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Posts posted by Dorky

  1. why would i put on display a feature designed for the employees. you said yourself you had to scroll down to find it and thats exactly why its down there lmao. but for his dad who needs to use it, i think i did a good job of making it easy to find for those that know the sign in is at the bottom. thanks tho.

    haha danialson i disagree. its for the employees. so to the commons visitor it is unusable clutter.


    Dorky, that is a completely false sense of security. If I zoom out, I no longer have to scroll you know. I was just saying that it was annoying to scroll, because normally you want your login link to be at the top for easy access. You aren't fooling anyone by putting it at the bottom if you think only employees will know where it is. Another note, I got annoyed by it and I'm 22. An 80 year old man doesn't need the fuss of scrolling down either. No matter what you are going to do what you want to do, but you are going against your own reasoning for why it was built.

  2. infact you did use tables and a lot of other overkill code like this <span class="Bold_Text">Email:</span> instead of a simple <b>Email:</b> . all of that redundant overkill makes it hard to look for the syntax error that most current browsers overlook but the older ones will not. also i suggest using a list <ul> then float the entire thing to the left. then put the text in a <p> and float right with text-align:left. or just look for the syntax error. ie6 shouldnt have a problem rendering a table, overcoded or not.


  3. why would i put on display a feature designed for the employees. you said yourself you had to scroll down to find it and thats exactly why its down there lmao. but for his dad who needs to use it, i think i did a good job of making it easy to find for those that know the sign in is at the bottom. thx tho.

  4. Dorky: The text 'Click on the images under each listing to see a full size preview of the thumbnail.' is cut off for me at the bottom. I am on FF3 running on Slackware. Zooming in and out of the page makes it worse.


    Im still opposed to the full width Sign In button you've got going there. Also, maybe you should at least move it to the top. I have to currently scroll down to even see it.


    Better job on the logo, and I like how the wood panels look now. I think the old logo was throwing it off.

    thx. i have yet to get to a windows machine but im running ff3 but on ubuntu. ill look for the cutoff as soon as i get to a windows machine. the sign in is at the bottom because its only for the employees. the full width is because his dad is 80 and i want him to be able to see it.

  5. i didnt take it down, i put it on it domain name. javascript is clunky and slow, also is not lynx browser compatible such as google requires for indexing and seeing that the listings they have getting indexed on google is good for SEO as well as inbound links(Facebook) it would be a bad call to hide what they are selling behind something that has 0 chance of getting indexed. and bad markup isnt the only reason a site loads slowly. im sure you noticed i use a lot of small images to makeup the site. that makes it pretty data heavy so to assume i have bad markup or imply it without posting an example of what i could have done better is a bad call on you part.

  6. i agree about the header. i changed it this morning. the content cannot be consistent because there was only a few  tools that wer requested. the theme is consistent and thats whats important, nobody makes a site with the same content on every page except e-books and search engines. youtube, hulu...ect the list goes on for major brands using "iframes" not frames. but hey what do they know. facebook is popular among businesses the way myspace is for artist and musicians. and last but not least the loading screen looks a lot better then the clunkyness of page load.

  7. Dorky, the texture at the top isn't seamless. It is kind of distracting because I can tell where the image ends and begins.


    I like the overall feel of the black colored parts, however I would shrink the buttons, especially the 'Sign In' button.


    The logo is very plain, perhaps you could keep it simple but add some depth to the image. Maybe play around with some reflections, or gradients.

    yeah i was going for a wood tile effect and for the nameplate, im still working on my graphics skills by far. thx for the feedback very much.

  8. ok i got that. very cool man thx very very much. i am on coffee overload.

    this is what i have and its doing what it needs to but it either isnt unseting the file or its adding link breaks. not sure yet but i have a line for each time i read , remove and replace.

    if ($_GET['dump'] == "link" && $_SESSION['staff'] == "on")
    $dumpthis = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $_GET['dumplink']);
    $dumplinkinfo = file("links.html");
    foreach($dumplinkinfo as $dumplinkkey => $dumplinkval) 
       $dumplinkdata[$dumplinkkey] = explode("||", $dumplinkval);
    for($dumplinkk = 0; $dumplinkk < sizeof($dumplinkinfo); $dumplinkk++) 
    $check = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $dumplinkdata[$dumplinkk][0]);
    if ($check == $dumpthis)
    $linkvar = implode("\n", array_map(create_function('$a', 'return implode(" || ", $a);'), $dumplinkdata));
    $fp = fopen("links.html", "a");
    fwrite($fp, "$linkvar");

  9. if ($_GET['dump'] == "link" && $_SESSION['staff'] == "on")
    $dumplink = $_GET['access'];
    $dumplinkinfo = file("$dumplink.html");
    foreach($dumplinkinfo as $dumplinkkey => $dumplinkval) 
       $dumplinkdata[$dumplinkkey] = explode("||", $dumplinkval);
    for($dumplinkk = 0; $dumplinkk < sizeof($dumplinkinfo); $dumplinkk++) 
    $test = sort ($dumplinkdata);

    i need to get out of this the same thing i get with print_r

    in the form of


    $dumplinkdata[$dumplinkk][0] || $dumplinkdata[$dumplinkk][1]


    final write to file should look like


    This is a link || http://studio378d.com

  10. $arr = array(

                  0 => array('linkname1' => 'linkurl1.com'),

                  1 => array('linkname2' => 'linkurl2.com'),

                  2 => array('linkname3' => 'linkurl3.com')


    is a determined number of arrays, i dont see how that applies to  an unlimited number of them.

  11. no. i need to make
    array([0] array([0] , [1] )) 
    array([1] array([0] , [1] )) 
    array([2] array([0] , [1] )) 
    array([3] array( [0] , [1] ))
        [0] || [1]
        [0] || [1]
        [0] || [1]
        [0] || [1]
    a string to put in a flat file.
    linkname || linkurl
    linkname || linkurl
    linkname || linkurl
    linkname || linkurl
    with an unknown number of parent arrays

  12. no. i need to make


    array([0] array( [0] , [1] ))

    array([1] array( [0] , [1] ))

    array([2] array( [0] , [1] ))

    array([3] array( [0] , [1] ))




    [0] || [1]

    [0] || [1]

    [0] || [1]

    [0] || [1]


    a string to put in a flat file.


    linkname || linkurl

    linkname || linkurl

    linkname || linkurl

    linkname || linkurl


    with an unknown number of parent arrays

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