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Everything posted by lazzerous

  1. Ok - I figured it out. Lete me start this with my opinion on how Zend handled this. It's absolutely ridiculous. Rather than using $_SESSION variables and organizing your data however you want, Zend wants you to use their syntax to set session variables in separate sub-arrays. Given that, these session variables are NOT available to any/all script in your M/V/C files. I have been forced to commit those session variables to Zend_Registry values (have to be set for each page load, but are available to all files within your M/V/C framework). So basically, I now have to initialize the session variables and commit them to Zend_Registry values for EVERY page load via the bootstrap file. This is retarded. Absolutely retarded. I am honestly hoping and wishing that someone can come along and say 'Hey, Zend did this for this and that reason and here's a smorgasbord of benefits from doing so. It's a great wish, but somehow I doubt anyone will be able to find benefits that outweigh the cons here.
  2. Does anyone have any experience using PHP to connect to a remote netware server for the purpose of creating some directories and applying specific permissions to them? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  3. I'm just trying to understand how Zend Framework works getIdentity does return the log-in username of the current user. However, that user's details that need to be accessible on any and every page need to be stored as well. I am able to access the session namespace data that I created within the bootstrap file, just not within the layout.phtml UI wrapper Let's try this again. What am I doing wrong here? Do I need to store the secondary values I am pulling after the user is authenticated somewhere other than the session namespaces?
  4. Seriously? Zend would put this session functionality in without being able to access the session properties once you move to a different script? That would defeat the entire purpose of session variables. There has to be a simple answer here
  5. echo-ing out $authNamespace->getIdentity() returns the username used to log into the LDAP server. the following is the result of a print_r on $authNamespace: Zend_Auth Object ( [_storage:protected] => Zend_Auth_Storage_Session Object ( [_session:protected] => Zend_Session_Namespace Object ( [_namespace:protected] => Zend_Auth ) [_namespace:protected] => Zend_Auth [_member:protected] => storage ) )
  6. The login initially accesses an LDAP server to see if the user exists and the login credentials match. If everything checks out, separate data is pulled from a MS SQL database on a different server that needs to be populated into the session data.
  7. Zend Framework 1.5 Session Namespaces Of all the docs I've found (and devoured) on Zend Framework 1.5's Session namespaces, I cannot find anything on how to access a namespace once you're directed to another script. Example: in your Auth class, you authenticate the user, start the session, create the namespace, add values to the namespace and then redirect the user to the index page. From the index page, I am trying everything under the sun to access the values I applied to the namespace in the AuthController class and am having no luck From my auth class: // initiate sessions require_once 'Zend/Session.php'; Zend_Session::start(); require_once 'Zend/Session/Namespace.php'; // processing and validation logic // namespace assignment $authNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_Auth'); $authNamespace->setExpirationSeconds(720); $authNamespace->userID = $employeeData->id; $authNamespace->fName = $employeeData->sFName; $authNamespace->lName = $employeeData->sLName; $authNamespace->email = $employeeData->sEmail; $this->_redirect('/'); Once the user is redirected, I am initiating the session within the bootstrap file. Within my layout file (layout.phtml) I am doing the following with no luck: From the bootstrap file (index.php): // initiate sessions require_once 'Zend/Session.php'; Zend_Session::start(); require_once 'Zend/Session/Namespace.php'; $authNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_Auth'); From layout.phtml (output wrapper for all files, excluding login script) <p id="logged-in">Logged in as <?php echo $this->escape($authNamespace->fName . ' ' . $this->escape($authNamespace->lName));?>. What am I missing here?
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