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  1. Is Exchange not receiving the emails, or are they being marked/filtered as spam?
  2. Depends on your setup, but the Apache configuration should be in: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/apache/httpd.conf /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf Or, if you use a graphical server configuration tool like Plesk, there should be an option to manually edit the Apache configuration. One of those should be it. Specifically, you want to make sure that the PHP module is loaded, and that the "AddType" declaration is still present. This is, of course, assuming that you're even running Apache. You never specified your platform.
  3. IMHO, your site is devoid of any actual content, or anything that would attract me into going to your site. Focus on a target niche audience of hunting (deer hunting, hog hunting, coyote hunting), then offer content (blog posts, how-tos, etc), and lastly offer advertising. Understand your target audience- are you a hunter? If so, what do you think would be a cool site?
  4. Why aren't you calling the PHP file locally as this: php -f /location/to/php/file/cron.php This would be a better solution than invoking curl.
  5. Add the following line to /etc/hosts: example.com Silly question, but can you verify that sendmail can accept connections on the loopback interface?: telnet example.com 25 Should get you a connection, where you could start a manual SMTP conversation. Barring that, check your log files for any funny business: cat /var/log/maillog|grep "example.com"
  6. Also, most domain registrars will offer to handle your DNS for you. They offer an easy to use graphical interface for adding/deleting subdomains, and offer better reliability (usually) than what your VPS could provide.
  7. I'm a huge fan of Apache/Tomcat. Apache is scalable, secure, and compatible with every major web scripting language out there. Nginx would be my second choice, it has a very small footprint.
  8. Download the Ubuntu source for MySQL, and download the PHP source from php.net. From there, configure, make, and make install. You keep your older version of MySQL this way. Or, find someone else who has prepackaged it for you.
  9. Sounds like the server is just displaying the PHP code, not executing it. Check for: LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps DirectoryIndex index.php Most important is the top line, which sounds like it isn't present. Also, this is assuming that you're using PHP5, not PHP4.
  10. Personally, Exim I've found is a much better server for sending bulk email. It isn't the best when it comes to third party plugins, etc, but it's way better performance-wise than Sendmail or Postfix. I've actually written a tutorial on optimizing Exim's performance, if you're interested: http://linuxconsultant.info/tutorials/exim_cpanel.html
  11. With mod_rewrite: RewriteRule http://www.domainname.com/provincial/bc/filename.php http://www.domainname.com/filename.php [R,NC,L] Try that and see if that works.
  12. I think the best way would be to redirect those requests to a PHP script, which will then fetch the files if the user is logged in. Apache can be configured to use a database for .htaccess, but I don't believe Apache has the ability to encrypt/decrypt the passwords (which I'm assuming you need). If you don't need encryption, this might be the ticket here: http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/htaccessmysql/
  13. Sounds like you aren't using the absolute path to curl. Try: /usr/bin/curl instead of just curl. The reason for this is since you just a shebang in your script, it isn't importing the PATH variable correctly. This will fix the "command not found" issue anyways- I'm not getting into whether curl or wget is the best way to do what you're trying to do.
  14. cpace1983


    What others in this thread are trying to say is that your mail server isn't setup correctly. Your emails are just barely clearing spam filters, and the fact that you insert a hyperlink inside of your mail messages makes those spam filters assume that your email is spam. Do you have SPF/DKIM setup on your domain?
  15. Sounds like the filesystem permissions are wrong on your output file (no write access). Do an 'ls -l /path/to/file', and let us know the output. Also, enter the following command: ps -waux | grep "apache" and ps -waux |grep "httpd" So that we can know what user to set the filesystem permissions to. Are we talking about your /etc/php5/php.ini, the php.ini file that is used by Apache? I'm willing to bet that Apache is using a different configuration file, or that php by default is using another configuration file. In any event, once you get the permissions fixed, it should be OK.
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