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  1. Well if you have a look at both pages.. Then you can tell they are not the same... I am trying to make the contact.php look the same as the marketplace.php
  2. Alright Guys I really need your help.. I have got this php file that I have created that I wish to use for this page layout http://www.digitalresellersvault.com/contact.php This is what I would like it to look like http://www.digitalresellersvault.com.../contactus.php This is the code for contact.php page <?php include_once ("header.php"); // get contact page info from database $q = "select * from ".$prefix."site_settings"; $v = $db->get_a_line($q); $contact_page = $v['contact']; $contact_page = stripslashes($contact_page); // display contact page $returncontent = preg_replace ("/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/e", "$$1", $contact_page); $returncontent = preg_replace("/[$]/","$",$returncontent); echo $returncontent; include_once ("footer.php"); ?> My first question is as follows: How do I tell the content page to read that file.. Every time I do it using the include_once and then link to that file it displays it incorrectly.. My second question is: I need help in moving the contents code to the contactus.php page... I explain more when I get the first question done
  3. Alright Php Coders please take a look at this page.... http://www.digitalresellersvault.com/marketplace.php?cat=t&category=Private_Label_Rights What I would to be able to do is to create a normal url link for the Newest Product part but then have it link to the categories section. But have it linked to the newest categories at all time... Hope you guys understand.. I can supply you with the categories code if needed be.. This is taken automatically from a database
  4. Alright Guys I am using a membership script, called simplememberpro.. Please see here http://www.ultimateresalegiveaway.com/marketplace.php?cat=t&category=1 For some reason when you click on page 2 on the same category.. You get a new page, but no categories are displayed on it.. I have spoken to the owener of the script and he has said the following... "I can see what the error is, the &category= tag is missing from the code in marketplace.php." He will try and fix it himself over the weekend.. Or it will get done on Monday.. It cant really waiti that long Here is the full marketplace.php code <?php include_once ("header.php"); $cat = $_GET["cat"]; $link = $_GET["category"]; $search = $_GET["search"]; $cat_title = str_replace("_"," ",$link); if($cat != "t") { $GetFile = file("html/categories.html"); $Content = join("", $GetFile); $categories=$common->categories($db); $content=str_replace("{categories}",$categories,$content); $Pat = "/<{Begin}>(.*?)<{End}>/s"; preg_match($Pat,$Content,$Output); $SelectedContent = $Output[1]; $q = "select * from ".$prefix."products where show_product = '1' ORDER BY Rand() LIMIT 1"; $r = $db->get_a_line($q); $id = $r[id]; $imageurl = $r[imageurl]; $prod_description = $r[prod_description]; $salesprice = $r[price]; $product_name = $r[product_name]; $salespage_link='<a href="prods.php?pid='.$id.'">Click Here For More Information</a>'; $prod_image ='<img src="images/'.$imageurl.'" border="0">'; $Content = preg_replace($Pat,$ToReplace,$Content); $Content = preg_replace("/{{(.*?)}}/e", "$$1", $Content); echo $Content; include_once ("footer.php"); exit(); } elseif($cat == "t") { $search = $_GET["search"]; $link = $_GET["category"]; $cat_title = str_replace("_"," ",$link); $GetFile = file("html/marketplace.html"); $Content = join("", $GetFile); $categories=$common->categories($db); $content=str_replace("{categories}",$categories,$content); $Pat = "/<{Begin}>(.*?)<{End}>/s"; preg_match($Pat,$Content,$Output); $SelectedContent = $Output[1]; if($search_txt != "") { $cond = "where product_name like '%".$search_txt."%' && show_product = '1'"; } else { $cond = "where category = '$cat_title' && show_product = '1'"; } ########## pagination ########### $q = "select count(*) as cnt from ".$prefix."products $cond"; $r = $db->get_a_line($q); $count = $r[cnt]; if($count == "0") { $warning = "No Results Found"; } $records=10; $links="marketplace.php?cat=t&search_txt=$search_txt&"; if($page=="") { $page=1; } $start=($page-1)*$records; $Content=$common->print_page_break3($db,$Content,$count,$records,$links,$page); ########## pagination ########### $ChangeColor = 1; $ToReplace = ""; $GetProduct = $db->get_rsltset("select * from ".$prefix."products $cond order by id asc limit $start, $records"); for($i = 0; $i < count($GetProduct); $i++) { $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; @extract($GetProduct[$i]); if($period3_interval == "D"){$interval = "Day(s)";} if($period3_interval == "W"){$interval = "Week(s)";} if($period3_interval == "M"){$interval = "Month(s)";} if($period3_interval == "Y"){$interval = "Year(s)";} if($subscription_active == "1") { $salesprice = $amount3." every ".$period3_value." ".$interval; } else { $salesprice = $price; } $prod_image ='<img src="images/'.$imageurl.'" border="0">'; $salespage_link='<a href="prods.php?pid='.$id.'">Click Here For More Information</a>'; $ToReplace .= preg_replace($Ptn,"$$1",$SelectedContent); } } $Content = preg_replace($Pat,$ToReplace,$Content); $Content = preg_replace("/{{(.*?)}}/e", "$$1", $Content); echo $Content; include_once ("footer.php"); ?>
  5. Alright guys I am using a membership script to run my membership site, please check here http://www.digitalresellersvault.com/marketplace.php? Within the admin I have attempted to change two html pages, one called add product, and the other edit product .. The reason that I have edited them is because I would like to be able to choose more than one category to put the product under... The category section is using a drop down menu box to display the categories, which its get from a database. Here is the code that I have changed: <select name="category" class="inputbox" id="category" multiple> <option value=0>Select</option> {{category}} </select> But for some reason only one category is still stored for each product.. Can some one help please?
