This is done like this: $router->addRoute( 'Admin_generic', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('Admin/:controller/:action/*', array('module'=>'default')) );
  2. Hello phpfreaks! I'm currently trying to recode my own libraries using the Zend framework. This is my problem: By default Zend (the dispatcher?) upon access of let's say http://localhost/A/test is trying to Find an action 'testAction' in the 'A' controller. This is fine for the public portion of my websites. However I'd like to use a different path parsing technique for the administrator interface: I have created an AdminController which takes care of the login part. When someone authenticates I want them to be redirected to /admin/user/view and this url to be parsed as an action listAction in the UserController and not as userAction in AdminController. Right now I'm using the redirector helper and I can forward it to the proper url with $front=Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $front->setBaseUrl('/admin/'); $this->_helper->redirector('view','User'); However I'd then have to rewrite the route for each class and action inside the /admin/ path which sounds wrong. In addition to that, by simply rerouting let's say /admin/user/view to call viewAction in UserController the url helper seems to be still outputing /user/view. I would like to fix that as well so some Controllers' urls are looked for in /admin/ instead. Can someone advice on a clean way to solve this?
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