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Posts posted by ramboangel11

  1. <input name="TEXT_1" maxlength=255 size=1 value="" type=text>


    This is inside the .htm document. The same code for each separate variable.


    <form name="message" method="post" action="sendmail2.php">

    This is my form tag in the same .htm document.



  2. Okay, so I somehow got it to send emails and I'm receiving them from a valid email...


    And now, none of the content variables show up in the email. It's completely blank.


    Sorry to bother....


    Thank you!



    CODE now that it sends emails:



        $message = "{$TEXT_1}{$TEXT_20}{$TEXT_21}{$TEXT_4}{$TEXT_2}{$TEXT_5}{$TEXT_6}{$TEXT_7}{$TEXT_8}{$TEXT_9}{$TEXT_10}{$TEXT_11}{$TEXT_12}{$TEXT_13}{$TEXT_14}{$TEXT_15}{$TEXT_16}{$TEXT_2}{$TEXT_3}{$TEXT_4}{$TEXT_5}{$TEXT_6}{$TEXT_7}{$TEXT_8}{$TEXT_9}{$TEXT_AREA_3}{$TEXT_14}{$TEXT_15}{$TEXT_16}{$TEXT_17}{$TEXT_18}";

        $message = $_REQUEST ['message'] ;


        if (isset($_REQUEST['message'])) {






        mail( "myemailaol.com", "Referral Form Results",

          $message, "From: example@aol.com" );


        header( "Location: http://www.example.com" );





  3. <?php

        $message = "{TEXT_1}{$TEXT_20}{$TEXT_21}{$TEXT_4}{$TEXT_2}{$TEXT_5}{$TEXT_6}{$TEXT_7}{$TEXT_8}{$TEXT_9}{$TEXT_10}{$TEXT_11}{$TEXT_12}{$TEXT_13}{$TEXT_14}{$TEXT_15}{$TEXT_16}{$TEXT_2}{$TEXT_3}{$TEXT_4}{$TEXT_5}{$TEXT_6}{$TEXT_7}{$TEXT_8}{$TEXT_9}{$TEXT_AREA_3}{$TEXT_14}{$TEXT_15}{$TEXT_16}{$TEXT_17}{$TEXT_18}";

        $message = $_REQUEST ['message'] ;



        if (isset($_REQUEST['message']))



        mail( "myemail@aol.com", "Referral Form Results",

          $message, "From: $TEXT_7" );


        header( "Location: http://www.example.com" );





    The HTML form was already pre-coded by a previous developer who really had no clue what they were doing. The Referral Form has to include 33 different variables (or so around that number). I have them in 2+ variable string concantenation...


    In the real code, I have my actual email address where it says "myemail@aol.com", and an actual thank you page for the header.


    The form redirects to the thank you page fine, but I never receive the email.


    Please help! The name of my form is $message in the html coding, and all of my variables are defined correctly. My form is set to the correct action.




    Thank you in advance!

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