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Everything posted by keevitaja

  1. i have resposive webpage layout with masonry. when user resizes the browser below certain viewport width, i destroy masonry. but after user resized back, i can't reinitialize masonry. it just will not arrange the blocks as it should. any ideas how to fix this?
  2. if you use active records, then adding the date should look something like this: $this->db->set('created', 'NOW()', FALSE)->insert('posts', $data); where table field created is mysql datetime. $data does not contain created at all.
  3. i found a solution. i need to convert idn domain to ascii and then use filter_var found one converter from github: https://github.com/aluksidadi/IDN-Validator/blob/master/idna_convert.class.php
  4. how to validate url with preg_match so it wouldn't fail with local specials characters like: http://höme.com/whatever -- please note the o with dots. it is actually valid url
  5. i want to "auto select" some text so user could just hit crtl+c like in goo.gl the url is autoselected
  6. is it possible to select some text with jquery. the result should be the same, when you hold down left mouse button and drag it to copy the selection?
  7. rewrite doesn't work on windows machines...
  8. there are 3 tables campaigns id int cp_contacts id int campaign_id int cp_friends id int cp_contact_id i need to retrieve all rows from campaigns and add how many contacts campaigns has total and how many friends total connected to campaigns thrugh contacts . i can get out the cp_contacts count with left join. can anyone help me?
  9. Hi, i have table with following columns: id, parent_id is possible to count all siblings and print all siblings with out any help from php with recursion? is there a mysql statement for that... or can't i do it without php?
  10. the problem was colorbox module. if it's enabled, it breaks jquery. i had it configured to be disabled on front page. any ideas how to fix it?
  11. hi, i have a strange problem. my jquery script is loaded on every node, but still it works only on the front page. when i use plain javascript in the same file, it works. any ideas?
  12. i would like to change home to a different string and also display the active node at the end. how can i do that?
  13. Exceptions added: http://usesql.keevitaja.com/usesql-version-1-1-download/ It was actually very good idea!
  14. about injection. to avoid it, prepared statement must be used. i can't force escaping every value in insert_row() method.
  15. Hi, i wrote a mysql database class. main features prepared statements and mehtod chaining. please let me know what you think: http://usesql.keevitaja.com/
  16. i have never used templated before, but: $query->result() should allready give you the result as array, so no need to walk it trought! whatabout just $data['articles'] = $query->result(); $this->parser->parse('index.tpl', $data); and in template file {articles} so some stuff with values like {title} and {body} {/articles}
  17. i have a table: id, level 1, 1 2, 2 3, 2 4, 3 5, 4 6, 4 7, 1 i need to get restults from id 1 to id 6... start with level 1 and end before level 1. is it possible?
  18. i have been playing around with it couple days and it looks great. learning curve isn't hard at all! there are lot of tutorials linked in the wiki!
  19. now i have problem with languages. <?php class Subtest extends Controller { function index() { echo $this->config->item('language').'<br>'; //prints estonian, set in config file, default $this->config->set_item('language', 'english'); echo $this->config->item('language').'<br>'; //prints english echo $this->lang->line('site_select_language'); //still prints out the estonian version } } i have both estonian and english versions in language folder isn't it possible to change the language like that? however if i change the config file and set $config['language'] = "english"; it will print out the english version!
  20. i'm trying to learn how to create jquery plugins. i'm stuck. why dont this plugin add the text? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>jQuery plugin: reverseText demonstration</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($) { $.fn.addText = function(params) { $(this).append('See on test'); }; })(jQuery); $('#kala').addText({}); </script> <div id="kala"></div> </body> </html>
  21. hello, can anyone help me how to enter some text to the tinymce editor from the popup window? window is called by the custom button in tinymce. for an example i'd my popupl will have some links with different values which i can choose to enter into the tinymce text field
  22. and it is impossible to register for forum. the email with password never arrives. tried it with different email accounts. left the owner tweet on the twitter.
  23. even the offcial plugin gives me the same error: http://wiki.github.com/masterexploder/PHPThumb/plugins-gd-reflection
  24. Hello, i keep getting this error with PHP Thumb watermark plugin. Can anyone help? maybe i'm doing it wrong! php thumb: http://phpthumb.gxdlabs.com/download.php watermark plugin: http://phpthumb.gxdlabs.com/forums/topic/watermark-plugin my code: <?php require_once 'ThumbLib.inc.php'; $thumb = PhpThumbFactory::create('image.jpg'); $thumb->adaptiveResize(400, 400); $thumb->createWatermark('watermark.png', 'cc', 10); $thumb->show(); ?> the error i get:
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