  6. Can you tell me how it looks now please?
  7. Alright Guys I am having major problems.. And I have stumped.. I have create this php page from stratch see here: http://www.supreme-host.com/web/categories.php I have now transfer it other to my php membership script http://digitalresellersvault.com/marketplace.php but I have just moved the php, stylesheet and images over to a template folder within the script. And told the script to read that file instead.. Which works fine... However for some reason when you add a header image in the admin area of the script to appear on all page, a white gaps appears between the navbar and header... How do I get rid of it? I have been told many things, and nothing seems to work... This is really annoying
  8. Alright Guys I need major help please... I am in the process of setting up membership site.. This membership site is done in php, but the layout designs are in html file format... I have created this layout all in php Untitled Document and would like my membership script to read the same layout format.. I have added the above php to the membership code that reads for that particular part.. <?php include_once ("header.php"); $cat = $_GET["cat"]; $link = $_GET["category"]; $search = $_GET["search"]; $cat_title = str_replace("_"," ",$link); if($cat != "t") { $GetFile = file("html/categories.html"); $Content = join("", $GetFile); $categories=$common->categories($db); $content=str_replace("{categories}",$categories,$content); $Pat = "/<{Begin}>(.*?)<{End}>/s"; preg_match($Pat,$Content,$Output); $SelectedContent = $Output[1]; $q = "select * from ".$prefix."products where show_product = '1' ORDER BY Rand() LIMIT 1"; $r = $db->get_a_line($q); $id = $r[id]; $imageurl = $r[imageurl]; $prod_description = $r[prod_description]; $salesprice = $r[price]; $product_name = $r[product_name]; $salespage_link='<a href="prods.php?pid='.$id.'">Click Here For More Information</a>'; $prod_image ='<img src="images/'.$imageurl.'" border="0">'; $Content = preg_replace($Pat,$ToReplace,$Content); $Content = preg_replace("/{{(.*?)}}/e", "$$1", $Content); echo $Content; include_once ("footer.php"); exit(); } elseif($cat == "t") { $search = $_GET["search"]; $link = $_GET["category"]; $cat_title = str_replace("_"," ",$link); $GetFile = file("http://www.supreme-host.com/web/categories.php"); $Content = join("", $GetFile); $categories=$common->categories($db); $content=str_replace("{categories}",$categories,$content); $Pat = "/<{Begin}>(.*?)<{End}>/s"; preg_match($Pat,$Content,$Output); $SelectedContent = $Output[1]; if($search_txt != "") { $cond = "where product_name like '%".$search_txt."%' && show_product = '1'"; } else { $cond = "where category = '$cat_title' && show_product = '1'"; } ########## pagination ########### $q = "select count(*) as cnt from ".$prefix."products $cond"; $r = $db->get_a_line($q); $count = $r[cnt]; if($count == "0") { $warning = "No Results Found"; } $records=10; $links="marketplace.php?cat=t&search_txt=$search_txt&"; if($page=="") { $page=1; } $start=($page-1)*$records; $Content=$common->print_page_break3($db,$Content,$count,$records,$links,$page); ########## pagination ########### $ChangeColor = 1; $ToReplace = ""; $GetProduct = $db->get_rsltset("select * from ".$prefix."products $cond order by id asc limit $start, $records"); for($i = 0; $i < count($GetProduct); $i++) { $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; @extract($GetProduct[$i]); if($period3_interval == "D"){$interval = "Day(s)";} if($period3_interval == "W"){$interval = "Week(s)";} if($period3_interval == "M"){$interval = "Month(s)";} if($period3_interval == "Y"){$interval = "Year(s)";} if($subscription_active == "1") { $salesprice = $amount3." every ".$period3_value." ".$interval; } else { $salesprice = $price; } $prod_image ='<img src="images/'.$imageurl.'" border="0">'; $salespage_link='<a href="prods.php?pid='.$id.'">Click Here For More Information</a>'; $ToReplace .= preg_replace($Ptn,"$$1",$SelectedContent); } } $Content = preg_replace($Pat,$ToReplace,$Content); $Content = preg_replace("/{{(.*?)}}/e", "$$1", $Content); echo $Content; include_once ("footer.php"); ?> I know that it can read the file... http://digitalresellersvault.com/mar...t&category=PLR but the whole layout is comepletly messed up... Why?? Can someone please explain in basic terms.. Thank you
