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  1. yay, solved. thanks God... my textarea was wrapped with 'hard'. Now I remove the wrap and it's done... thanks for replying anyway =)
  2. only in firefox sir... please help me, i need to present my site to my lecturer in few more days...
  3. hello, i got some problem with this function, in firefox, this function convert (space) to <br /> when I use it on textarea... I just want it to only convert (enter) to <br />, not (space). example codes: $text = $_POST['textarea']; $text = nl2br($text); Anybody got idea how to solve this? thanks so much. p/s:sorry for my bad english.
  4. I am sorry if this has been questioned for many times... But i still can't find a way to do it how... how to resize the uploaded images to the certain scale, on the same ratio. Because all of the uploaded photo in my site is so big (like 1.5MB) that make it slow to load... I don't want to set the MAX_FILE_SIZE too low because it will be hard to upload... Edit: The extension is not only jpeg. Thanks very much indeed, and sorry for my broken english.
  5. someone do know how? Is we able to do that? I am making an image gallery, which will have 'next' and 'previous' near the photo using function $_GET, for the pid (photo id). But, if you know how, please do share here... thanks so much. I am just puzzled my head so much already.. p/s: sorry for the broken english.
  6. i think, maybe you should start learning a $_SESSION... It can keep your id logged in for all time, except if you logout.
  7. so, whenever iframe loads a long page, it will only see the bottom side first... Any ideas? Is it possible? btw, I am trying to making a shoutbox, combining with database. I hope you got why I mean.. Thanks so much indeed.
  8. hello all. I am working on making something like chatbox, (not like forums), just wondering is we able to use function 'while' only if it echo the last row of the table first, no the first row. example: ID | Text | Date | user_id 1 | Hello | 10/6 | 20 2 | How are you | 11/6 | 25 3 | Fine | 11/6 | 20 So using the function while, it will only echo the last row first (loop to the first), not as usual as which it echo the first row and loop till the end. If you do know, please do tell me.. thanks very much indeed.
  9. ahhh I already got I, anyway, thanks for the answer. This is what I want. unlink('dir/dir/dir/file.ext')
  10. thanks Mr fast. But i dont understand those script. I want to delete (or unlink file) from another directory (other than same directory)... But, thats not like what I want.... hmm
  11. I want to delete a file from a certain directory, not in the same directory. May someone write the script here... Thanks for the answers.
  12. wow, that helps!... btw, what do it mean, by putting a dot between the $row?
  13. let say I have 2 table, which is user and photo table user may have many photo, while a photo only have 1 user. so I made user_id (foreign key)column in my photo table.. lemme give an example about my photo table.. id | name | url | user_id | 1 | bus | bus.jpg | 1 | 2 | car | car.jpg | 1 | 3 | plane | plane.jpg | 1 | 4 | train | train.jpg | 2 | 5 | bicycle | bcycle.jpg | 2 | so, I now abit confusing about what query to run. My question is, how to echo 'all' the value on name and url, based only on user_id=1. May someone tell me, what query to run, and what function do I need to use? If using 'while' how? btw, I am making an image gallery...
  14. I am currently figuring on writing a script for picture gallery, (which I keep the url in a mysql table). So, before I can go on, I just want to ask a spot question, can we use function 'while' on displaying a url inside <img src="<echo here>">. While the image is inside the table. Can we? p/s: sorry for my bad english. thanks.
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