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About teamfresh

  • Birthday 10/31/1978

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  1. yeah I have removed it. I will place the links. thanks once again, I will definitely donate once i have some money, next week some time. If i had any money atm I would have prob just brought a different script!!!
  2. If there is any thing i can do to say thanks, just say the word. You are welcome to free advertising on my other website http://www.hd-fractals.com In the side bar and/or a post/review with links etc. Just let me know.
  3. Yes! You were right. Thank you thank you thank you! I really appreciate your patience in helping me with this. I was so close to giving up but now its all working like a dream. Thank you once again wooo wooo
  4. this is the copy of config i have on my web root. (password marked out) so if thats what you ment by filling it out manually, I was asked to do that in install.txt before going to /install <? class object {}; $CONFIG = new object; /* Edit the database connection parameters below */ $CONFIG->dbhost = "mon0924901575559.db.4585220.hostedresource.com"; $CONFIG->dbname = "mon0924901575559"; $CONFIG->dbuser = "mon0924901575559"; $CONFIG->dbpass = "----------"; /*Edit the path to the scripts below*/ $CONFIG->wwwroot = "http://www.moneyfunctions.com/nine"; //Site URL -please use the "http://www.mysite.com" format. $CONFIG->siteurl = "http://www.moneyfunctions.com/nine"; // the support email address-all the mails from the contact form will go there $CONFIG->support = "subscribers@moneyfunctions.com"; //Site name-this will be shown on the header,and footer,and also on every email sent $CONFIG->sitename = "Money Functions"; //Payment fees:---Use the same format,otherwise the forms won't work //for admin $CONFIG->adminfee="5.00"; //for sponsor $CONFIG->sponsorfee="5.00"; //for random membbers $CONFIG->randomfee="2.50"; //Payment processors //Change TRUE with FALSE if you don't want to use one of them. //However,the registration form requires a valid paypal AND stormpay address to work $CONFIG->allowpaypal=true; $CONFIG->allowstormpay=true; $CONFIG->allowegold=true; $CONFIG->allowintgold=true; //Site colors $CONFIG->bgcolor = "#ffffff";//Background color $CONFIG->darkercolor="#ADAEAE";//headings color- $CONFIG->lightcolor="#ffffff";//content color,table borders $CONFIG->showstats=true;//show the site stats on the left side /* READY !!! * Do NOT EDIT BELOW!!! * OPEN THE INSTALL.PHP FILE IN YOUR BROWSER NOW */ //Site header:you can choose one of ours or you can place your own. //Just see the header.gif files from the images folder.For custom headers, $CONFIG->headerfile = "$CONFIG->siteurl/images/header_1.jpg"; //Edit below ONLY if you changed the current site structure $CONFIG->templatedir = "$CONFIG->wwwroot/templates"; $CONFIG->libdir = "$CONFIG->wwwroot/lib"; $CONFIG->imagedir = "$CONFIG->wwwroot/images"; $CONFIG->primu=$CONFIG->siteurl."/&#106&#111&#105&#110&#46&#112&#104&#112&#63&#115&#116&#97&#103&#101&#61&#112&#114&#105&#109&#117"; $CONFIG->adminul=$CONFIG->siteurl."/&#106&#111&#105&#110&#46&#112&#104&#112&#63&#115&#116&#97&#103&#101&#61&#97&#100&#109&#105&#110&#117&#108&#13&#10"; $CONFIG->hidden="&#104&#105&#100&#100&#101&#110"; $CONFIG->complete=$CONFIG->siteurl."/&#117&#115&#101&#114&#115&#47&#99&#111&#109&#112&#108&#101&#116&#101&#46&#112&#104&#112"; /* load up standard libraries */ require("$CONFIG->libdir/stdlib.php"); require("$CONFIG->libdir/dblib.php"); require("$CONFIG->libdir/genlib.php"); session_start(); session_register("SESSION"); /* connect to the database */ db_connect($CONFIG->dbhost, $CONFIG->dbname, $CONFIG->dbuser, $CONFIG->dbpass); require_once("$CONFIG->libdir/general.php"); ?> I am trying to install the script to a directory called "nine" on my domain moneyfunctions.com If I am successful in this then I will perform another install to the root folder, Im sure i have all the fields filled out correctly, maybe im wrong....?
  5. when you say change them by hand, how would i go about that?