  9. Alright Guys I had the date box section in the right place before I added the productlicense box.. I need to move it back, so that it looks like in this image please http://www.supreme-host.com/web/categories.html I have tried all differnt combinations but cant seem to figure out how to get in to appear at the top right hand corner before I had the second div to it.. Source Code <div id="middle"> Testing <div class="productboxheader"> <img src="images/productheader.jpg" width="485" height="38" /> </div> <div class="productbox"> <div class="producttitle">Getting Introduced to Oil Painting </div> <div class="productlicense">(Master Resale & Private Label Rights Included) </div> <div class="datebox"> <div align="center"> Added: DEC/09/2009 </div> </div> </div> <div class="productbottom"> </div> </div> css code /************************************************ * Middle Column * ************************************************/ #middle { float: left; width: 485px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; line-height: 20px; display: inline; } .productboxheader { background: #FFFFFF; float: left; width: 485px; height: 38px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; } .productbox { background: #FFFFFF; float: left; width: 481px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border-left: 2px solid #9B9B9B; border-right: 2px solid #9B9B9B; font-size: 11px; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: Bold; color: #359CBB; } .producttitle { background: #FFFFFF; float: left; width: 362px; height: 25px; margin: 15px 3px 0px 18px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: Bold; color: #17279e; } .productlicense { background: #FFFFFF; float: left; width: 362px; margin: 0px 3px 0px 18px; font-size: 11px; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: Bold; color: #dc1400; } .productbottom { background: #FFFFFF url(images/productbottom.jpg) no-repeat; float: left; width: 485px; height: 25px; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px; } .datebox { background: #FFFFFF; float: left; width: 74px; height: 36px; margin: 11px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 5px 7px 10px 7px; border: 2px solid #9B9B9B; font-size: 11px; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: Bold; color: #030000; }
  10. Alright Hanku I have added an image to the list styles format.. It shows up in dreamweaver, but when I uploaded it to the internet, it doesnt show up at all.. It just shows the standard bullet format for the list... Also can I put anything under the bullet image? Say another dashed line? Like I have been able to do for the text section?
  11. Alright Guys I am having trouble with the list styles. I am planning to use http://www.supreme-host.com/web/images/arrow-grey.jpg instead of the standard bullet dot format.... I have got it to work in dreamweaver but when I load it onto the internet.. It doesnt appear.. why?? See here http://www.supreme-host.com/web/categories.php This is the code that I am using for that part #l_sidebar ul { list-style: url(images/arrow-grey.jpg) no-repeat top left; margin: 0px 0px 10px 30px; padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px; } #l_sidebar li { background: url(images/dashedline.jpg) no-repeat center bottom; padding: 0px 0px 10px 0px; } #l_sidebar li li { background: #FFFFFF } #l_sidebar li a, #l_sidebar li a:visited { color: #359CBB; text-decoration: none; } #l_sidebar li a:hover, #l_sidebar li a:active { color: #444; } Also how do I make the dashedline.jpg image appear from the bullet image
  12. Hanku Thank you for that.. One more very quick question I have added a image to the performatted bullet feature.. #l_sidebar ul { list-style: url(images/icon.gif) no-repeat top left; margin: 0px 0px 0px 25px; padding: 0; } #l_sidebar li { background: url(images/dashedline.jpg) no-repeat center bottom; } #l_sidebar li a, #l_sidebar li a:visited { color: #359CBB; text-decoration: none; } #l_sidebar li a:hover, #l_sidebar li a:active { color: #444; } But since I have done that the dashed border line now only coversa from the text.. WWhat if I want it under the bullet image?
  13. Zanus I was thinknig of doing that way.. Creating another div with the same height, for the dashed image, but then I was thinking, because I am using a membership site php script that updates the category section automatically.. Because of that wouldnt it be easy for me to add it to the list poperties?? Or could I set do it the way you suggest and each time I add a new category it displays as the first one does??
  14. Alright Hacku Maybe you can help me with something... I have created the following list format: #l_sidebar ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } #l_sidebar li { border-bottom: 1px dashed #444; padding-bottom: 3px; } #l_sidebar li a, #l_sidebar li a:visited { color: #359CBB; text-decoration: none; } #l_sidebar li a:hover, #l_sidebar li a:active { color: #444; } Instead of using the dashed format for the border-bottem section.. I would like to be able to add the following image http://www.supreme-host.com/web/images/dashedline.jpg so that each time I add a new list content the image is displayed under the text.. Like in this image: http://www.supreme-host.com/web/categories.html
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