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  1. Gee, I was going mad. Such a stupid mistake. Lost a good 2hours of work! THANK YOU! Problem solved!
  2. The Form: <form action="pagina5.php" method="post"> <table align="center" width="500"> <tr><td align="right">Nome:</td><td><input type="text" maxlength="35" size="35" name="nome" /><td></tr> <tr><td align="right">E-mail:</td><td><input type="text" maxlength="40" size="35" name="email" /><td></tr> <tr><td align="right">Voto:</td><td><select name="voto"><option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option selected="selected" value="5">5</option></select><td></tr> <tr><td align="center" colspan="2"> *Commento:</td></tr> <tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><textarea rows="7" cols="50" name="commento"></textarea></td></tr> <tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="invia" value="Invia"><input type="reset" value="Resetta"></td></tr> <tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><a href="gb.php">Torna Indietro</a></td></tr> <tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><br/><br/>* = Campi Obbligatori</td></tr> </table> </form> the script (pagina5.php): <? if (isset($_POST['invia'])) { if((!isset($_POST['commento'])) OR ($_POST['commento']="")) { echo "<p align='center'>Non hai compilato i campi richiesti!</p>"; echo "<p align='center'><br/><a href='gb.php'>Torna Indietro</a></p>"; } else { var_dump($_POST['nome']); var_dump($_POST['email']); var_dump($_POST['commento']); var_dump($_POST['voto']); //var_dump($x); echo "<p align='center'><br/><a href='gb.php'>Torna Indietro</a></p>"; } } ?> vardumps work correctly for any value except the textarea (commento). It skips the if (!isset) check, too. I tried using an ID, too, couldn't get it to work I'm at a lost here, please help, fellow coders.
  3. nevermind, found it $prezzo = number_format($prezzo, 2, '.', ''); $prezzo = $prezzo+number_format(($prezzo/$ricarico), 2, '.', '');
  4. I know I may sound like a nab, but here I go: $ric=10; $price=$price+($price/$ric); Basically I want to add a 10% to the price value this is inside a "for", and price values is taken from a csv file. Said value is for example: $price=4,36 after the script takes place, the value goes to: $price=4796 While i aimed to obtain 4,80 (a 2 precision float). Can anyone help me? It's the first time I mess with float numbers. EDIT: Or at least direct me to a more efficient way to apply % on doubles, while preserving the original precision
  5. Sorry to be reviving this topic, but I actually solved the problem, here's the script: $giornata = $_GET['mcc']; ##AREA CONFIGURABILE## $nome_file = "mcc".$giornata; $input = $nome_file.".rcs"; $output = $nome_file.".txt"; $ultima_riga = 2; // 0=SI 2=NO $chiave = array('72', '2A', '67', '66', '64', '34', '56', '42', '48', '34', '34', '46', '46', '35', '52', '38', '73', '78', '2A', '63', '33', '33', '66', '34', '66', '45', '45', '32'); ##FINE CONFIGURAZIONE## if (file_exists($input)) { $fs_read = fopen($input, "r+"); $fs_write = fopen($output, "w+"); $lBytes = filesize($input); $lBytes_28 = $lBytes % 28; $lDiff = ($lBytes)-($lBytes_28); while (ftell($fs_read) != $lDiff) { $fileData = fread($fs_read, 28); for ($i=0; $i<28; $i++) { $data = hexdec(bin2hex($fileData[$i])); $key = hexdec($chiave[$i]); $result = $data ^ $key; fwrite($fs_write, chr($result)); } } $fileData = fread($fs_read, $lBytes_28); for ($i=0; $i<($lBytes_28-$ultima_riga); $i++) { $data = hexdec(bin2hex($fileData[$i])); $key = hexdec($chiave[$i]); $result = $data ^ $key; fwrite($fs_write, chr($result)); } fclose($fs_read); fclose($fs_write); echo "File: <a href='$output'><b>$output</b></a>"; echo "<br /><b>Stats:</b><br />Lunghezza file: $lBytes<br/>Primo passaggio: $lDiff<br/>Secondo passaggio: $lBytes_28"; } else { echo "File: <a href='$input'><b>$input</b></a> non trovato<br />Istruzioni es.: convertitore.php?mcc=7"; } use it through GETs: decrypter.php?mcc=10 for the file named mcc10.rcs, it will get you a mcc10.txt.
