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Everything posted by JAY6390

  1. $result = preg_replace('/<\?(?!php)/', '<?php', $subject);
  2. Just change the two / to be ~ and then change the two )-( to read )/(
  3. change [/b] to [\/b]
  4. ha yeah I like to keep my groups just so I know where everything is tbh, you are right though it was unnecessary. Love the one liner!
  5. <?php $str = "R1,R2-5,R7"; $parts = explode(',', $str); $out = array(); $regex = '~^([^\d]+)(\d+)-([^\d]*)(\d+)$~'; foreach($parts as $part) { if(preg_match($regex, $part, $matches)) { $range = range($matches[2], $matches[4]); foreach($range as $number) { $out[] = $matches[1] . $number; } } else { $out[] = $part; } } echo '<pre>' . print_r($out, true) . '</pre>'; ?> That's how I would do it. Should work for your last example too
  6. [^\d]+ will match everything before the numbers
  7. You aren't going to be solving this using regex, at least not all of it. You're going to need to explode the values using the , then us a regex to match the 2-5, then use a for loop to iterate over the values and add them correctly to the array
  8. are you wanting the addslashes() function?
  9. You can just put the forward slash since you're using # as your delimiter
  10. $abc = "I drink water. I drink vodka too."; $regex = '~\b(water|vodka)\b~i'; if(preg_match($regex, $abc)) { // Found a match }
  11. I'm pretty sure from this quote that its part of a full page of text
  12. Surely that would match the data between all tags on a page, not just the specific data in the span tag that the OP requested? I'm assuming the string given is only part of the page, not the whole thing
  13. Note that in my regex I used ~ ~ as the start/end delimiters, instead of / That is why you are getting an error. While using the DOM Document is great, it's probably overkill for your example
  14. ~<span id="TotalDue">([^<]+)</span>~ The value will be stored in capture group 1
  15. I was being sarcastic It's not me that needs to know how to fix the error lol
  16. ... but that involves reading ...
  17. This isn't related to regex at all! This is because you're outputting content before your cookies are set, which you can't do. There must be a million articles on why this error happens
  18. $output = preg_replace('~^[^\da-z]+~i', '', $input); That will replace any characters at the start of a string up until the first letter or number only
  19. You would be better off using parse_url <?php $text = 'http://www.somedomain.com/blah/blah/blah'; $parts = parse_url($text); echo $parts['scheme'] . '://' . $parts['host'] . '/'; For the regex version, this will do it <?php $text = 'http://www.somedomain.com/blah/blah/blah'; $result = preg_replace('~^(.*?//.*?/).*$~', '$1', $text); echo $result;
  20. If you're wanting to restrict it to just text either side as the "tags" you could use function getTextBetweenTags($string, $start, $end) { $start = preg_quote($start, '~'); $end = preg_quote($end, '~'); $pattern = "~$start(.*?)$end~"; if(preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches)) { return $matches[1]; } return false; } $html = 'this is a bunch of nothing _MARKER_OBJ = [ get this crap ]'; $content = getTextBetweenTags($html, '_MARKER_OBJ = [', ']'); echo $content; That doesn't require you to escape the start/end tags as it escapes all regex syntax characters using preg_quote
  21. This is why my solution stops at 99
  22. Ah OK, I skipped that post sorry. my regex above should work
  23. Also, if you really want to do it via regex...you could use this, although personally I find it a bit overkill ~^(1[89]|[2-9][0-9])$~
  24. Why would you use regex for this? Surely it's easier to just use regular php $age = (int) $_POST['age']; if($age >= 18 && $age <= 99) { // Age is correct } else { // Age is incorrect }
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