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Everything posted by hackalive

  1. yeah I mean non-relational, and becuase things like Facebook use it for walls etc.
  2. and does anyone know a good open source non-rational database system that I can do this with as well
  3. This chapter while usefully, discusees Replication, so one master which duplicates data to a slave, that is not what I am after, sorry If I have misread can you point out as a quote from the page what I am after and how to accomplish it thanks anyway
  4. So as many of you might/probably knwo, search engines such as Google and Microsoft Bing, don't and can't possibly store the entire index database on one server, the database is stored on multiple servers. Now my question is how can I acomplish this, what server (or technologies in terms of hardware) do I need as well as what software do I use to make MySQL (or other open source free DB systems) store information across many server like Google and Bing. Any responses and help would be much appreciated, and before anyone asks yes the table will be that big, that it will need to be sotred like Google or Bing. Look foreward to your replies and suggestions Thanks in advance
  5. PS how to build for a Windiows OS browser for the moment, i'll worry about the rest later
  6. okay then I am getting the message use WebKit. So now the question is how do I turn WebKit into a browser with an interface and tabs etc, any tutorials or good links as saying use WebKit isnt much help to me :-D Thanks for the advice much appreciated
  7. I am willing to $$$$$$pay$$$$$$ anyone who gives good ideas or links or suggestions etc*conditions apply
  8. okay oni-kun.... and I find out how to make a "full traversal parsing engine" from where? furthermore I want/need to build it in C++
  9. bump, I know this topic is old, but now I have plenty of time to come back to this issue, Now I have my reasons for wanting to develop my own rendering engine, I also understand you guys may not be capable of developing your own so I wont ask exactly how to build it but I will ask how it works How does a rendering engine process the information and where can I get started with my own (even if they are related tutorials but not on building a rendering engine)
  10. what exactly are you trying to do?
  11. Yes what I am trying to do is highly unorthodox, and I cant find any example, which is why I am asking for Ideas on how this can be done. If HTML only offered a paye layers function and the individual layers could be reloaded or refreshed then I could do this easily :-D but that is not the case :-(
  12. so any other ideas? somehow I basically (maybe) need to make the video not part (not literally of course) of the rest of the loading page in some way
  13. hmm the whole site is powered by a custom PHP CMS so I can make necessary modifications, just need a good idea of how I could go about this as I really would like to achieve it, I understand it would have to do with the browser more than the server side of programming so just need a viable option really and any ideas on where and how to get started, could AJAX work?
  14. Hi Guys I have a perhaps odd question on a website I want to play a video (mainly SWF stuff, so Flash in other words) now I want the remained of the website to load around that video, that is to say if you goto another page of the same site using a link in the top navigation bar the page will load but the video will continue to play (non stop) so from the starting of the video the site will load "around the video" any ideas how this could be achieved? thanks in advance and PS Adobe CS5 is here :-D
  15. thanks for the suggestion monkeytooth
  16. i think it would have to be a custom function somewhere someone has done
  17. I have heard of an algorithm which detects nudity in pictures, I am wandering if any one has heard or seen it and how it works and how I can get it to work in PHP thanks in advance
  18. foreach ($_POST as $tag => $value) {
  19. I need a way to get the contents of a PHP file into an array eg $string = '<?php echo "This was one page";?>'; any ideas? even if I have to implode an array, but it MUST be the php file not as if it has been processed into HTML
  20. could do with a way that made all values from $_POST into an array and all data from between the [] in relation to the $_POST (eg $_POST['name']) into another, then split them and $POST[0] and $VALUE[0] are relational that is $_POST['name'] (becomes $POST[0] = name) and the value form that is put into the $VALUE array as $VALUE[0] now just how to do it? PS the rows are identified by the info between the [] so name is in the tag column the name field name is an example only!
  21. I am building a mini CMS so I need a quick and easy way to code a mass update to a table for content entered into a form any ideas? thanks in advance
  22. there (and I think I speak for most people who have posted so far) seems to be a lot of problems with the script and coding behind your progarm.
  23. can this be moved to CSS please
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