  6. looked at every page of the script but I am no closer to figuring out where it is. The only place I think it could be apart from above is the config.php itsself <? class object {}; $CONFIG = new object; /* Edit the database connection parameters below */ $CONFIG->dbhost = "localhost"; $CONFIG->dbname = "database-name"; $CONFIG->dbuser = "database-user"; $CONFIG->dbpass = "password"; /*Edit the path to the scripts below*/ $CONFIG->wwwroot = "/hsphere/local/home/complete-path.com/"; //Site URL -please use the "http://www.mysite.com" format. $CONFIG->siteurl = "http://www.your-domain-name.com"; // the support email address-all the mails from the contact form will go there $CONFIG->support = "your-email@address.com"; //Site name-this will be shown on the header,and footer,and also on every email sent $CONFIG->sitename = "moneyfunctions"; //Payment fees:---Use the same format,otherwise the forms won't work //for admin $CONFIG->adminfee="2.50"; //for sponsor $CONFIG->sponsorfee="5.00"; //for random membbers $CONFIG->randomfee="5.00"; //Payment processors //Change TRUE with FALSE if you don't want to use one of them. //However,the registration form requires a valid paypal AND stormpay address to work $CONFIG->allowpaypal=true; $CONFIG->allowstormpay=false; $CONFIG->allowegold=false; $CONFIG->allowintgold=false; //Site colors $CONFIG->bgcolor = "#ffffff";//Background color $CONFIG->darkercolor="#ADAEAE";//headings color- $CONFIG->lightcolor="#ffffff";//content color,table borders $CONFIG->showstats=true;//show the site stats on the left side /* READY !!! * Do NOT EDIT BELOW!!! * OPEN THE INSTALL.PHP FILE IN YOUR BROWSER NOW */ //Site header:you can choose one of ours or you can place your own. //Just see the header.gif files from the images folder.For custom headers, $CONFIG->headerfile = "$CONFIG->siteurl/images/header_1.jpg"; //Edit below ONLY if you changed the current site structure $CONFIG->templatedir = "$CONFIG->wwwroot/templates"; $CONFIG->libdir = "$CONFIG->wwwroot/lib"; $CONFIG->imagedir = "$CONFIG->wwwroot/images"; $CONFIG->primu=$CONFIG->siteurl."/&#106&#111&#105&#110&#46&#112&#104&#112&#63&#115&#116&#97&#103&#101&#61&#112&#114&#105&#109&#117"; $CONFIG->adminul=$CONFIG->siteurl."/&#106&#111&#105&#110&#46&#112&#104&#112&#63&#115&#116&#97&#103&#101&#61&#97&#100&#109&#105&#110&#117&#108&#13&#10"; $CONFIG->hidden="&#104&#105&#100&#100&#101&#110"; $CONFIG->complete=$CONFIG->siteurl."/&#117&#115&#101&#114&#115&#47&#99&#111&#109&#112&#108&#101&#116&#101&#46&#112&#104&#112"; /* load up standard libraries */ require("$CONFIG->libdir/stdlib.php"); require("$CONFIG->libdir/dblib.php"); require("$CONFIG->libdir/genlib.php"); session_start(); session_register("SESSION"); /* connect to the database */ db_connect($CONFIG->dbhost, $CONFIG->dbname, $CONFIG->dbuser, $CONFIG->dbpass); require_once("$CONFIG->libdir/general.php"); ?> I really dont know. I think I may give up
  7. I am not sure but is this it? general.php (in lib directory) <? global $CONFIG,$_SESSION,$REMOTE_ADDR; $ref=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $new=0; if(isset($_SESSION["sponsorname"]["username"])){$sp=$_SESSION["sponsorname"]["username"];} elseif(isset($_SESSION["sponsor"]["username"])){$sp=$_SESSION["sponsor"]["username"];} if(!isset($sp)) {$new=1;$sp2=db_fetch_array(db_query("select username from users order by rand() limit 0,1"));$sp=$sp2["username"];} $q=db_fetch_array(db_query("select * from users where username='$sp'")); session_register("sponsor"); $_SESSION["sponsor"]=$q; session_register("sponsorname"); $_SESSION["sponsorname"]=$q; if(!$_SESSION["random1"]["firstname"]){ $q1=db_fetch_array(db_query("select * from users order by rand() limit 0,1")); session_register("random1"); $_SESSION["random1"]=$q1;} $who=$_SESSION["sponsor"]["username"]; if($new){$q3=db_query("INSERT INTO `hits` (`username` , `refer` , `ip` , `date` ) VALUES ( '$who', '$ref', '$REMOTE_ADDR',now())");} ?>
  8. not sure If i understand... is it defined at the top of config.php? <? class object {}; $CONFIG = new object; /* Edit the database connection parameters below */
  9. ok I tried that and some graphics came up this time! but there were also a few error messages. and cant log in. also I noticed that regarding the config.php the line below where the original error pointed contains similar to what you asked me to include below is the part I am talking about /* load up standard libraries */ require("$CONFIG->libdir/stdlib.php"); require("$CONFIG->libdir/dblib.php"); require("$CONFIG->libdir/genlib.php"); session_start(); session_register("SESSION"); /* connect to the database */ db_connect($CONFIG->dbhost, $CONFIG->dbname, $CONFIG->dbuser, $CONFIG->dbpass); require_once("$CONFIG->libdir/general.php"); ?> I have tried replacing this with what you said and I also tried putting what you said nearer the top and removing the original also but it still does not work.
