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  1. Actually ended up doing as The Little Guy said. But thx for the suggestions all, will mark this as solved now...
  2. Thx for your reply, I have a working commenting feature and all, and wasn't really comparing Wordpress to a CMS, but more just giving an example of the one feature. I know how to do this with MySQL, and i use MySQL for most of my site already. Was just getting worried that it would be to database reliant. I was more thinking something in the line of having a .php document with DEFINE = true; statements in. But if MySQL is the best way, then i would just have to go with that then
  3. Hey, i'm working on a CMS What would be the best way to give a choice to allow comments on their posts/pages? Kindda like Wordpress, where when you create a post/page you give the user the opportunity to allow for comments... I would prefer if it was not a MySQL based solution :/ In advance, thx
  4. Don't know how exactly, but i think what you are referring to, is using array... Store your $variable in an array, INSERT INTO mysql table, and it will loop through the INSERT for as many variables there is in the array. Hope this gives you an idea..
  5. Hey, try this http://www.evolt.org/node/60384 It uses sessions, can use cookies to remember people (i.e. remember me next time).. There are some session variables (you can of course create more) like for your example it would be --- Welcome $session->username <a href="process.php">Logout?</a>... check it out, and give it a go.
  6. Don't really know anything about postgresql (I use MySQL), but as far as i could google couldn't you just use SELECT COUNT(*) for this (since it seems the way you're counting is wrong)?
  7. Take a look at this http://www.evolt.org/node/60384 Maybe a bit complex, but a very comprehensive system ... But basicly, like Pikachu2000 said, you need a form to process the user login, then you need to send that form to a php script that checks if the user exists in database, if yes, you can proceed. Form.html --> checkform.php --> site.html... But that's just a very simple and not secure way. If you can, then try and play with the system in the link at the top.
  8. Oh, my, God... I guess i just couldn't see the forest for the trees ^^.. well, thx mate
  9. Hi there, I've been working on a way to create a new page file while adding it's path and name(alias) to a MySQL database... My problem is that some of the information, apparently, isn't being send :S... The form file <form name="pagecreate" method="POST" action="pagecreate.php"> Alias: <input type"text" name"pagealias" /> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </form> And the submit function <?php // connect to database include '../../include/databaseconnection.php'; // grab the variables from the form $pagealias = $_POST['pagealias']; // get the number for the page (choose max + 1, so that you don't have existing value) $query = "SELECT MAX(pagenumber) FROM Links"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $max = $row['MAX(pagenumber)']; $pagenumber = $max+1; // create the file $createFileName = "../../pages/page_".$pagenumber.".php"; $FileHandle = fopen($createFileName, 'w+') or die("can't create file"); fclose($FileHandle); // create filepath $filepath = "page_".$pagenumber; // insert the data into the database $query2 = "INSERT INTO Links VALUES('', '$pagealias', '$filepath', '$pagenumber')"; mysql_query($query2) or die(mysql_error()); // redirect to another page header("Location: ../../index.php"); ?> Argh!, forgot to say, that it is pagealias that isn't being send ^^...
  10. Thanks for your reply. I've been trying to use curdate() but couldn't get that to work... Anyways, I implemented the function AND calDate>NOW() , but now it only displays the ones 3 days ahead of current time. Example: Todays date is the 7th using the NOW() statement, I can only see the ones from the 10th, and not the 9th or 8th. Now my question, i guess, is, how would one subtract time from the NOW() statement. so it'll be like "AND calDate>NOW()-(3 days)"?
  11. Hey, I have been coding a bit on a site where you can login, submit your schedule in the form of posts. My problem is, that the users give a date to where the post is going to happen, and i wan't to check if the given date from the post is older than the current date. If so, then hide/do not show the post. Like this POST: Work the 22/02-10 at 19:00 - 20:00 <---- meaning the 22nd of February 2010 CURRENT DATE: 24/02-10 Then it should hide/remove the post so it isn't viewable. My php code is: <?php include "../../scripts/config.php"; include "../include/session.php"; global $max_items; $query = "SELECT calID, calDate, calName, calDesc," . "DATE_FORMAT(calDate, 'd/m-y') as date " . "FROM calTbl WHERE calUser='$username' ORDER BY calDate ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $calID = strip_tags( $row['calID']); $calStamp = $row['calStamp']; $calDate1 = strtotime( $row['calDate']); $calDate = strip_tags( $row['calDate']); $calName = strip_tags( $row['calName']); $calDesc = nl2br (strip_tags ($row['calDesc'], '<a><b><i><u>')); echo "<p><b>($calID) $calName the $calDate at $calDesc</b></p>"; echo "<p>----------------------------------------------------------------</p>";} ?> Any help would be appreciated, and if this post needs clarification please say so. In Advance, thx for any help.
  12. Hi, i have a kind of blog like feature on my site, and i store the text in a seperate .txt file. I have been searching for a way to make so that if "Button1" pressed $myFile = "text1.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); $theData = fread($fh, filesize($myFile)); fclose($fh); echo $theData; if "Button2" pressed $myFile = "text2.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r'); $theData = fread($fh, filesize($myFile)); fclose($fh); echo $theData; and so on.. is there any easy way to do this? any help appreciated ..
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