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  1. Can you elaborate on that? Isn't "my computer" the client? It's a single laptop that'll have the software running locally... So, again, still have the same problem.... Even WITH the full path I can't get Notepad or Irfanview or anything else to come up and run normally.
  2. OK, found the thing in services to tell Apache to interact with the desktop....... Shut everything down and restarted....... When I run the php, instead of getting a notepad window I just get "loading" and nothing happens....... What am I missing?
  3. Let me switch to a (hopefully) more generic example: <?php $status=exec ("notepad.exe"); ?> which I PRESUME should just run notepad.... Unfortunately, you lost me with the "go into the Apache service under the Windows service control panel and check the "Allow service to interact with desktop" checkbox and restart the Apache service." I'm running xampp, so I'll have to figure out how to get into the Windows service control panel and all that....
  4. OK, I"ve either made this EASIER or a LOT HARDER...... I found out last night that the facility where the meeting is held, and where the slideshow needs to be shown HAS NO WI-FI........ So, there's no Internet connection that'll do me any good....... SO, I"m going to have to rethink this whole mess... Probably just run the browser locally, and do something with a php slideshow.....
  5. Tried the line, which is one I've tried before. I get the "loading" message and spinning indicator, but nothing ever comes up...... It doesn't get much simpler than this example, so what's going on? <?php $status=exec ("c:\\xampp\\htdocs\\i_view32.exe /slideshow=xxx.txt"); ?>
  6. I've already done all the stuff in the replies...... I don't get an image..... The full-sized images to be displayed are located in a folder on the LOCAL system. The browser is running from the web server, and all the necessary full path and file information is available there.... BUT, to simplify things, here's a simplified version of my html that (AS NEAR AS I CAN TELL) should display an image..... It DOESN'T....... I need someone to tell me what's wrong with the syntax: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html lang="en"> <head> </head> <body> <div> <form> <a><img src="file:///d:/dew.jpg" alt="NO IMAGE AVAILABLE"></a> </form> </div> </body> </html> I've even attached a much smaller, low quality version of the dew.jpg file....... What have I got wrong in here? [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. I want to display images. LOCAL IMAGES. We can argue about all the reasons to "download the files from the server" and all the other extraneous stuff, but right now I need to know HOW to do this... In php I figure out what files should be in the show and create a file with the list. Irfanview has a command line option so it'll start up and display the local files. It looks like: c:\xampp\htdocs\i_view32.exe /slideshow=xxx.txt Open a Windows command window, put in the text, and it works PERFECTLY...... HOW do I do this from php? I found the "EXEC" command, and tried: $status=exec ("c:\xampp\htdocs\i_view32.exe /slideshow=xxx.txt"); and I get activity, but no Irfanview popping up and running... What DO I need to do to get this to work?
  8. I want to display a local image from a browser. Without wasting the time on a urination festival about "why do I want to display a local file" or "why not download it from the server", trust me that I want to display a local image..... php sets everything up, so I have the full path and all for the image. In the form I have: <a><img src="c:/xampp/htdocs/images/xxx.jpg" alt="NO IMAGE AVAILABLE"></a> and all I get is "NO IMAGE AVAILABLE". I rummaged around, and found that wiki insists that the correct syntax is: <a><img src="file:///c:/xampp/htdocs/images/xxx.jpg" alt="NO IMAGE AVAILABLE"></a> but I get the same "NO IMAGE AVAILABLE"...... So, from a plain old, regular html file that has a form in it, HOW do I display this image?
  9. No, I'm not asking where MY function is, I'm asking what should actually BE in the example I found on the web that purports to enable a user to move between two forms. As I said in the text ABOVE the example "I found this example, but I'm not good enough at php yet to figure out how to make it work.... Can one of you tell me what's missing or what needs to be done differently or whatever? And am I supposed to have html stuff top and bottom - is this whole bunch of php supposed to be inside an html body or something?" Thus the reason for my confusion. I'd like to have parent/child forms/screens or whatever, but haven't found a GOOD explanation of exactly how to put them together with php. Or an example that SHOWS how they go together with php... Which is WHY I came here to have an expert look at the example, and perhaps EXPLAIN how this is supposed to work, and maybe fill in the missing gaps.....
  10. Bad question? Silly question? One everybody else already knows the answer to? At least, can SOMEONE point me to a WORKING EXAMPLE of a parent/child type form that actually works 'cause this is getting close to being a MAJOR problem that's going to force me to dump php and go to something like Visual Studio...
  11. I'm sure you guys have seen this example a ton of times, but I need to figure out how to do parent/child forms so I can call the child when a button gets hit on the parent, and stay on the child until the user exits...... I found this example, but I'm not good enough at php yet to figure out how to make it work.... Can one of you tell me what's missing or what needs to be done differently or whatever? And am I supposed to have html stuff top and bottom - is this whole bunch of php supposed to be inside an html body or something? When I run this the display_name appears to run. BUT, stage doesn't seem to ever get set to "cheese". How come? And at the bottom, in the else, if process_form. Isn't process_form a function? And where is it? <?php function display_name() { global $PHP_SELF; ?> <FORM TARGET="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" METHOD=GET> Name: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="name"><BR> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="stage" VALUE="cheese"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Thanks!"> </FORM> <?php } ?> <?php function display_cheese() { global $PHP_SELF; global $name; ?> <FORM TARGET="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>" METHOD=GET> Favorite Cheese: <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="cheese" VALUE="brie">Very soft French Brie <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="cheese" VALUE="cheddar">Farmhouse English Cheddar <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME="cheese" VALUE="mozzarella">Italian Buffalo Mozzarella Favorite Times to Eat Cheese: <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="times[]" VALUE="m">Morning <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="times[]" VALUE="n">Noon <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="times[]" VALUE="d">Dinner <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="times[]" VALUE="l">Late night <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="name" VALUE="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name); ?>"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="stage" VALUE="results"> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Thanks!"> </FORM> <?php } ?> <?php if (empty($stage)) { display_name(); } elseif ($stage == 'cheese') { display_cheese(); } else { process_form(); } ?>
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