  10. Ok I think that the function is defined in dblib.php (this is in sub directory lib) <? if (!isset($DB_DIE_ON_FAIL)) { $DB_DIE_ON_FAIL = true; } if (!isset($DB_DEBUG)) { $DB_DEBUG = false; } function db_connect($dbhost, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass) { global $DB_DIE_ON_FAIL, $DB_DEBUG; if (! $dbh = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)) { if ($DB_DEBUG) { echo "<h2>Failure trying to connect to $dbhost as $dbuser</h2>"; echo "<p><b>MySQL Error</b>: ", mysql_error(); } else { echo "<h2>Database error.</h2>"; } if ($DB_DIE_ON_FAIL) { echo mysql_error(); die(); } } if (! mysql_select_db($dbname)) { if ($DB_DEBUG) { echo "<h2>Can't select database $dbname</h2>"; echo "<p><b>MySQL Error</b>: ", mysql_error(); } else { echo "<h2>Database error.</h2>"; } if ($DB_DIE_ON_FAIL) { echo mysql_error(); die(); } } return $dbh; } function grab_content($what) { global $DB_DIE_ON_FAIL, $DB_DEBUG; $query = db_query("select ".$what." from administration where id='1'") ; $content= db_fetch_array($query); return $content[0]; } function db_query($query, $test=false, $terminate=true, $silent=false) { global $DB_DIE_ON_FAIL, $DB_DEBUG; if ($test) { echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($query) . "</pre>"; if ($terminate) die; } $query = mysql_query($query); if (! $query && ! $silent) { if ($DB_DEBUG) { echo "<h2>This query failed:</h2>"; echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($query) . "</pre>"; echo "<p><b>MySQL Error</b>: ", mysql_error(); } else { echo "<h2>Database error.</h2>"; } if ($DB_DIE_ON_FAIL) { echo mysql_error(); die(); } } return $query; } function db_fetch_array($query) { return mysql_fetch_array($query); } function db_fetch_row($query) { return mysql_fetch_row($query); } function db_fetch_object($query) { return mysql_fetch_object($query); } function db_num_rows($query) { return mysql_num_rows($query); } function db_affected_rows() { /* INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE*/ return mysql_affected_rows(); } function insert_id() { return mysql_insert_id(); } function db_num_fields($query) { return mysql_num_fields($query); } function db_field_name($query, $fieldno) { return mysql_field_name($query, $fieldno); } ?> am I right? If so how do I then require it in config?
  11. ok thanks for the quick reply, I will have a look and see if I can find where the function is.
  12. I can not contact the author. Its one of the first things I tried when the problem arose have but no reply. Is there any way to get rid of the bug? Should I post my config.php here for you guys to look at?
  13. Hi everyone. I have been trying to install a php script on my domain for 3 days now and I am completely stuck. I have installed php scripts before, and never had a problem untill now. You should also know that I'm a noob to php and I have been trawling the internet for the last 3 days trying to find a solution to this problem without having to bother anyone but i cant. I am really hoping someone can help me with this. I installed the script as set out in the install.txt ie- filled out config.php then pointed my browser to mysite.com/install. filled out the database information. this installed the tables in my database. I got a message telling me the install was a success (i checked and the tables have indeed been installed) the message said I should point my browser to mysite.com/siteadmin to log in as admin. and this is where my problem is. When i point the browser to /siteadmin or even the site itself - I get the following message on a blank screen Fatal error: Call to undefined function db_connect() in /home/content/t/e/a/teamfresh78/html/nine/config.php on line 98 I am stumped. I thought after trawling the net it might be something to do with php.ini but to be honest I dont have a clue and the more I look around the net for an answer the more confused I become! I would be forever in your debt if you could help me out on this. Thanks in advance teamfresh
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