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Posts posted by Dorky


    im not a mod but i get this a lot on my threads as well. this line of conversation is not helping the person who posted for help. i think sticking to the problem presented is more useful. if you must debate the issue, maybe put together a working page on your server with an example of your points and post a link so that at least your debate is informative and productive.

  2. the width of all my content is 70% so im not sure why it would look to you out of proportion, screenshot would help. the email is a mailto: so it can be clicked and thats why its up there. the only links are home and ways to contact me. legal info can be found at the bottom of many web site. im not sure i want to invent content for a footer. do you mean a graphic at the bottom? the minimalistic design would make that look out of place. the red question mark is there for contrasting color without overdoing it by making all the links red, i feel that would be abrasive. im not sure the red question marks are a real issue. while i am looking to make my site more appealing(researching all day today to do so) i certainly dont want to look like every website on the net, you will not make an impact that way. all im selling is web design and management. im not a multinational company with all that much info and filling my site with stuff for the sake of stuff will stand out as bad as any of the things you pointed out.

  3. im not sure if you are trying to stretch the inner or outer container, if it is the inner, does it compete for vertical alignment? im thinking no since you used 100%;

    if it is then using float: and clear: is the right way and if its not working you should find what is conflicting. if its the inner or outer and its not competing for vertical space then try this


    width: auto; margin-left: whatever; margin-right: whatever;

  4. With all due respect Dorky, what has custom filters on a database got to do with web attacks or my hosting company? :confused:


    well i assume you will be using a scripting language to do this(php) and you will need forms that send data to those scripts. if you need further info of the risks involved with server side scripting you can google it.

    • The the does not cross over to each page
    • The google stuff looks out of place
    • have to use the back button to nav from the un-themed pages
    • about and contact are the same content


    for better looking ads try looking at companies like http:// linkshare.com

    while the back button should always work, navigation is the most important thing for any web site so you need to give an on page way to get from page to page.

    also i love the back to top but it stops just shy of the nav bar, the point of a back to top button.

    you may look at using a central box for content then use php to control the content with conditional include statements.


    personally i love the puzzle pieces and the colors.

  5. ok i have made a little progress today. could you point out the part of content i should simplify? also i may have been working on the form when you tried it. i finished it last night. if it still doesnt work could you post the format you used to entered the info, i have strict char requirements on each field.

  6. thank you very much maq. i like they gray front idea and ill play with that a bit. and again the only place i use the br tags are for a loading cover div that goes away after the page loads. if you have cable you will probably never see the loading div.

    i do understand making my site larger but honestly that wouldnt appeal to my target demographic, small businesses in my area. most of the people i talk to can hardly turn on a pc and are subject to information overload very quickly. i realize if you are selling to major brands this wouldnt cut it and maybe ill get to that level one day. but for right now im focusing on a more realistic goal for myself and need to consider things related to that goal.

    most of that is making it easy to understand, affordable, and visually  appealing. i did make it more fluid in the chance i got a realy old customer tho. 

  7. [...] but i would love more suggestions of what to do [...]


    My suggestion is to hire a designer.


    well i will implement that on my............. oh wait, i cant. its not actually about my site its about me! wow. almost got me there.

  8. It looks pretty unappealing. The loading screen that comes up all the time seems rather pointless, and the green color doesn't fit the white background. The lack of distinction between regular text and links is problematic, and the general lack of color makes it dull and boring. Also, why did you use textareas for fields on the contact form? Overall it looks pretty unappealing and unprofessional. I would never buy web design services from a website like that.


    The thing about statistics also sounds lame. If statistics demand you have 15 seconds to catch my attention, then why are you wasting my time with information that is not relevant to what I'm looking for?


    what on my site is not relevant to what i am selling?

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