  6. Fatal error: Call to undefined function X]H() in mcc.php on line 15 last version... <?php $fs_read = fopen("mcc05.rcs", "r+"); $fs_write = fopen("mcc05.txt", "w+"); $lBytes = filesize("mcc05.rcs"); $lBytes_28 = $lBytes % 28; $lDiff = ($lBytes)-($lBytes_28); $chiave = array('2A', '68', '6C', '34', '35', '6A', '6E', '31', '32', '64', '66', '67', '46', '46', '44', '52', '38', '73', '78', '63', '33', '33', '64', '65', '72', '66', '76', '2A'); while (ftell($fs_read) != $lDiff) { $fileData = fread($fs_read, 28); $prefix = "0x"; for ($i=0; $i<28; $i++) { fwrite($fs_write, (chr($fileData($i) xor $prefix.$chiave($i)))); } } for ($i=0; $i<lBytes_28; $i++) { fwrite($fs_write, (chr($fileData($i) xor $prefix.$chiave($i)))); } fclose($fs_read); fclose($fs_write); ?>
  7. ok, I think i got most out of it... <?php $fs_read = fopen("mcc05.rcs", "r+"); $fs_write = fopen("mcc05.txt", "w+"); $lBytes = filesize("mcc05.rcs"); $lBytes_28 = $lBytes % 28; $lDiff = ($lBytes)-($lBytes_28); $chiave = array('2A', '68', '6C', '34', '35', '6A', '6E', '31', '32', '64', '66', '67', '46', '46', '44', '52', '38', '73', '78', '63', '33', '33', '64', '65', '72', '66', '76', '2A'); while (ftell($fs_read) != $lDiff) { $fileData = fread($fs_read, 28); for ($i=0; $i<28; $i++) { fwrite($fs_write, (chr($fileData($i) xor “&H” & $chiave($i)))); } } $i = 0; for ($i=0; $i<(lBytes_28–1); $i++) { fwrite($fs_write, (chr($fileData($i) xor “&H” & $chiave($i)))); } $fclose($fs_read); $fclose($fs_write); ?> but i'm getting an error on this: fwrite($fs_write, (chr($fileData($i) xor “&H” & $chiave($i)))); I don't know how to convert this damn string: fs_write.Write(Chr(fileData(i) Xor “&H” & chiave(i))) from VB.NET to PHP. I think it's the only last step I have to do :S
  8. well well, i thinks it's the way you pass the variable that doesn't work: the url should be: http://www.somedomain.com/index.php?linknum=8
  9. well, thanks for the fast reply, but what I'm really looking for, is not the fix for my php adaption (because I already know that it wouldn't work). It is really a bad adaption. The purpose of me posting my semi-conversion is to give who wants to help me out, something to start with the conversion of the VB.NET code snippet i posted EDIT: btw, that's the error: [06-Apr-2010 10:35:45] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/horseden/public_html/meeee/mcc.php on line 9
  10. simple as a pie: $checkboxes = array($check[0], $check[1], $check[2], $check[3]); // values for your checkboxes foreach ($checkboxes as $key => $checkbox) { echo '<input type="checkbox" id="', $checkbox . $key, '" name="locations[]" value="', $checkbox, '"', (in_array($checkbox, $check) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''), '>', '<label for="', $checkbox . $key, '">', $checkbox, '</label>'; }
  11. Hi everyone! I'm trying to convert this VB.NET function: Dim fs_read As New FileStream(“C:\MCC05.rcs”, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) Dim fs_write As New StreamWriter(File.Create(fs_read.Name.Replace(“.rcs”, “.txt”))) Dim lBytes As Long = fs_read.Length Dim fileData(lBytes) As Byte Dim i As Integer Dim lbytes_27 As Long = lBytes Mod 27 ‘ sono i byte che restano fuori dividendo il file a gruppi di 27 byte Dim chiave As Array chiave = Split(“31;32;33;34;35;36;61;62;63;64;65;66;71;71;77;65;72;74;79;75;61;73;64;66;67;68;6A”, “;”) While Not fs_read.Position = lBytes – lbytes_27 fs_read.Read(fileData, 0, 27) For i = 0 To 26 fs_write.Write(Chr(fileData(i) Xor “&H” & chiave(i))) Next End While i = 0 fs_read.Read(fileData, 0, lbytes_27) For i = 0 To (lbytes_27 – 1) fs_write.Write(Chr(fileData(i) Xor “&H” & chiave(i))) Next fs_read.Close() fs_write.Close() into PHP code. That's what i made: <?php $fs_read = fopen("mcc05.rcs", "r+"); $fs_write = fopen("mcc05.txt", "w+"); $lBytes = $fs_read; $lBytes_28 = $lBytes % 28; $chiave = array('2A', '68', '6C', '34', '35', '6A', '6E', '31', '32', '64', '66', '67', '46', '46', '44', '52', '38', '73', '78', '63', '33', '33', '64', '65', '72', '66', '76', '2A'); while (ftell($fs_read) != ($lBytes – $lBytes_28)) { $fileData = fread($fs_read, 28); for ($i=0; $i<27; $i++ { fwrite($fs_write, (chr($fileData($i) xor “&H” & $chiave($i)))); } } $i = 0 for ($i=0; $i<(lBytes_28 – 1); $i++ { fwrite($fs_write, (chr($fileData($i) xor “&H” & $chiave($i)))); } $fclose($fs_read); $fclose($fs_write); ?> Obviously it doesn't work (give me an error at line 9), but I think it's still a BAD CODE, and even if I fixed the erros, it wouldn't work. I don't understand well VB code, so I think I lost something in the conversion! Will rep+ if some of you could translate the original VB.NET code to PHP, thanks!
  12. only uppercase words! your code works like a charm now! thx for your help!
  13. seems like your code doesn't work if there's just one word in the string, fixed with this: $string = ""; //Here Goes the string $string_count = count(explode(' ', $string)); if ($string_count == 1) $output = $string; else { preg_match("~((?:[A-Z]+\s)+)~m", $string, $output); $output = $output[0]; }
  14. this preg_match("~[A-Z\s]+~", $string1, $M); $string1 = $M[1]; returns nothing this preg_match_all("~((?:[A-Z]+\s)+)~m", $contents, $M); $M = $M[0]; this returns "Array". using the last code you provided, if i use preg_match, instead of preg_match_all, I get ALMOST perfect result... but not for one string.. $string5= "LUCIO"; after the preg_match returns nothing!
  15. I guess I should make it more simple; I got: $string1= "JULIO CESAR Soares De Espinola"; $string2= "GROSSO Fabio"; $string3= "DE ROSSI Daniele"; $string4= "CAMBIASSO Esteban Matias"; $string5= "LUCIO"; $string6= "THIAGO MOTTA"; [code] What I want to do is to obtain this: [code] $final_string1= "JULIO CESAR"; $final_string2= "GROSSO"; $final_string3= "DE ROSSI"; $final_string4= "CAMBIASSO"; $final_string5= "LUCIO"; $final_string6= "THIAGO MOTTA"; [code] I want to obtain this with an automated function. Hope you can help me
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