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Posts posted by Dorky

  1. It seems to me that you have zipped through web semantics 101. I don't want to come off arrogant

    this im sure you have seen, its yours from another thread. how was this constructive?

    omg, really............really? in what context is it ok to tell someone something like that. and dude i dont need anyone who talks like that to do anything.


    I just read this. What the hell is your problem to quote me from another thread? You took the whole quote out of context. If you read the entire message, you would have seen that this it was constructive and entirely within context.


    I hope that no one else helps you on this forum.

  2. Why come here asking for critique when you know you are going to ignore it. Take the advice people give you, learn from it and improve your knowledge of the subject. If you ever want to make money designing websites you are going to need to improve your skill set, by asking for advice and then ignoring solid responses is just daft and will get you nowhere.


    I don't claim to no everything about CSS/HTML but I know an awful lot, I still learn something new every week and every site I design improves on the last.


    The web is constantly evolving don't get stuck in the past, we all make mistakes, thats how we learn. Don't take offense by peoples comments, they are only trying to help.


    I second. You've come here asking for a critique (critical review) of your website. You don't seem to understand it's a case of being cruel to be kind.


    Edit: I have to agree about the loading screen. Besides being a pointless feature it also prevents navigating to another page (e.g. the login link) before the page has completely loaded. How often do you load up a page and click the login link before it's even finished loading?

    true i didnt change the loading screen. i have posted on other forums that got a positive response to it. its a matter of opinion. and whats more important is the site owners like it, im sorry but your opinion doesnt have more weight then the client.

    no, there is no reason to be cruel  or pushy. this section is for posting opinions and suggestions. not repeating yourselves until you prove your awesomeness. there is nothing constructive about being pushy or posting as if your word is web lore. suggest, give your dislikes and likes. but do it in the context of consideration. and if they dont listen, well thats their choice. accept it.

  3. clear has an effect on margins.

    clear: both;

    you can just put clearfooter inside another div. make that div relative. make its width: 100%; then make your clearfooter, margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; to center it.

  4. ie ads margins to elements that other browsers do not. the fix for this is to either remove the unwanted margin from that element or use

    * { margin: 0px; }

    at the top of you css but this will effect your entire site. if you cant find the element with the unwanted margin, add a

    border-style: solid;

    to all elements of interest until you identify then remove them when your done.

  5. The website is very bland. Boring. There is not one picture. I don't count the logo or the gradients behind the links. I hate the scrollbar on the right side. This is really annoying for users, and should be avoided at all times. The HUGE sign in button wasn't anymore appealing. I recommend moving it to the top or making it slower.


    Now, off to my favorite part.

    • Why are you declaring a bgcolor in the body tag through html?
    • Images do not have alt attribute
    • Main navigation links should have a title attribute
    • Why are you using iframes???? There seems to be no particular reason.
    • Where's the <h1> tag? <h2>? Oh and the "invisible div for loading" doesn't count as a good for <h2> since it's invisible.
    • Do not use <br /> to create whitespace. That's basic semantic tip.

    Reading through a previous message you made on a thread earlier and your general responses in this thread warn me that you do not take feedback constructively. What I or anyone say in this website critique forum is for your benefit. Take our advice with a grain of salt. Evaluate our suggestions and if you think they are worthwhile, change your website. Otherwise, move on with your life and don't yell at me for trying to provide feedback for FREE.


    this little typo says all i need to know about the value of you eagerness to spill it all.

    I recommend moving it to the top or making it slower.
    look man i dont listen to jokers like you who come on threads regurgitating what has already been said and speaking to me as if you community collage education is anything. not one of your statements here or on any thread has been helpful or anything other then offensive. your name says a lot too. your a cyber bully. get a grip.
  6. While researching performance at Yahoo!, we discovered that moving stylesheets to the document HEAD makes pages appear to be loading faster. This is because putting stylesheets in the HEAD allows the page to render progressively.


    There are known issues with browsers and proxies that may cause a mismatch in what the browser expects and what it receives with regard to compressed content. Fortunately, these edge cases are dwindling as the use of older browsers drops off. The Apache modules help out by adding appropriate Vary response headers automatically.




    i was looking for suggestions. i know the difference between that and brow beating can be slim but you are brow beating just so you know. the problem with knowing everything you never have a reason to listen to anyone else. thats a one way conversation. that also makes it a lecture and not a conversation. just saying......

  7. expanding on what i said is not only uncalled for but shows a pack mentality i see way to often on here. he read your post the first time. it is not helpful to beat a dead horse and i do not graze in a pasture go find your own herd to follow.

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